The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 195 Cape of Good Hope

Hei Wa, whom the filial son talked about, is indeed floating on the sea. There is no world-famous artificial Grand Canal, which cannot pass through the middle of North and South America.The Daxia fleet had to go south and enter the Atlantic Ocean.

It will be hundreds of years before the discovery of North America. Uncle Zhongqin said that he is not in a hurry. The naval army of the Great Xia Dynasty still has many years of room for development.

I remember that before departure, Cuihua asked about the flight route this time, and was very concerned about whether they would go to Europe. Seeing that the daughter-in-law seemed to have no tacit understanding, Heiwa asked her:

"Daughter-in-law, let's just recall the history textbooks in junior high school, how did capitalist European countries accumulate their wealth?"

Cuihua thought for a while: "Start wars in the colonies, sell opium, sell black slaves, and directly rob!"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward! Then, let me ask you again, where are these colonized and looted places?"

"Uh, it seems to be in Asia, Africa, and La!" The lack of education does not mean that she has no common sense.

"So, daughter-in-law, why should I go to Europe instead of going directly to these uncolonized places? We use silk to open the way, mutual benefit, and a state of etiquette. Who can not praise us as a big country!"

There was a kind of light in Heiwa's eyes, a straightforward and warm light. He looked at Cuihua and said with a smile: "The most important thing is of course to bring back high-yield grain to Daxia. The highest meaning!"

Food = population = national strength.

The current population of the Great Xia Dynasty is about 7000 million, but the land area is only one-third of that of later generations.To have a larger population, the diversification of food and the improvement of production are the key.

Now the most important goal of their trip has been overfulfilled, and the next step is to work hard for the accumulation of wealth.

The further south the boat traveled, the colder the temperature became, and everyone turned out their winter clothes.

For more than three months, longer than the time it took them to set off from Daxia to Emerald Island, they crossed the southernmost tip of South America and entered the Atlantic Ocean.

Last winter, the temperature in the Atlantic Ocean was as warm as spring, and the rain continued, so the sailing crew had to stay in the cabin.

Heiwa is worried, he is afraid of the Cape of Good Hope, which is famous for its "killing wave".This is said to be the most dangerous waterway in the world, and their group is going to take a trip.

"This damn rain, why is it raining endlessly!" Qin Ke was almost moldy in the cabin. It rained on the [-]th and [-]th recently, and the few of them had nothing to do except go to class.

"My father said that the road ahead may become more and more difficult, so let's wear life jackets at any time."

"Ah, ah, I don't want to be soaked in seawater again, the seawater here is not warm, it's freezing!"

Qin Ke murmured something, and at the end, he was still lying on his back on the couch, looking like a dead pig.

"Everyone put on your life jackets quickly, hurry up, big waves are coming! Don't panic!" The soldiers outside shouted.

It's not that they haven't encountered waves in the past few months. It's not uncommon for them to be so high and so turbulent. They hope that the captains will become more and more skilled, and they also say that all the bodhisattvas will bless everyone.

I saw a big wave about five feet suddenly appeared on the calm sea in the distance. Although there was still a certain distance from their fleet, who would dare to underestimate it?

The front peak of this wave is steep and the back peak is gentle, like a wall of water.

The captains quickly turned around. If the ship was heading towards the wave, it would be a blow to the head. If the ship remained parallel to the wave, the huge wave might overturn the ship.

It was a dilemma, and the captains had to rely on willpower and inertia to control the ship.

Heiwa was jolted by the waves, and Qingyi and Qinger grabbed his arm.The last time they salvaged their master from the sea seemed like yesterday, but this time they had to stay by his side to survive and die. The young man is much stronger than the middle-aged man over 30 years old!
Hei Wa: What? 30 years old is middle-aged?I feel like I'm still young!
After the big wave, the small wave continued, and the sea ship also continued to shake, and the cabin was in a mess.

Hei Wa vomited up, dizzy and confused, and finally lay on Qing Yi's body and couldn't get up.

It was a tormenting two quarters of an hour. After the wind calmed down, everyone opened the hatch to check the situation of the fleet.

The refurbished and strengthened ship No. 20 was lucky this time and was not overturned by the waves. However, more than [-] cargo ships and grain ships of the navy capsized again, and the ship merchants also suffered a lot of losses.

"Let someone check first to see if the grain ship we brought back from the Inca Empire is damaged. We need to look for these grains carefully, so we can't let us lose our efforts." Hei Wa didn't care about the gold and gem ships. He cared, he was afraid that the corn and potatoes he had worked so hard for would sink to the bottom.

"Master, I'll check right away, don't worry, we loaded five boats!" Qing Er immediately ran to the stern.

At noon, the temperature was [-] degrees, and hundreds of people soaked in the sea were shivering from the cold.

The soldiers were proficient in salvaging people, cargo, and ships. The vanguard had found a bay that could be used for mooring.

