Chapter 98 What's really scary is... (4K)

"I've been in Tianshui Province for the past few months, contact me as soon as there are any folk incidents..."

"By the way, this kid will be useful, help me pay attention. Also, you should smoke less in the future."

Yang Sihan let out a breath, put on his jacket, turned and left.

The cigarette in Wang Youwei's hand was extinguished at some point, and he looked deeply at the back of the lady in the dark green suit, and gradually walked away.

It wasn't until she disappeared at the end of the field of vision that she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and put down her guard.

Wu Yuan was a little puzzled.

"Brother Wang, you seem nervous in front of Director Yang?"

"That's someone from Bureau [-]."

"Isn't the Thirteenth Bureau our brother department?"

"That's the case at the level, but the division of labor is completely different. We have to deal with people, but what they have to deal with... is ghosts."

"Ah! Director Yang looks quite young, but he is a bit tall... Is there anything special?"

"Has anyone ever told you that five years ago, I worked in the Thirteenth Bureau? Later, due to some special reasons, I was transferred to the Fengcheng Folklore Bureau."

Wang Youwei suddenly turned to look at Wu Yuan.

he recalled.

"If you want to fight against weirdness, you must first become weird. Only weirdness can fight against weirdness!"

"At that time, I was one of the outstanding candidates who stood out after many selections. At that time, I was full of blood and stubborn. I was wounded in the battle. I gritted my teeth and pulled out the bullet without making a sound. I was not afraid of death. I am not afraid of sacrifice, and I am always ready to die for the cause and country I love..."

"Then why did you quit the Thirteenth Bureau? Is there something hidden?"

"Do you know? Maybe for some mysterious reason, the number of female ghosts far exceeds that of male ghosts. When I was in line, there were only female ghosts left... The political commissar said that soldiers can die in battle, but steel cannot be lost." Gun. The leader understands me, so let me leave the thirteenth round."


Wang Youwei pretended not to see Wu Yuan's strange gaze, and continued: "Therefore, any investigator above the office director level of the Thirteenth Bureau must have more than one kind of strangeness implanted in his body."

"Weird power is officially called authority. According to the number of authority, it is divided into authority one to authority seven from low to high."

"Director Yang is the highest-ranking person in power in Tianshui Province. The exact level is unclear."

"But every time, without me realizing it, she can quietly stop the cigarette from burning in my hand..."

"I suspect her power is to... put out cigarettes and consumptives!"

Wu Yuan couldn't help applauding, and praised Captain Wang's wonderful analysis.

She leaned on the guardrail and looked down at the investigators coming and going in the hall of the Folk Customs Bureau. She seemed to sigh and sighed.

"The frequency of folklore incidents is increasing every month. According to this trend, the scale will become larger and larger, and the number of people involved will increase. Sooner or later, they will be completely exposed to the public. At that time, it seems impossible to block the news. .”

"Don't worry about it just yet."

Wang Youwei touched another cigarette and put it back in his pocket after thinking about it. He explained: "According to the latest research literature by experts, weirdness is a very idealistic phenomenon. Have you ever heard of quantum theory? Similar. When there is no observer, they are everywhere. When observed, they immediately collapse from the superposition state and form a solidified image in the eyes of the observer."

"Therefore, the more observers there are, the more stable its shape and rules will be, and the possibility of inadvertently triggering the death rule is lower. This is why, squares, prisons, military camps and other places rarely have folk incidents, but frequently Because of sparsely populated or deserted remote places."

Wu Yuan turned to look at him, wondering, "You mean, it's a good thing if the weirdness is exposed to the public eye?"

"Stable doesn't mean harmless. The Ministry of Folklore in Xiaotian once conducted a 'genius experiment' at the end of the last century, putting a temporarily stable weirdness into a video tape, hoping to use the power of communication to seal it forever in the video middle."

"Then... the result?"

"Have you seen "Midnight Ring"? That is actually a documentary. In the end, Xiaotian spent hundreds of investigators to suppress the weirdness again. We all watched the show operation of Xiaotian's filming from the end, The conclusion is nonsense. So we cut this side completely across the board, so that no one can tell the difference, and if the truth is missed, negligence will cause a big mistake.”

Wu Yuan suddenly realized and nodded.

She suddenly thought of a possibility, immediately clenched her fists nervously, and hurriedly asked.

"In the era of movies, TV and video tapes, this one-size-fits-all approach is still feasible. But now is the era of information explosion. Even children as young as a few years old have mobile phones to surf the Internet. What if that kind of thing appears on the Internet? What should I do?"

"Please Shaolin Temple consecrate the 5G base station, and add a Buddha under Huawei's trademark."

