wicked immortal

Chapter 880 The Land of Exile


A beam of dazzling light suddenly pierced through the gray sky of Sha Miao, and fell towards the ground where Zhao Yuan and No. [-] were standing.

When the light beam was in the sky, it looked small, but when it fell on the ground, Zhao Yuan discovered that the light beam was extremely huge, forming a huge beam of light, almost covering the entire Bingjie Valley.

Before Zhao Yuan could react, there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and then, he seemed to have fallen into a strange space-time tunnel. At this moment, Zhao Yuan's thinking was also in a state of blankness.

The blank state only lasted for a moment, and then Zhao Yuan came to his senses. He saw that the number one beside him was in a coma. Surrounding him was a vast and blurred starry sky, misty and boundless. In his eyes, there seemed to be walls rushing toward him. , However, when he collided with the wall, the wall miraculously disappeared.

Scene after scene, one after another.

Could this be the space barrier No. [-] mentioned?

Zhao Yuan watched helplessly as those empty spaces suddenly appeared and disappeared, alternating with each other. He became dizzy for a while, and his limbs tensed up, as if bound by a huge force, which made him unable to help but growl.


Absolutely not to be exiled!

"Exile bomb", as the name suggests, is to exile the target to a very distant place.

Zhao Yuan didn't know the understanding of "distant" by awakened human beings, but he learned from No. [-] mouth that the exile bomb was to deal with cultivators at the level of gods. It is a place where gods and spirits cannot come and go casually.

In addition, understanding the vast universe from the perspective of earth science and technology, if he is casually thrown in an unknown galaxy, it is impossible for him to come back.

Inexplicably, Zhao Yuan thought of the meteorite belt where the Sky-Defying Monkey lived. If he was exiled to a similar place without the ancient teleportation array, then he would never even think about returning to the Zhanyun Continent in his life.

At present, Zhao Yuan has achieved the ability to break through space barriers, but he has no definite understanding of the entire human habitation, so he cannot enter the place he wants to reach, because he lacks coordinates...



Thinking of this, the anxious Zhao Yuan yelled loudly, his limbs and bones surged with the wild and primitive power of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", and suddenly, the majestic power surged like a tide, and he broke free from the invisible shackles .


In an earth-shattering muffled sound, Zhao Yuan's wild power actually directly pierced through the invisible bondage. At the same time, it also pierced through countless space barriers. The huge power formed in the interstellar space The boundless vortex, the vortex, absorbed the energy of the exile bomb...

blah blah!

Zhao Yuan and the unconscious No. [-] fell on a planet at the same time.

This is a barren planet. Looking around, there are no other green plants except for some strange-shaped thorns. In addition, the ground is only flat gravel and gravel. The entire ground presents a gentle arc without any mountains. The river, at a glance.


On the first day, Zhao Yuan woke up. When she opened her eyes, there was a hint of doubt on her face, because, according to the information she had, this was not the planet she applied for exile.

Usually, awakened humans will choose some planets that can live in humans as exile planets in the vast universe. These planets have several things in common, they can allow humans to live, and they are kept extremely far away from the place where humans live , to prevent cultivators and gods from easily returning to the human world.

Although this desolate planet has oxygen, it does not have the basic conditions for human survival.

What happened?

No. [-] subconsciously cast her eyes on Zhao Yuan beside her. Just as her eyes fell, her whole body bounced up like an electric shock, and she backed up more than ten steps one after another. A shy blush appeared on her cold face.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was naked, revealing muscles as strong as a steel plate, and that strong skin was covered by a layer of red streamer, like a layer of fiery red mist, as if it was burning.

"Zhao Yuan!"

"Zhao Yuan!"


Number One yelled dozens of times, but Zhao Yuan remained motionless, as if he were a lifeless fiery sculpture.

After all, No. [-] was very human, and soon overcame his fear, walked to Zhao Yuan's side, carefully examined Zhao Yuan's body, and found that Zhao Yuan's body was not damaged at all, and the fiery red skin was full of red mist. Besides, it can be called flawless, like a beautiful and flawless work of art.

Facing the sleeping Zhao Yuan, No. [-] had nothing to do, but quietly waited for Zhao Yuan to wake up.

While waiting, No. [-] began to survey this desolate planet.

If there is a armor, No. [-] only needs to fly into the sky, activate the holographic scanning system, and immediately be able to grasp the basic data of the planet. However, except for a laser gun, she has nothing but a uniform. It was riddled with holes, revealing her snow-white skin.

No. [-] didn't dare to go far, after all, the naked Zhao Yuan was still sleeping.

No one knows the meaning of "exile" better than Number One.

After being exiled, it means that it will never be possible to contact humans. In the history of awakened humans, there are thousands of gods who have been exiled. Of course, there are countless awakened humans exiled together with the gods.

No. [-] acts as a coordinate, exiled with Zhao Yuan, which means that No. [-] will accompany Zhao Yuan through the remaining years.

When the two were exiled to a desolate planet, the importance of each other can be imagined.

If Zhao Yuan dies, Number One will live on this planet alone and helpless.

After some investigation, No. [-] did not obtain any valuable information.

This planet, except for some extremely hard and heat-resistant thorns, is a bare desert ground, without any traces of animals. At least, No. [-] has not found any traces of animal activities.

Time goes by bit by bit, the sky, the fiery red sun sets and rises, rises and sets...


No. [-] is not a cultivator, she is just an ordinary human being. She has been exhausted by not drinking a drop of water for three consecutive days. In addition, the temperature of this planet is extremely high, which is not suitable for human habitation at all. If you want to find a shady place, you can find it No, as for hunting, don't even think about it at all, because, so far, except for some pitifully small reptiles at night, No. [-] has never seen any valuable hunting targets. A laser gun doesn't work either.


Under the scorching heat of the sun, No. [-] finally couldn't stand it any longer and fell headfirst on Zhao Yuan's body.

Zhao Yuan's body remained motionless.

At this time, Zhao Yuan's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The expulsion of the bomb made him realize for the first time what space barriers are. His mind is still wandering in the vast starry sky, looking for the invisible space barriers one after another.

Speed ​​is the best weapon to break the space barrier!

In addition to speed, there is also the pervasive divine sense.

Zhao Yuan's divine sense flies in the vast and boundless universe. This is another life form. Zhao Yuan did it, but he doesn't understand why this kind of existence exists. However, he enjoys this kind of existence very much. Because time and space, in front of his body, have become evil and have no meaning.

Of course, the so-called meaninglessness is just a very narrow idea. Zhao Yuan's divine sense is not strong enough to break through the laws of the universe. He can only swim freely in one space, and cannot release huge energy for a moment like exile bombs Break through the space barrier...


The first time Zhao Yuan opened his eyes, he saw No. [-]'s pale, bloodless face lying on top of her.

Zhao Yuan sat up slowly, glanced at the desolate and unfamiliar environment around him, then at the unconscious No. [-], and sighed inexplicably.

At this time, Zhao Yuan already understood what "exile" meant.

He didn't understand, yes, why Number One was willing to sacrifice himself to go into exile with him.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't know that in the awakened human beings, when advocating the freedom of life, they also admired the warrior spirit. In the process of dealing with the gods, the awakened humans discovered that as long as there is a slight relaxation, the gods can give awakened humans Caused huge casualties, in the face of the bloody lessons, the awakened human beings formulated many rules of engagement with the gods, among which there was a rule of exile with the gods.

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