"Father, are you better?" Yuan Wenjie looked at his embarrassed father, not only vomited all over the place, his clothes were wrinkled, his hair seemed to be covered with vomit, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

They are in class today, and they can't take care of their father when the big waves come.

Qingyi didn't change his expression when faced with the dirt, and was already cleaning the room.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Hei Wa didn't want to show weakness in front of her son, so she waved her hand and told Qing Yi and her sons to go out to help other people.

After he was left alone, he couldn't wait to take a bottle of water from the space, and poured it heavily.

His body has been made like this, Huang Shangshu and Master Yan will only suffer worse.

Isn't it worse?Huang Shangshu hasn't recovered from this meeting yet, he probably needs to lie down for three days before he can do it, he won't accept it.

Finally, their sea ship made a difficult way around this protruding cape, and docked in a buffer harbor on the east side of the island.

After getting off the boat and boarding the island, I found out that the shape of the island is like a sharp sword inserted into the sea. The coastal reefs are rugged and sharp, and you can overlook the spectacular scenery of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

On the vast and boundless beach, the sea water rolls up silver-white waves, like overwhelming mountains and seas, rushing towards the coast one after another, like thousands of troops rushing forward one after another.

The waves hit the rocky cliffs, the foam splashed, and there was a loud noise like heaven and earth.

Hei Wa stood silently on the boulder, other people couldn't see his emotions, they didn't know, the child in his heart wanted to cry out to the sky.

what!This is the world-famous Cape of Good Hope. They wanted to check in to a place they had never been to in their previous life.

"Uncle, there is no one in this place!" Gao Huaiyu felt very cold in his heart, looking at the deserted and inhabited island, what is so rare.

"Mr. Gao, there is no one here. Let's find a place with people. It's all here, so we must look for it. I'll do the math. There are treasures here!"

Gao Huaiyu looked at Heiwa suspiciously, half-believing: "What treasure? Is there gold or gems?"

"Maybe there are all of them!"

Although Uncle Zhongqin was rarely unreliable, his tone made people question him for no reason.

However, they have been drifting at sea for several months. This wave of waves has caused a lot of damage to the grain ship, and they really need to find some supplies.

The first ones to be revived with full blood were Yuan Wenjie and his few young men. They were also a group of people scouting around, and they were very active.Hei Wa didn't bother to take care of them, and they headed north after repairing them. He still couldn't believe that they couldn't find a few natives.

After a quarter of an hour, there was a noise from a distance, and the noise became louder and louder, and finally merged into a shout:
"Uncle, Uncle, come and see, we found something good!"

This is a cave with a height of two people and a depth of more than ten meters. Seeing that the sea water can't flow in, a few boys pointed to the wall of the cave as if they had discovered a new land, and showed Hei Wa.

"Well, this should be a mural, a hunting and gathering picture made by the local people! The maroon pigment is brightly colored, and it should not be painted for a long time. It seems that we will be able to find the local people soon!"

"This mural is very nice!"

"Father, what kind of people are these?"

"Didn't you see it? Someone who loves life!"

When the news spread that someone had made a mural, everyone felt at ease, as long as there is someone.

The boat merchants who were picked up were blue from the cold, and they were warming up on the shore, so why would they think about this.I only feel sorry for the goods they brought, and now they have lost half of them. They are really unlucky.

When Hei Wa walked past this group of people, he couldn't help saying: "Everyone, don't worry about the temporary loss, people are better than anything else, besides, rare things are more expensive, and there are few commodities, so it's not that they can't afford high prices."

The truth is such a truth, but it is distressing, especially for tea merchants, the tea bricks are soaked in water, which is much more wasted than silk.

This time, more than 150 people were washed away by the waves. The Shangguan imperial physician felt the pulse of the rescued people and prescribed decoctions, antipyretics are always indispensable.

Fortunately in misfortune, the ship containing the medicinal materials is still in good condition. The medicinal materials they collected in the Inca Empire are now in great use.

For this repair, they repaired it for three days, and lost a total of 35 cargo ships.

After sorting out the damaged goods, the fleet headed northeast along the coastline and sailed into the Indian Ocean.

After sailing for [-] days, the fleet found a large inland lake bordering the ocean, found a bay closest to the lake as a dock, and stopped in a hurry.

"Wow, what kind of turtle is that, so big?" Not long after they set foot on this piece of land, they saw a big guy with a flat body weighing one or two hundred catties crawling slowly on the shore.

"Hey, what kind of turtle is this? Does it bite?"

"Can it hurt your teeth if you eat it?"

"The thousand-year-old tortoise is 8-year-old, do you dare to eat the tens-of-thousand-year-old ancestor?"

Everyone pointed and pointed, and they walked on the road by the lake like an adventurer. After walking for more than an hour, they met a group of men who were oncoming.

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