Wang Youwei couldn't laugh or cry: "Just kidding. Don't you really think that we can find ghosts along the network cable?"

"Now everyone has a mobile phone, everyone is a self-media, just open the live broadcast and short video software, yo, a group of demons are dancing, some things taken by living people can't even be appreciated by ghosts, plus digital modeling, special effects, PS , how do you tell the difference? Just imagine..."

"Wearing a red and green flowered jacket, stepping on Nanning will-o'-the-wisps, shouting that the sweet potato is not big enough to create a myth, I will give you a Xianyang shaker+helicopter flower hand on the spot, and finally ask your family members whether they are comfortable or not. Zhongle... If you want to tell me that this thing is a ghost, I guess, the King of Hades should be faster than us, it's too embarrassing for the spirit world."

"Besides, the live broadcast on the overseas dark web, the evil of human nature, is even more weird than weird. We can't control it, and the local police can't control it."

"So we can only rely on the joint defense response mechanism among our various departments, trust the efficiency of the organization, and believe in the awareness of the people's soldiers. The 14 billion compatriots standing behind us have no way to retreat, telling ourselves that there is no permanent victory, and there will always be Maintain the vigilance, courage and determination to fight and fight against those things that are bound to breed!"

"I don't want one day, when the situation is about to fall and natural disasters strike, I will go to the school to evacuate students under the guise of Interpol, and tell those children who should be fighting for the future, this horrible and desperate fact..."

Wang Youwei's voice became softer and softer, but his tone became more and more determined, and his eyes were as determined as the poplar trees on the sand-proof slope.

Wu Yuan was slightly moved, and gently supported Brother Wang's arm.


Chen Yuanli made a mess, crawled out of the gutter with his head covered in green leaves.

Pass a dirty little milk cat to the person in charge of the street, and welcome the cheers from the hearts of the children around.

"Thank you Uncle Police!"

"I went to Xiaomaomao to buy food! My dad just sent me 328 yuan for books—"

Chen Yuanli smiled helplessly.

He patted the dirt on the police uniform, walked to a distance, and said to the intercom in a low voice: "The baby crying that the caller said was actually a milk cat trapped in the drain. The spiritual index has been checked, and there is no folk characteristic ..."

"Thank you!" The operator at the other end said from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Yuanli, a front-line investigator, not only has to risk his life to face the weirdness, but also is responsible for looking for any possible folk clues in all kinds of trivial matters, and strives to kill the folk incidents in the bud.

"After finishing this matter, I plan to rest for half a year and go to Fengcheng City to talk to Wu Yuan about the future."

The operator smiled and said, "If you think about it, do it as soon as possible, you are not too young."

Chen Yuanli bought a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water.

He took a big sip and said: "The old leader said that he recently found traces of the activities of "Bride" and "Wedding Mirror" at the same time, and it is also somewhat related to the latest "Black Gate".I'm a little worried, I'm going to propose after these few things are settled..."

The operator laughed and scolded: "Don't set up flags, you boy! By the way, just now Director Jin said that the "Facebook" followed by the six teams has new information, which is the huge body stripping case of the Honest Firm... After sorting out the pledges, it was found that many antiques were missing. .The Bureau suspects that the weirdness may be related to those antiques. I will send you the list and pictures of the antiques later. If you have time, go to the Antique Street. What if there is a clue? "

Chen Yuanli casually glanced at the list of missing antiques.

Suddenly saw a familiar name.

"Happy Entertainment, Wei Kun, Tantric Buddha Wheel Printing Jade Bracelet...Isn't this the big boss who paid back 600 million? Wait, Happy Interactive... Damn it, a contracted company that is popular but not popular!"

Chen Yuanli thought about it and hesitated for a moment.

he muttered.

"I'm not doing this for personal gain, but I want to know the specific situation and handle the case seriously..." He called Wei Kun's cell phone in the name of Lawyer Chen.

Chen Yuanli was a little nervous.

Like a son-in-law visiting home, the nervousness of seeing his father-in-law soon.

"Bah bah bah!"

"Father-in-law, what are you thinking about..."

"That's Dad!"


Wei Kun raised his pen, and after earnestly confirming the key terms of the contract for the third time, he signed his name in the lower right corner of the contract.

He doesn't know when it will start, but he especially likes to check the contract.

"Little Director Wei, happy cooperation."

Cai Meijuan stretched out her hand with a smile, then changed to her left hand with a strange expression, and shook hands with Wei Kun.

Wei Kun explained that he is left-handed.

Cai Meijuan didn't care, she was still immersed in the excitement that the live broadcast room with goods opened up the situation and put the company's business on the right track.

