The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 239 Sri Buddha passed away

"It's not good, it's not good, Your Majesty!" An official rushed in scrambling.

King Srivijaya, who was drinking and having fun with his concubines, asked drunkenly:

"Are you going to go to court again? I won't go to court today! I haven't had enough, my concubine, come and drink!"

"Your Majesty, the Great Xia Navy took Mu Shi and the others all at once!"

"Who is Mu Shi? Why was he picked up by the Great Xia Navy?"

"Hey, my lord, Mu Shi is the leader of the gang of pirates, have you forgotten? How many beauties did he present to you?"

"Hahaha, beauty, yes, where did my beauty go?"

The officials were about to cry, but how should they respond to the Great Xia navy that killed more than 1 pirates?
"Your Majesty, the Great Xia Navy is calling, calling! Killing!"

"Bang..." King Sri Buddha's wine glass fell to the ground, and he finally sobered up from the fright, and sat on the ground shivering.

Ten days later, Jambi, the capital of Sri Buddha's death country.

King Srivijaya led his ministers and senior officials to welcome the envoy of the Great Xia Dynasty at the pier tremblingly.

Before Gao Zongbing launched the attack, the king of Srivijaya declared that the country of Srivijaya passed away, and wanted to take the initiative to accept the canonization of Emperor Daxia Chaotianshun.

And willing to pay tribute to the Great Xia Dynasty every year from now on.

King Srivijaya, although he looks like a wine bag and rice bag, he can know the treasures of the emperors of the Great Xia, and he can speak Chinese well.

There was a smile on the fat and white face. If he wasn't wearing a crown, he would have thought he was a businessman.

"My dear envoys, since the death of Emperor Taizong, Sri Buddha has paid tribute to the Central Plains, and the friendship between the two countries has not been broken for hundreds of years.

If it wasn't for the yellow thieves causing trouble and the imperial court began to ban the sea, the little king's ancestors would have seen the great Xia emperor Tianyan long ago.

After waiting for hundreds of years, I finally hope that the noble envoys of the Great Xia will come to the country. Xiao Wang is more blessed than his ancestors!
The noble envoys do not know that Xiao Wang has been suffering from pirates for a long time.

This gang of thieves committed all kinds of crimes, including burning, killing and looting. Unfortunately, our army was strong and strong, and our army encircled and suppressed them several times without success.

It also has to be the mighty navy of the Shang Kingdom, who finally managed to save this small country from this catastrophe. Xiao Wang wants to show up to Emperor Tianshun and ask for credit for the Great Xia Navy. "

Since the other party is so polite, it doesn't matter whether what he said about the pirates is true or not.

So actively want to be a vassal state of Daxia?Huang Shangshu had no choice but to reluctance, Dai Tianshun Emperor, accepted it with a smile!
Unlike the smiling Huang Shangshu, from the beginning to the end, Gao Zongbing's black face never cleared up, and his words were very penetrating:
"It's really embarrassing for you. The general has a list in his hand. I heard that the officers and soldiers of your country on it are all younger brothers under Mu Shi. I wonder if it is convenient for us to take these people away?"

"There is still such a thing? Please don't worry, Mr. Gao, let Xiaowang half a day, and will send them here!"

"Then please trouble Your Majesty. Our Great Xia Navy also suffered a lot of casualties. I heard that there is an old ritual of burial with Sri Buddha when he dies. This general has no choice but to go to the countryside to do as the Romans do."

King Srivijaya passed away, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Don't bother, don't bother, Xiao Wang will do it now, let's do it now!"

As expected of the Great Xia God of Killing, it is unheard of for a living pirate to be buried with a dead sailor!

The efficiency was so high that in less than an hour, seventeen fish that slipped through the net were caught.

In fact, as early as when the Great Xia navy wiped out the Mushi Group, his former younger brothers were ordered to be controlled by King Srivijaya.

One is that these people are afraid that these people will make troubles in the cloak of official positions in the imperial court, and the other is that if the envoys come to investigate, they can also make up for their mistakes.

On the second day, a tall pile of firewood was erected on the largest pier in Jambi.

The remains of [-] sailors were placed on the firewood. Gao Huaiyu shook his hands and lit the torch again.

The raging flames soared into the sky, and the navy team who saw them off gritted their teeth and looked ahead.

Qin Ke, who participated in this battle, still had injuries on his face, his eyes had retreated from the childishness of the past, he stopped crying, and held his javelin with a solemn face.

On the opposite side of the pile of firewood where the remains of the sailors were burned, there were more than 1000 pirate captives kneeling, and [-] of them slipped through the net.

A larger pile of firewood was specially built for them. Sri Lanka's death has always been criticized, and it was extremely cruel to be buried with him. Today, the scene will be reproduced.

All members of the royal family, high-ranking officials and military forces of the Srivijaya Kingdom were invited by Gao Zongbing by name.

Ordinarily, these people are no strangers to burial. In the Kingdom of Srivijaya, after the death of the king, the law required all subjects to cut off their hair and wear filial piety.

The firewood is also piled up and burned. When the fire is raging, the king's followers will "voluntarily" jump into the fire and burn themselves, which is called "living and dying together".

But today is not a state funeral.

The battle was so great that the cowardly nobles who had just been pulled here fainted before it even started.

