Chapter 97 What the hell!The origin of the body!
In fact, he was kneeling on the grass, tears streaming down his face, his crotch felt warm, leaving a few obvious yellow lines on his white trousers.

"The eight strange gates! The Zodiac! The source of the body! Open it for me!"

He Wu'an closed his eyes, exhausted the last bit of strength for the rest of his life, his beard trembled, and roared out the final sound of his live broadcast career!

With eyes closed, there was a relieved and relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth.

My life is full of no regrets!
I really have no regrets, I won't lie to you... No, why don't you do it, I have no regrets!The atmosphere should reach the stage of eating...

He Wu'an was stunned, and secretly opened a small slit, but he didn't see the jealous ghost in the flower skirt.

He saw that the sky had changed color, where the sun should have been, there was only a round of huge purple eyes with black jade-like patterns swimming around, looking down on the earth mercilessly.

Ten thousand meters in the sky!

The giant purple eyes descended, enveloped in invisible coercion!
in the park.

Fuck, this scene is so familiar! ! !
He Wu'an's eyes widened, his jaw opened so wide that it was about to dislocate, and he stared at the sky in shock.

"What the hell is this thing? Why is it still so big!"

The mirror-like complete sky seems to be slipped away by nails, and every part of the giant purple eyes coincides with the ratio of the golden cut, just like the creation of the gods.

When the giant eye overlooks the earth.

All things are lonely, the trees surrender, the grass and shrubs stop, the birds, animals, insects and fish swim without a trace.

Even the noisy wind is no longer free and unrestrained, and only dares to gently roll up the dead dust in the world outside the sight.

He Wu'an's heart beat wildly, and he couldn't help but have the desire to surrender.

But he is afraid, but not afraid.

Because this is not the first time that He Wu'an encountered something similar.

He still remembered the last time in the apartment, the pale giant hand that seemed to be blown down from a mountain, squeezed the ghost that almost killed him into a sesame ball, and took it away abruptly.

So this time too?
He Wu'an guessed right.

he sees.

The jealous ghost who had been arrogant before was trembling like a little hamster who ran into a raccoon cat.Shivering under the tree roots, she didn't dare to show her blood and pretend to be a ghost, and she didn't dare to pretend to be a ghost with bleeding from her orifices. She was no different from a little girl in a flower skirt who was bullied by a bully.

This scene gave He Wuan the illusion that he was watching the rule of law online.

In the previous scene, the shrew who was still attacking the police and yelling at his old lady for someone above her, in the next scene, wearing a silver bracelet, sitting on a repentance chair that is more effective than the lasso of Wonder Woman's mantra.

Where's your pride?What about your rebelliousness?

its not right!
Then according to this logic, if the government is used as a metaphor, wouldn't that thing in the sky become...

"It's the ancestor of my He family who manifested his spirit and joined the branch underground! Finally, he changed his mind, and the descendants finally passed the political trial!"

He Wuan stood up.

Hold your chest up and raise your head, your spine is hardened!

The black hook jade around the giant eye began to spin faster, as if it was manipulating the sky, and suddenly a strong wind blew up on the ground!


Remnants of branches and leaves fluttered, and He Wuan's coat tied around his waist fluttered like a cloak!

At this time, Liu Shuliang, who was immersed in grief, suddenly heard his girlfriend's murmur. He followed the sound and found that his girlfriend was clutching her calf in pain, as if she had sprained her foot.

"A Yue, you are fine!"

He was ecstatic and thought of being beside his girlfriend, but the violent wind blocked his way.

Liu Shuliang tried to open his eyes, and heard another deafening laugh.

"Hahahahaha! A mere black mountain ghost! Look at me, Zodiac True Gang, the source of energy, and let the old man give you a ride!"

Howling wind!

Lightning strikes!

Liu Shuliang vaguely saw a figure in white standing proudly amidst the tornado of dead branches and rotten leaves!

Fingers crossed!One finger!
That power called Zodiac True Gang!Walk between his legs!There are even powerful energy patterns printed on the surface of the pants, and the veins are clearly visible!
"Dao Ke Dao!"


The purple thunder dragon roared, almost everyone in Fengcheng heard the sound of explosion.

"Very good!"

"Fifteen dogs!"

"Walk sideways!"

He Wu'an pinched the formula with his right hand, waved his finger towards the sky, and then suddenly fell into the shade of the tree where the jealous ghost was hiding.

Jealousy looked at He Wu'an in shock, as if he had never seen such a shameless middle school idiot.

It suppressed its fear and roared, "You were also seen by can't escape..."

Before he could take another bite of He Wu'an, he was wailing in despair and was engulfed by the purple tornado that soared into the sky, and disappeared without a trace!
The fallen leaves all over the sky fell to the ground one after another.

The abandoned park is finally peaceful.

He Wu'an stood, leaving only Liu Shuliang and Shen Yue with a righteous and reliable back.

for a long time.

Liu Shuliang couldn't help shouting: "This expert, dare to ask where he came from? I want to repay your great kindness!" His heart was full of gratitude to this mysterious expert.

"22460060." He Wu'an responded immediately.

Before Liu Shuliang thought about it, the true meaning of this string of numbers.

He Wu'an said indifferently: "I have never accepted favors from others. If you and your wife are upset and have deep obsessions... give me a captain together. Remember, don't use ios, that is, Apple mobile phones!"

Both Liu Shuliang and Shen Yue were dumbfounded.


"Uncle, why can't I use an iPhone..." Shen Yue asked subconsciously as a loyal fruit fan.

