wicked immortal

Chapter 882

"The gods have always been hindering the development of human civilization and creating disasters for mankind. Without the gods, human beings can live better." No. [-]'s clear eyes should be on Zhao Yuan.

"How many gods have you killed?"


"Countless? Hehe, I'm afraid I haven't killed many real gods."

"I killed more than a hundred." In No. [-]'s gaze, pride shone.

"What kind of god? It's nothing more than some human cultivators in the early stage of ascension. Have you ever killed a real god?"

"Yes!" No. [-] replied firmly.


"I don't know the name, but I know, he is very powerful, he is a white dragon."

"Ah...you killed the White Dragon King?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback, he never expected that after the White Dragon King lured Fairy Caixia and the others into the Sha Miao formation, he would be killed by an awakened human.

"I don't know if it's the White Dragon King you mentioned, but I can be sure that it's a giant white dragon!"

"He can't be killed." Zhao Yuan took a deep breath.

"Can't you kill him?" No. [-]'s delicate body shook.

"Yes, there are two kinds of gods. One is human cultivators, and the other is belief in gods. Those who can be killed are human cultivators. Those ancient gods are born of faith and can be resurrected infinitely. You kill them , After a few years, they will make a comeback."

"Ah...then...then...then what should I do?" Calm number one was moved for the first time. She never thought that gods cannot be killed.

"Actually, not only the gods you believe in, but also some ancient human cultivators, you can't kill them, because they already have a huge group of believers in the human world. If you kill them, they will soon be able to Nirvana rebirth."

"No wonder... no wonder..." No. [-] suddenly realized, and muttered to himself, "Then we will never be able to kill them?"

"It's actually very simple to kill the gods completely. Promote technology in the secular world, let human beings believe in technological civilization instead of believing in those ancient gods. After cutting off their source of belief, kill them again, and they will not be resurrected. .” Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"I see...why did you tell me this?" No. [-] suddenly looked at Zhao Yuan puzzled.

"Do you still have a chance to return to the awakened human world?" Zhao Yuan asked back.


No. [-] was stunned for a while, with a look of frustration on his face.

"This woman really has no way to leave here. It seems that she can only find a way by herself."

Zhao Yuan secretly sighed. He revealed such an important secret to No. [-], hoping to ignite No. [-]'s hope of going back. After all, this is too important for awakening human beings. As long as No. [-] has a glimmer of hope, he will do his best. Going to leave here, pass the information of the world of gods to the world of awakened humans.

Zhao Yuan caught the moment of No. [-]'s disappointed and frustrated expression just now. He has already confirmed that No. [-] has no ability to return to his own world, or in other words, No. [-] has no ability to return to the world of awakened human beings.

Do you want to abandon this woman?

For the present Zhao Yuan, this woman is undoubtedly a burden. No matter if he leaves or stays here, this woman will do him harm but not any benefit. If it is beneficial, the only advantage is that the other party is a beautiful woman , stay by your side, you can seductive, not too lonely.

"Okay, let's separate here." Zhao Yuan stopped suddenly.

"Separate...Are you going to abandon me?" No. [-] was taken aback for a moment before realizing it immediately.

"First of all, the relationship between us is not about who abandoned it. I don't even know your name yet. Moreover, I was exiled to this planet where no grass grows. It is all thanks to you. I will not kill you. Without you, it’s already considered the utmost benevolence.”

"My name is Xueyi." No. [-] said immediately.

"Ahem... I think you still don't understand the current situation... Okay, Xueyi, let's put it simply, I have no obligation or responsibility to protect you. I am a victim and you are my enemy. We are not partners. Not even a couple. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Xueyi looked at Zhao Yuan, her clear eyes became quiet again.

"I have some food here, as well as weapons and clothes..." Zhao Yuan summoned some daily necessities and food from the Sumeru Ring.

"Thank you." Xueyi walked like a stone and sat still. If it wasn't for her dark hair flying in the wind, she would be like a lifeless sculpture.

"I am leaving."

Zhao Yuan avoided those clear eyes, walked around behind Xueyi, and walked towards the distance with big strides.


Xueyi didn't move, her tone was flat, she had come to her senses from the initial shock, because, in the teaching materials for awakening the human world, there was the scene of being abandoned now.

The gap between human beings and cultivators is too great. Even awakened human beings possess high technology that can compete with gods, but beyond the difference in individual strength, there is no comparison between the two. Given the disparity in strength, it was expected that a cultivator would abandon a human being who was powerless.

Zhao Yuan's back gradually disappeared on the vast plain.

From the beginning to the end, Xueyi didn't move, and she didn't even bother to check the life-saving supplies that Zhao Yuan left for her. She was very aware of her situation. In this harsh environment, if there was no cultivator to protect her, she would at most survive. Less than three days.

Of course, Xueyi knew very well that she still had a glimmer of hope, and that was those humans who hadn't seen it yet, that is, the humans who fought last night.

However, Xueyi also knew that with her beauty, meeting those unknown human powerhouses would take a huge risk.

From the sandstorm caused by yesterday's war, it can be confirmed that those people are all strong people. It is self-evident that she, a weak woman, fell into the hands of a group of strong people, and her tragic ending is self-evident.

Time passed little by little.

It has been three hours, and Xueyi still does not eat or drink, and does not move.

God, it's getting dark.

The last ray of dawn has disappeared on the horizon.

Finally, Xueyi, who was like a sculpture, moved. She pulled out the laser gun at her waist. This laser gun is her only self-defense weapon. However, this powerful weapon in the human world has nothing to do in the cultivation world. significance.

Of course, for Xueyi now, this gun is still of great significance, because it can easily end her own life.

As an awakened human being, everyone respects and loves life very much, but every awakened warrior is also ready to sacrifice at any time.

Xueyi had long been prepared to die, and when she decided to go into exile with Zhao Yuan in Sha Miao's Great Array of Clouds, she was ready to die.

Death may not be as scary as imagined.

At least, death can free her from the endless darkness and unknown fear...

Xueyi slowly raised the exquisite laser gun in her hand. With this gun, she had accompanied her to fight in the north and south, and she had imagined herself dying under this gun several times. Today, the phantom scene, will become a reality.

Undoubtedly, Xueyi is not a sentimental woman. She has steel-like willpower. She never expects miracles. Among the countless cases of awakening the human world, she expects miracles, and most of them end in tragedy.

The laser gun shone with a charming metallic luster under the moonlight.

The muzzle of the gun slowly stopped at Xueyi's temple. She was sure that as long as she pulled the trigger lightly, a beam of death light would penetrate her brain. It can also maintain a very dignified appearance, because the laser beam will not appear in the horror scene of blood spatter and bloody flesh...


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