It's a pity that he was quickly pinched by the eye-catching sailors, and woke up again in pain.

Shashen Gao Zongbing gave an order, and more than 1000 pirate captives who were tied up were thrown into the raging fire just like that.

"General, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Don't, don't, I'm afraid."

"Ah! Ah! It hurts!"

The hair and clothes were the first to catch fire, and the shrill screams came and went, like a ghost asking for his life.

There was one who struggled fiercely, and after his whole body was on fire, he crawled out of the fire desperately.

Before he could climb up to the person, the javelin was thrown and landed on the ground.

What's more, they rolled in the fire in pain, but they were bound by iron chains. Once they fell to the ground, it was difficult to stand up again.

He tried to extinguish the flames on his body by rolling, but unfortunately, a lot of kerosene was poured into the fire, and if the kerosene got on his body, it would only burn more vigorously.

Cruel, how cruel!The smell of burning human flesh permeated the area for several miles.

There are not many distinguished guests, but they can still stand upright.

All of them were limp on the ground, and more than half of them were incontinent. They seemed to have lost their souls, and their eyes were dull and dull.

Only Da Xia Saijun's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't move.

After the brothers packed up the urn, Gao Zongbing calmly said to King Srivijaya, "The funeral ceremony of the Kingdom of Srivijaya is really good!"

King Sri Buddha's face was pale, and he was supported by his attendants on the left and right. He wanted to reply, but his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

I swear secretly in my heart: Sri Buddha passed away in the kingdom, and the old rites of burial will be abolished from now on.

The members of the Kingdom of Srivijaya who participated in today's funeral ceremony couldn't eat or drink for three days and nights after returning home.

Some even have the same nightmares they experience today for years.

Today, the parents of those children in this country who refuse to stop crying are afraid of them in the name of General Gao, and there is no end to it!
Ship merchants: Fortunately, we were not invited to attend today's funeral. The bad habits of the Kingdom of Srivijaya are terrible!

More frightened than the ship merchants were the dozen or so big food merchants.

They were first pleasantly surprised that the pirate nest that had plagued the empire for hundreds of years was easily wiped out by the navy of the Great Xia Dynasty.

After hearing about Gao Zongbing's handling of the pirate captives, he was shocked by his cruel methods and broke into a cold sweat.

After thinking about their journey for a long time, and getting along with the Great Xia Navy, they came to a conclusion: the Great Xia Navy is a dormant tiger, which cannot be easily provoked!

Especially on the night of the Anti-Pirate Group, the noise they heard was not small, it should be the power brought by the firearms.

It is indeed a great oriental civilization with thousands of years of inheritance!

Different from the exchange of national books and gifts in the past, the national gifts Huang Shangshu gave to the first vassal state were still the old three (palace embroidery, blue and white porcelain, pastel ware).

In the first year when the tribute was paid, no matter what the reason was for the death of King Srivijaya, the tribute was paid for.

Gold: 20 taels; ivory: two hundred pieces; gems of various colors: five boxes.

Frankincense: three thousand catties; agarwood: three thousand catties; best bird's nest: one hundred catties.

"Hmph, count him as acquainted!" Gao Zongbing looked at the gift list, with a gloomy face all the way, and finally accepted it reluctantly.

Hei Wa recalled what he had seen and heard in the past two days: "Don't look at people being cowardly, they still have enough brains to take the initiative to catch up with their thighs. After the Maritime Silk Road is reopened, we can still not take care of our vassal state. One or two? With the protection of the Great Xia Dynasty and the convenient location, they will not have to worry about prosperity after the death of Sri Buddha."

"I heard what my uncle said, even if there were no pirates, they might have surrendered voluntarily. I also borrowed from you and me to get rid of the serious trouble!" Huang Shangshu also recalled, can be so A humble king can still be a simple person?

"Could it be that the Lord made a wedding dress for someone?" Gao Huaiyu was so angry that he raised his voice.

"It's not in vain, general. The navy doesn't have any other bases besides Shieldfish Island. Why don't we set up a territory here?"

Uncle Zhongqin, isn't he best at empty-handed white wolves?

"Wonderful!" Huang Shangshu applauded. Considering the natural dangers on both sides of the straits of the country, there is no one of his own stationed here. Who knows if pirates will be like cutting leeks.

Gao Huaiyu's spirit was greatly lifted, and he finally survived the heavy blow of his brothers.

Start planning for the living brothers, the place where the birds don't shit on Shieldfish Island is not very useful except for training troops and preventing Japanese surprise attacks.

Sri Buddha passed away, but it is different, this place is like the throat of the sea, a place that must pass through when traveling from east to west.

Whether it is a military ship or a merchant ship, they can be the first to discover this place in the past during the Great Xia Dynasty.Thinking of this, Gao Huaiyu couldn't sit still anymore.

"Let's go, Master Shangshu, let's go to see the deceased prince of Sri Buddha! No matter how you say it, we should draw an island bigger than Shieldfish Island!"

King Srivijaya wanted to cry, his sincerity was so great that Shangguo still wanted to garrison here.

They kept saying that just in case, they were afraid that the pirates would come back from other places.

Since the military strength of Sri Buddha's dead country is so unbearable, how can a superior country sit idly by?

The mute eats coptis, and has to swallow it in his stomach.

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