He Wu'an turned around, looked at the two of them with hatred, and said.

"He accepts the Apple mobile phone—he can't receive the protection power of the domestic heroes! Back then, you fought to the death on both sides of the peninsula. You used this beautiful thing from a country. Aren't you forgetting your origin? This is humiliating your ancestors!"

Liu Shuliang pointed to He Wuan's pants, and said, "Senior, that Levi's of yours should also be from the Beautiful Country..."

He Wu'an smiled heartily.

"It's just the true zodiac, the carrier of the origin and flow of the qi body. It's okay! I was seriously injured in the beautiful country and lived in the San Francisco People's Hospital. It was given to me by the deputy chief female doctor. It is unforgettable and hard to let go. Hahahahaha!"

Liu Shuliang was greatly admired, being so close, he could clearly see the direction of the true zodiac, printed on his pants, full of power like a volcanic eruption.

He thanked He Wu'an again and again, then turned to look at his girlfriend.

Shen Yue seemed to be frightened and a little depressed. Because of this, Liu Shuliang didn't notice the flash of blood in Shen Yue's eyes.

He Wuan picked up the phone.

He found that his live broadcast room was shut down by Super Management at some point.

"My Nima!"

He was dumbfounded, he dared to love such a long-term one-man radio drama, and it was all for nothing! ?
Peel peel --

The sound of propellers pierced through the air.

A special helicopter appeared above the abandoned park, followed the downhill rope, and landed a team of heavily armed investigators. When the two team leaders saw He Wuan, their expressions were very exciting.

The investigators took out the alarm device and began to check the nearby spiritual indicators.

Wu Yuanwu, deputy captain, raised her eyebrows: "Why is it you again?"

She was coughing, no one paid attention to the depths of her eyes, which also hid a deep red that was very similar to Shen Yue.

"Oh, acquaintance!" Captain Wang walked away, couldn't help laughing, patted the dirt on his boots, walked to the edge of He Wu'an, and looked at his new image.

Both Liu Shuliang and Shen Yue were frightened by this posture.

They said cautiously: "Hi, you are..."

Captain Wang patted his forehead and said, "I was negligent." He gathered his heels, saluted, and then showed his ID.

"Wang Youwei, special police officer of Fengcheng Folklore Investigation Bureau and director of Fengcheng Contraband Crime Management Office! This is my partner, Wu Yuan, a senior police officer transferred from Yunhai City Police Department."

"I suspect that you are involved in a criminal case involving hallucinogenic contraband. Now you will be taken to the Army General Hospital for treatment. According to the Criminal Procedure Law, you will be legally summoned for investigation..."

He Wu'an and Liu Shuliang and Shen Yue were taken away in two groups.


The strong light hit He Wuan's face, making him unable to open his eyes.

"Sorry, professional habits..." A lazy female voice apologized slightly.

In the transcript room.

Sitting opposite He Wuan was a woman in an internal uniform.

The uniform is dark green, not baggy, and fits well, somewhere between women's smoking suits and women's military uniforms, solemn yet stylish.

He found that the woman's eyes were double pupils.

It's not the kind of juxtaposed, terrifying double pupils that make people feel uncomfortable, but a circle of traps together, much like a target.

"Introduce yourself."

The woman stood up, she was very tall, almost a head taller than He Wuan, at least 1 meters.

"I'm Yang Sihan from the Security Office of the Tianshui Provincial Branch of the Thirteenth Bureau, the little director."

She flipped through the file, glanced at it, laughed a few times, and threw the file aside.

Yang Sihan sat halfway on the interrogation table, looking down at He Wuan from a high position.

"You saw it."

"What, what? I don't understand..."

"Of course it's a ghost. It can drag you from Temple Street in the city center to Panshan Park more than 100 kilometers away. Isn't it a ghost or an alien?"

"So you all know?"

"Or do you think that it is still so stable and peaceful now? What is the reason? Do you rely on the magic stick?"

"Then foreign countries are also..."

"There's a lot of nonsense. Since you asked, I might as well tell you. Only one-fifth of the annual death statistics of shootings and car accidents in the beautiful country are real cases, and the rest is up to you to guess."

"So the whole world is so dangerous..."

"Globally, 65 people die from influenza every year, and the number in my country alone is close to 9. Would you say that influenza is dangerous? Stop worrying about it, and talk about what is happening right now. This is very important."

He Wu'an felt that his worldview had been completely refreshed.

In a few words, Yang Sihan wrote for him a short history of struggle full of dangers, full of human courage, dedication and sacrifice.

"That ghost..."

He Wu'an murmured.

"It should be the Black Mountain ghost suppressed by my ancestors..."


Wang Youwei was smoking. He saw Yang Sihan walk out expressionlessly, found the water dispenser, and poured a big glass of boiled water.

Yang Sihan threw the paper cup into the trash can, pursed his lips and said.

"That idiot."

"Because after the folklore incident, the spiritual elements in his body interfered, and even a lie detector couldn't detect his thoughts."

"However, in the abandoned Panshan Park, apart from the C-level jealous ghost that we tracked down for a few days and finally disappeared, there are no other signs of folklore."

"According to the transcripts of Liu Shuliang and Shen Yue, they unanimously affirmed that it was He Wu'an who saved them with the Zodiac True Gang and the Origin of Qi Body..."

"There is another explanation. This kid is likely to be an extremely rare super-inspired person. That's why he always makes mistakes and survives under the strange hands."

Wu Yuan shook her head.

"I don't know whether inspiration is rare or not, but traitors should be beyond doubt."

(End of this chapter)

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