Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 85 Summer Sour Plum Soup!

Chapter 85 Summer Sour Plum Soup!
One morning, Ji Feixue didn't go to work, she was a little worried, "They are much cheaper than us. Why don't we lower the price?"

"No." Although Ji Feiyun usually likes to play, he takes his work very seriously. "Our stuff is worth the price and cheaper than state-run hotels. Those people just want to beat us by cutting prices."

Other stores are privately ventilated and sold at a flat price close to the cost price.In fact, they make no money at all.

It is not so easy to temporarily get rid of the quagmire of price wars.

What if they don't come to the store for a sale?What if they don't have time to pay for the reduced price?
If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred.In the end, no one is happy.

The price cuts aren't working, and it's getting hotter.Ji Feixue thought: "I think other people are selling mung bean soup. Why don't we also sell it? Drinking it can cool off the heat."

This is ok, but we cannot follow the trend.If we want to do this, we should have our own characteristics.

Ji Feiyun turned his head and quickly came up with an idea, "Sister, let's make it clear." Well, don't think that gang fights can kill her.She hasn't moved yet!

"Clear and calm?" Ji Feixue was stunned, "What is this?"

"It must be a good product to reduce the heat in summer and ensure high altitude." Qingbuliang is a traditional prescription for relieving summer heat.Among them, Lingnan formula is the most famous.However, in recent decades, rural people basically do not know what three meals are.

Ji Feixue thought she might be reading stupidly.Why can't she understand what her sister is saying?

It's better to have an idea than to wait to be defeated.The two sisters said they wanted to do this, so they went to Li Pingan's pharmacy to buy materials.

Dried plum, lotus seeds, barley, white fungus, lily, yam, wolfberry.Buy a catty cheap, buy half a catty expensive.

Li Pingan is not here, but his uncle got Ji Feiyun's advice earlier and sold it to her at the purchase price, so it is not expensive.

Soak it for half an hour, bring to a boil on high heat, and then simmer on low heat for 40 minutes.After cooling, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and take well water for further freezing.

It's almost noon.The street is already busy.

Holding a cattail fan in his hand, Ji Feiyun took a small bench and sat at the door of the store, shouting loudly: "Come on, let's make a secret sour plum soup for relieving summer heat, nourishing but not dry, clearing away heat and dampness, relieving heat and annoyance, a bowl filled with immortals, You are worth drinking!"

The kid's voice is soft and articulate, and with endless loops, he does pull in some business.

Other stores sell mung bean soup for cheap.They boiled a pot and put it at the door.It was hot and there were a lot of flies.The soup is muddy and unappetizing.

When you see all kinds of wolfberry soup, you can put makeup on your eyes when you see it.

The key is that the recipe is much more advanced than mung bean soup.

A passer-by called out, "Little girl, how did you sell this?"

"A dime a bowl."

"It's so expensive, mung bean soup costs only five cents."

Ji Feiyun smiled and said, "Uncle, mung beans cost two cents a catty and can cook more than half a bucket. My lotus seeds are a catty of Yongpeng, tremella lily and wolfberry are three yuan a catty. Can you compare? If I make mung bean soup, I I'll sell it to you for two cents a bowl."

Yes, but by 5 points, "everyone gets a bowl."

A group of five people walked into the store, and five bowls of cold food were quickly served.

When you drink it from well water, it is cold and sweet.Lotus seed and lily powder are waxy, and white fungus is viscous colloid.This is really a good thing.

Seeing that they were half drunk, Ji Feiyun came to sell them again. "Uncle, aunt, it's time for dinner. I think my brother and sister are hungry. How much fried noodles do you want? Add eggs or meat, and pork skin jelly or meat buns."

There is always one for you!
(End of this chapter)

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