Before the autumn harvest, Tu Si Nong brought a dozen ears of sorghum into the palace.

"Your Majesty, the sorghum in the barren land has matured, and the grains are large and full. I estimate that it can produce about three stones per mu. The sorghum stalks are sweetened and can be used to make sugar!"

Tu Si Nong thinks that this output is very good, but it is waste utilization in a barren land.

"Very good, very good, sorghum is also food!" Xia Hongdi kept nodding his head, this Tu Si Nong is doing practical things, whether it is double-cropping rice or sorghum fields, the emperor's order is very well executed.

"As far as the five prefectures near the capital are concerned, the barren land that I counted, if we dig deep and pile up dry land, there will be more than 23000 mu. I request that these be transformed into sorghum land!"

"Zhen, sure!" He finally breathed a sigh of relief. This year, his people finally wiped out the locusts, and the chickens and ducks in Daxia deserve a great contribution!Zhang Ruren, who invented artificial hatching technology, is really good!
Yazhou Prefecture and Lingnan have already harvested the first season of rice, and the second season of rice is now transplanted. Without the scourge of locusts, this year's production is only much more than previous years.

Dali Village is also a harvest year.

The annual autumn harvest holiday of Zhongqinbo Mansion is underway.

Xiao Shan and Xiao Chuan became the leaders of the autumn harvest, with six dolls wearing identical bunts, carrying small baskets, and picking ears of wheat!
"Brother Xiaoshan, it's so hot!" Ding Doudou couldn't bear it first, his little face was flushed from the sun, and the little straw hat he was wearing didn't work. He was the youngest brother, and his brothers usually gave way to him.

Xiao Shan had to hold the lotus leaves and fan him while picking them up, and he had to cheer him up.

"Ah, my finger is bleeding! Woohoo, auntie, I'm in pain!" Maisui's wheat awn pricked the little finger of the third child with a small blood spot, causing the baby to scream in pain.

Cuihua quickly ran over to check on it, and even washed his finger with cold water, "Then Xiaosan, let's rest for a while, and pick it up when the pain is gone."

With tears in his eyes, the third one is half-dead, how pitiful he is, he is bleeding, why is he still working, and can't go home yet? !
"Third brother, third brother, let's compete at noon, who can pick up the most!"

Xiao Liu is also very tired, but this is all their family's food, picking up a basket is a basket, it can't be left in this field and let others pick it up!

Xiaowu and Xiaoshitou, the little experts at work, had the most fun doing it. It was much more interesting than reading and writing at home, and they were happy to work in the village.

The big pears in Zhuangzi are all ripe, and there are chestnut trees on the mountain. The sugar-fried chestnuts made by my mother (aunt) are fragrant and delicious.Although the red fruits in Hongguo Village are not too sour, the candied haws made by my mother (aunt) are delicious.

The mill has recently ground a lot of new wheat noodles. The freshly ground wheat noodles have a fragrance, and when they are made into wheat cakes, Xiao Wu can eat ten of them alone.

In the hot weather, Cuihua had a poor appetite, so after thinking about it, she made a luxurious meal of hand-rolled cold noodles for the children.

Knead the new flour into a dough and knead it vigorously in the basin repeatedly until the dough is smooth and chewy, then roll it into a thin flatbread shape, fold it layer by layer several times, and cut it into thin noodles.

Cook the noodles in boiling water, remove them, put them on a plate, add a spoonful of cooked soybean oil and sesame oil, mix well, and let cool.

Cucumber shreds, over-watered bean sprouts, and carrot shreds are used as side dishes.

Chicken breasts are boiled and shredded, shredded pork in sauce, scrambled eggs, fresh shrimps, marinated eggs, etc. are used as meat dishes.

Seasonings include: vinegar, soy sauce, garlic juice, chili oil, sesame paste, etc.

Cuihua can be seasoned on-site according to their requirements and tastes.

Refreshing and greasy, with a lot of flavors, this group of kids are clamoring to eat three big bowls, and they no longer dislike the hard work of picking wheat ears, and eating after finishing the work, it is really delicious!

After working for several days in a row, the group of dolls in Yuan's Mansion were almost drying out. The villagers in Dali Village couldn't help but sympathize with them, and some people kindly persuaded them:

"I'm talking about Zhang Ruren. Your family is really willing to do it. The grandson and grandchildren don't go back to the village to work every year. They still work for five days. Don't get peeled in the sun. The baby's skin is tender."

"There's nothing to be reluctant about. Boys, you're very solid. Which one of you doesn't work?"

"How can our monkey compare with the young masters in the house!"

"It's all the same, it's all the same, who didn't grow up eating five grains, this is also to make them work and know how to cherish food!"

The villagers couldn't help admiring Uncle Zhongqin's mansion. Wealth and wealth do not forget their roots, so their mansion should be prosperous.

The autumn harvest situation in various places was quickly summarized in the capital. This year can be regarded as a rare bumper harvest year after Xia Hongdi ascended the throne.

His Majesty the Emperor, who has never liked festivals, planned to hold the Autumn Society Grand Ceremony on the fifth day after the beginning of autumn in response to the frequent petitions from the Ministry of Rites this year.

On the fifth Xu day after the Beginning of Autumn, the autumn harvests in various parts of the Great Xia Dynasty have come to an end.

The reason why "Wu Day" is chosen as "She Day" is because "Wu" is the fifth among the ten stems, in the "center", and the five elements correspond to "earth", which means prosperity.

In other words, this day is an "auspicious day" for offering sacrifices to the God of the Earth.

