wicked immortal

Chapter 881

A elixir slowly melted in No. [-]'s mouth, and the coolness spread slowly in No. [-]'s lips.

Moisturized by the water of life, No. [-] slowly opened those dull eyes, and she saw Zhao Yuan's generous back.

Zhao Yuan sat cross-legged on the gravel, looking at the distant horizon.

"Zhao Yuan..." No. [-] called softly.

"You're awake." Zhao Yuan glanced back, still sitting still, like a lifeless stone sculpture, full of eternal desolation under the afterglow of the setting sun. The Zhanyun Continent cannot be seen.

"You saved me?" Number One asked knowingly.


"Thank you."

"No need." Zhao Yuan said lightly.


The afterglow of the sun soon fell, and the white starlight generously scattered on the earth and the desert, covered with a layer of silver light. The planet is surrounded by huge planets, as if it is within reach Ordinary, just like the world in a fairy tale.

At night, the small reptiles on the planet became active, with rustling sounds or fierce fights from time to time.

Compared with the hot day, the temperature at night is cooler and colder. Coupled with the active reptiles, the originally lifeless planet suddenly becomes vibrant.

After a long silence, Number One broke the silence.

"Sorry." Number One said softly.

"Aren't we going to be able to leave here forever?" Zhao Yuan's voice didn't show any emotion.


"What is this place?"

"I don't know either. Usually, the exile planet is selected by the optical brain, and then randomly selected by the exile bomb. However, this exile should have failed, because this planet is not suitable for human life." Hao looked around, and there was a trace of sadness in his voice.

"Are you regretting?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"No. I just feel sorry for you, because you are willing to give up your freedom for the people you care about. You are not a villainous person. Even if you are exiled, you should not be on such a planet." No. [-] sighed, There was a hint of sadness on that flawless face.

"Why do you want to exile me?" Zhao Yuan suddenly stretched out his ape arms and grabbed No. [-] in front of him. His pair of deep eyes seemed to pierce No. [-]'s soul.

"Because, you are about to advance to the rank of god!" No. [-] paused every word, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by perseverance and no regrets.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

"Okay, since there are only two of us on this planet, naturally I don't care about the constraints of laws and morals, so I can do whatever I want!" Zhao Yuan stared at No. Among them, the fire of ** is burning fiercely.

"Anytime, if you need it."

No. [-] made a movement that stunned Zhao Yuan. She began to undress herself. The movement was very natural, without the slightest affectation. Soon, that perfect white body was bathed in the moonlight.

"You...cough cough...why?" This was completely beyond Zhao Yuan's expectations. In Zhao Yuan's view, No. [-] should belong to the kind of staunch woman who would rather die than submit. He never dreamed of her. He would be so obedient, which made him feel overwhelmed.

"All awakened humans exiled with the gods will have this awareness. I think that if I refuse, it will only cause greater humiliation. In addition, I will not live long. My body is the only compensation that can be done to you .” There was no shame on No. [-]’s face, but numbness.

"..." Zhao Yuan felt a sense of frustration. He would rather No. [-] be steadfast and unyielding than see the other party submitting.

"Zhao Yuan, you are a cultivator. In the environment here, you can live for a long time, but I am just an ordinary human being. If I can live every day, why not..." No. [-] squatted gently beside Zhao Yuan, with a pair of soft and Bone's hands moved over Zhao Yuan's chest, and the full chest was tightly attached to Zhao Yuan's naked shoulders.

"You mean to say that there are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait for no flowers to break branches." Zhao Yuan had a wry smile on his face, and he could see from No. [-]'s numb expression that everything No. [-] did, It's just what every awakened human being faced with this situation should do, not her willingness.

"There are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait for no flowers to break branches..." No. [-]'s eyes lit up.

"Don't be surprised, this is not my poem, this is a poem from the earth, where there is a high degree of mechanical civilization, of course, compared with your mechanical civilization, there is a big gap." Zhao Yuan Holding No. [-]'s catkin, stopping her intimacy, sighed.

"Earth!" No. [-]'s snow-white and soft body shook, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Yes, Earth, what's the problem?" Zhao Yuan felt No. [-]'s mind fluctuate.

"No...it's nothing, we've been exiled, so don't mention it." No. [-] leaned gently on Zhao Yuan's shoulder, his soft body trembling slightly because of a trace of coolness.

"Put on your clothes, I'm not interested." Zhao Yuan let go of No. [-]'s hand.


"Put it on!" Zhao Yuan snorted coldly, his tone full of unquestionable authority.

No. [-] said nothing, quietly put on the dilapidated uniform, stroked the hair on his forehead, and sat side by side with Zhao Yuan, looking at the desert bathed in the silver moonlight.

"Who do you like?" Number One asked.

"Ah... what?" Zhao Yuan was thinking wildly and didn't react.

"Those four women, who do you like?" No. [-] rested his chin on his lap and looked at Zhao Yuan with clear eyes.

"I...don't know." Zhao Yuan shook his head, a look of bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

"You like all of them?" No. [-] was taken aback and asked.


"What about them? Do they all like you?" No. [-] is a woman after all. After learning that Zhao Yuan likes four women, the soul of gossip in his heart began to burn.


"You went to the sand formation to save them?"


"Sorry." No. [-] sighed softly.

"Sorry for what?" Zhao Yuan's thoughts traveled thousands of miles, unable to keep up with Number One's thinking rhythm.

"I broke you up...Actually...if you didn't destroy the two spaceships, I wouldn't activate the exile bomb..."

"The question is, if I don't destroy your spaceship, can I still live here and talk to you about life, ideals, morality, and love?!" Zhao Yuan sneered.


"***, I had a good time, you guys came here, you didn't ask indiscriminately, just bombarded me indiscriminately, how did I offend you?" Zhao Yuan suddenly lost control of his emotions, and this time he was exiled for nothing. .

"Feel sorry……"

"Is an apology useful!"

Zhao Yuan punched the ground fiercely, and with a "boom", the ground shook for a while, as if the landslides and the earth were cracking. With Zhao Yuan and No. [-] as the core, a storm swept through it. The momentum is terrifying.

No. [-] looked at Zhao Yuan quietly, without any emotion on his face.

The anxiety shown by Zhao Yuan was within No. [-]'s expectation, because it was not the first time that awakening humans had dealt with cultivators. In the textbooks on awakening humans, it was mentioned that the Mania and anxiety, therefore, the awakened human beings accompanying the exiles should take the initiative as gently as possible at this time, which is why No. [-] took the initiative to sacrifice just now.

In the early days when the awakened humans dealt with the cultivators, most of the exiles accompanied by the cultivators were males. Later, according to the feedback information, the awakened ones who were exiled with the cultivators all had extremely miserable fates. In time, even begging for death is impossible.

Through a series of researches, awakened human beings have found that exile with women accompanying practitioners can lead to a good death.After reaching this conclusion, as a last resort, only women are allowed to be exiled with practitioners.

Also because of the above reasons, when Zhao Yuan captured No. [-] and No. [-], in the end, No. [-] accompanied Zhao Yuan into exile.


Suddenly, a storm rolled up on the ground without warning, and in the air, head-sized stones flew all over the sky. The land that was originally like silver became gray, as if thousands of troops were galloping across the desolate land. .


"Come here!" Zhao Yuan waved to No. [-].

"Yeah." No. [-] was very submissive, and walked to Zhao Yuan's side.

When Zhao Yuan lifted up the spiritual energy shield, the overwhelming wind and sand was already in front of him, and the strong hurricane blew Zhao Yuan's spiritual energy shield to the point of collapse.

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