"Xiao Wei Dong, you are amazing. In one night, you helped us sell 145 sets of masks, which is more than 14 yuan in one night! Three customers in the same city have received the courier, and I will send someone to it immediately Doing after-sales research, and guess what?”

Cai Meijuan was overjoyed and said: "Not only do they not think it is expensive, but after using it, they found that the quality is no worse than the 100 pieces abroad, and they want to buy it back and introduce it to their girlfriends! Yulong is finally going to develop, and my sister can also be a strong businessman. !"

"It's good that the sales are open. Your company's delivery anchor, Susan, is a girl who has low self-esteem but is very talented. After you move away, if you have any doubts, ask her to come to me directly. If it is far away, I can send a car to pick it up... "

Wei Kun was still talking politely, but he said in his heart that he finally solved the problem of the Ghost Affairs Department's residence and sent the old fairy away.


Cai Meijuan waved her hand and said, "How could it be so far away? I bought all the property rights of the offices next door to Yulong Makeup, so don't worry about my sister, it's only about [-] million yuan. If you have something to do, it's just a few steps—"


Wei Kun didn't collapse, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Boss Cai, I heard that this building is haunted..."

"Sister, don't be afraid. I still want to have a fateful encounter with that mysterious guy. I have already deeply remembered the shape of his big hand, which was strong and strong, and it grabbed my soft heart! He ran I can't drop it!" Cai Meijuan still wanted to say something, her face was full of sweetness and longing.

Wei Kun hurriedly found a reason to escape.

Fortunately... I didn't shake her hand with my right hand just now!In case of being discovered... Hey!

The phone vibrated.

Wei Kun answered, and the other side said that it was a lawyer from a law firm, and the pledges pledged in the integrity firm had been counted, but only one game intellectual property document was found, and it will be delivered tomorrow.Another jade bracelet was not found, but it has been reported to the police.

"If you have any news, please tell me as soon as possible. That thing is a relic of a relative, and it means a lot to me." Wei Kun said solemnly.

That Lawyer Chen hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

"Boss Wei, don't do illegal things. You may be held criminally responsible if you organize female anchors to play side-by-side games or even live broadcast pornography!"


"But it doesn't matter, our folklore... ah, the law firm can help you report in advance. Send your female anchor's photo and identity information, especially someone named Honghong or something? It's Shark Carnival rookie No. 1, 1500 million people, broadcast at 12 o'clock in the evening, and broadcast at 2 o'clock in the evening. She likes to eat hairtail but not peaches. The lucky color is purple, and the lucky number is 1... I don't know her either. According to friends, it should be her. , send a few selfies or private photos, please!"

"Don't go crazy here."

Wei Kun has long seen the pervasive harassment of Hong Hong and his idiot fans. He hangs up the phone skillfully and ignores it.

He came to live broadcast room No. [-].

Pull out the juvenile jade noodles sandwiched between the red-clothed thighs.

It really wanted to say "I can't breathe", but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit fake.

But sticking to the skin of the red clothes, I felt the boundless terrifying power in his body, which made the young Yumian, who was once an A-level ghost, feel an instinctive fear.


Yumian, who was young, breathed in the faint ghost energy emanating from the ghost net, and finally came back to life.

Wei Kun asked: "The jade bracelet pledged by the company to the Honest Firm is your sealed item? What about the jade bracelet?"

"Jade bracelet? It was stolen by a strange bird."

The jade-faced yin and yang of his youth said strangely: "The majestic Lord of the Underworld, who exorcises sins, can you still fall in love with that little toy that imprisons women?"

Wei Kun is really...

I want to see it with my own eyes, and with the attitude of academic research, give Honghong a try.

"Unfortunately, the most important thing in the Honest Firm is gone..."

Wei Kun sighed.

The young Yumian chuckled and said: "You call the jade bracelet the most important? Hahaha, so you don't know, you really don't know!! You just wait for bad luck!"

Wei Kun hates dealing with riddlers the most.

People can't owe, and neither can ghosts.

3 minute later.

The pear blossoms on the jade face of a young child are covered with rain, and the eye circles are red, full of shame and resentment. "That's all I want to say, Majesty, please don't do this kind of thing again!"

It has red tooth marks all over its body, its clothes are ragged, and it is extremely miserable.

Wei Kun just squeezed a few drops of his own blood on it, and then Honghong smelled it and floated over. Hundreds of words were omitted from the process picture, in short, it was very miserable and exciting.

"That document is the truly terrifying ghost! I'm just the... key to suppress it."

The young Yumian gritted his teeth and said.

Wei Kun was stunned.

"That's not a game's property rights document..." He was really shocked!
 There are also 2 3K chapters in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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