This time, the Autumn Society Ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Rites, and at the third quarter of Mao of that day, Xia Hongdi, together with the prince, civil and military officials, spread five-color soil on the Sheji altar, played music and danced.

After the process of welcoming the gods, offering incense, laying jade and silk, offering three times, wishing, drinking blessings and accepting meat (drinking blessing wine and accepting meat), kneeling three times and worshiping nine times, sending gods off, and watching burns, the ceremony is considered complete.

For an entire hour, the heavy dress made the prince's back full of sweat, and he no longer had the joy of participating in this grand event at the beginning.

After the sacrificial activities were completed, Xia Hongdi, who was dressed more solemnly than the prince, was also very tired.He orally ordered the minister of the Ministry of Rites to distribute the sacrificial meat to the civil and military ministers who came today, which implied that he would share the good fortune of good weather with all the officials.

In addition to the ministers attending the meeting, people like Zhongqinbo's Mansion can also receive sacrificial meat.

Cuihua accepted the reward: ten catties of beef, ten catties of mutton, and ten catties of pork, these three animals are used in the palace today, and the amount that their family received is overwhelming.

Following the above example, local officials also held sacrificial activities one after another.

Mr. Mou got another holiday, so he took the holiday money and invited a few friends to drink and have fun.

Do as the Romans do, and when the grand ceremony of the Autumn Club begins, the married girl will bring the baby back to her mother's house on this day.

Cuihua simply took the children from the mansion back to Dali Village, where she stayed with Yuan's family in Dali Village: eating social meat, making social cakes, social rice, and drinking social wine.

The social meat rewarded by the palace is mostly half-cooked and needs to be processed again before eating. The general custom is to eat it within two days.

The beef received by Uncle Zhongqin’s mansion looks like beef tendon meat, and Cuihua has been marinated directly, and it is only waiting for the marinade to soak in the flavor, and then fish it out and slice it when eating.It's best to serve Papa Hu and Lao Yuantou with drinks!
The mutton is peeled and turned into a thumb-sized piece of meat. It is mixed with barbecue ingredients. The salty cumin taste is suitable for children who do not like spicy food, and the addition of chili noodles is suitable for adults with a strong taste.The nobles of the Great Xia love mutton more than pork, and cooks also love to work hard on mutton.

Xiao Wu never forgot the steamed pork with rice flour when his second uncle married his second aunt, and Cuihua made them with ten catties of pork in one go: steamed pork ribs, steamed pork with flour, salty roasted white, and several steamed fragrant bowls.

The social cake is made by the second sister-in-law Fan Jingjing. She uses rice flour, adds almonds, walnut kernels, jujube, brown sugar, and honey to the fermented rice flour, and then puts it in a steamer.

In fact, it is the method of making cakes, but more supporting roles are added.

People in Shu have a traditional way of making social meals, and Mrs. Zhang has become the manager of two social meals today.

I selected the fatty bacon that was still left this year, burned it with fire, then washed it and cut it into small cubes for later use. I picked the tender wild onion, cut it into small pieces and put it on a plate for later use.

For dishes like beef, lamb, pork loin, chicken breast, cut into chess piece-sized pieces.Then marinate with condiments such as oil consumption, soy sauce, and Shaoxing wine.Dice carrots and green peas as side dishes.

Stir-fry the diced bacon until the oil comes out. When the oil is almost out, add the onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, then add carrots and green peas, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

Finally, add other marinated meat slices, and fry until the meat is seven times mature, then take it out of the pan and put it on a plate for later use.

Put the cleaned japonica rice in an appropriate amount of water, boil it, then add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice, and put the glutinous rice and japonica rice in a ratio of one to one.

When half of the cooking is done, open the pot and add the pre-fried meat and diced vegetables, add them, and mix well.

Then use chopsticks to insert into the rice, insert a few more ventilation holes, so that the inside and outside of the rice can be heated evenly, and then add a certain amount of oil along the side of the pot.

When done, cover the lid and simmer over low heat until the rice is cooked.

When the rice is cooked, the aroma is tangy, and the japonica rice and glutinous rice are covered with various meat aromas.Sprinkle with finely chopped wild onions, red and green, really beautiful.

It tastes fresh meat, diced vegetables are crisp and delicious, and the taste of a mix of japonica rice and glutinous rice is glutinous and not sticky.Really, it is suitable for all ages, it will whet your appetite, and you will not be satisfied if you don’t have three bowls.

In addition to saving food for the family, they also gave a bowl to each of the acquaintances in the village. The Yuan family did not leave a single fellow from the Shu area.I gave a lot, and I received a lot, which really complied with the saying "I can't finish my own food, but I can't finish eating other people's food"!
In Cuihua's memory, before she got married, Mrs. Zhang also cooked a few social meals, although the meat in the past was not as rich as it is now.The memory is superimposed, and the taste is doubled.

"Ang woo, it's so delicious when all the meat is added to the rice, mother, will you cook like this in the future?" Xiao Liu sighed while eating, it would be better if there were no diced carrots in it.

"What kind of food do you eat on festivals, and you still don't get tired of eating it every day?"

"Not greasy, not greasy!" Several little guys shook their heads in unison, expressing with actions that they can continue to eat.

"It's a pity that Dad can't eat such delicious meat rice, mother, may I help Dad and brothers eat an extra bowl?"

"Your father must be eating big fish and prawns in the sea, it's not bad for our little meal!"

Dutiful Son Xiaowu: What a pity!

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