His heart sank to the bottom of the lake, and he broke out in a cold sweat for no reason.

This is not a good time to talk about things.

Xie Jue asked, "The emperor visited you the day before yesterday, what did you talk about?"

Fang Chuning didn't have the habit of lying to him either, "We talked about the border guards in the south of the Yangtze River, and then we talked about marriage. He wanted to marry me."

"Hmm!" Xie Jue's expression was flat, his eyes slightly lowered.

Fang Chuning looked at Xie Jue's plain and indifferent face, and said softly, "I refused."

Xie Jue wanted to say something, when he suddenly heard the sound of birds and beasts, which was imitated by the shadow guards, and it was also a signal. Xie Jue and Fang Chuning stopped talking about personal matters, and focused their eyes on the figure moving northwest.The sun was shining brightly at noon, and the vision was clear. Both Xie Jue and Fang Chuning saw four figures.

Not the barbarians!
They were dressed in night clothes, masked and held knives. They landed silently as they sprinted, well-trained, and soon came in their direction. Fang Chuning pressed one hand on the hilt of the sword, concentrating and calming down.Those people had already arrived under the tree, only their sharp and deep eyes were exposed. They raised their eyes and glanced at the towering tree. One of them waved his hand, and they were about to climb up the tree.The shadow guard and Chen Lin hiding on the ground had already moved, and rushed over quickly, killing three of them in the blink of an eye. When the rest of them were startled and wanted to escape, Fang Chuning descended from the sky, swung a cold light, and cut his throat with a sword.

Four corpses lay silently under the tree. Yingwei and Chen Lin quickly dragged the corpses to the trap behind the hillside, covered them with hay, and returned them to their places after handling them.The whole process was silent, fast and capable, and the shadow guard lurked back after dealing with the blood stains under the tree.

"Jin Yiwei's sword technique." Fang Chuning said.

Xie Jue nodded. Before Emperor Jianming summoned Fang Chuning last night, Xie Jue said that there would be an ambush by Jin Yiwei and the Imperial Army in Xiyan Mountain, but Fang Chuning was not surprised at all. Fang Lingjun told him that the poisonous arrow formation was arranged by Chen Mo, and she still listened to it. When Chen Mo said he wanted to kill Lord Hou.Emperor Jianming will set up a bureau in the forest.

If the Marquis of Zhenbei is a ship and Xie Zhang is at the helm, then Xie Jue must be the compass and will protect the ship from wind, waves and eddies.Emperor Jianming asked Fang Chuning not to follow Xie Jue into Xiyan Mountain.Fang Chuning is such a keen and intelligent man, he has long heard the meaning behind his words.

He told Emperor Jianming righteously that Xie Jue had asked him to go to the front of the tent, and the military order had to be obeyed. If there was another replacement, Yan Yang would lose face, and the Beiman would still laugh at him for being greedy for life and fearing death. Don't insult the lintel of Fang's family.

But he knew in his heart that he would accompany Xie Jue to fight through mountains of swords and seas of fire, and after hearing what Emperor Jianming meant, he was even less likely to let Xie Jue be alone.

When he was in Xiyan Mountain, Emperor Jianming might still be wary of him, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous!
But he thought too much!
Within an hour, they ambushed and killed two groups of people, using exactly the same method, and waited for rabbits. Nine lives were buried in the mountains and forests, and the second group of people were ambushed and killed.Xie Jue and Fang Chuning led people to move westward, typically killing once and changing places. Both groups of people were killed at the same place, which easily exposed their positions.

Chen Lin was very familiar with the traps of Jinyiwei and the Forbidden Army. After eliminating the traps, he brought Xie Jue and Fang Chuning to another safe place, and then quietly climbed a tree to hide.

Xie Jue was taking a nap in the tree. Just after noon, he heard the sound of birds and animals. Dugu Jing led the northern barbarians to pass under the tree. They were very irritable. Dugu Jing said, "Where did they hide? I searched all over the mountain. , did not see their whereabouts."

"They must be hiding in the mountains, not daring to show their faces, waiting for dark, greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Scheming Yanyang people!"

Both Xie Jue and Fang Chuning spoke Beiman dialect very well, and could understand what they were saying. Dugu Jing spoke very fast, already on the verge of anger, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning watched them walk under the tree.Both the Shadow Guard and Chen Lin were hidden among the thorns, almost blending into one, making it difficult to be found. They kept watching Dugu Jing and the Beiman go away.

Dugujing hunted Xie Jue as a sika deer. Xie Jue was the same as Fang Chuning, but they were not in a hurry to kill Dugujing. They wanted to clean up the Jinyiwei and the Imperial Army who had ambushed in the forest first.

The two originally suspected that Jin Yiwei and the Imperial Army would follow Dugu Jing to reap the benefits, but they didn't expect Jin Yiwei and the Imperial Army to be seen after Dugu Jing passed by. Xie Jue and Fang Chuning looked at each other. Could it be that they guessed wrong?
Both Xie Jue and Fang Chuning saw hesitation from the bottom of each other's eyes. The forest was too quiet, so quiet that it was frightening, and the sunlight dimmed inch by inch.


Fang Lingjun and Fengyu are playing polo, Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others are already in good health, they forget to eat but not to play, and play together again.The culprit, Cai Wensen, was punished by Fang Lingjun by hanging his hands under the tree for a quarter of an hour. Cai Wensen felt that being hanged for a quarter of an hour would calm his playmates, and it was so worth it, so he asked with a smile if he wanted an extra quarter of an hour.

After being punished, several people formed a team to play polo and challenged the polo team of Lin Yunong's group. The two sides competed, and the field was very lively. After seeing Feng Yu's goal, Feng Shu quietly left.

Ah Yu just have fun!
After returning to Beijing this time, she found that her younger sister was in a much more cheerful mood, she also liked to laugh, and had more friends. Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others all had a good time with her, Feng Shu thought, this is a good thing.

When Fengshu returns to the camp, she meets the prince.The prince is always surrounded by stars, he seems to have just finished discussing with the civil servants, he is a little tired, and his demeanor is very good, accompanied by two officials from the household department and several personal guards.

Before she saluted, the prince raised his hand and said, "Second girl, Gu just needs you for something."

"Yes!" Feng Shu was confused, what's the matter with him?

The two officials from the household department glanced at Feng Shu, bowed to the prince and took leave, the prince walked over, Dong Xue and Xia Zhu took a few steps back, the prince said, "The household department is talking about the Twelve States Iron Mine, nothing to do I want to ask you."

"Your Highness is too serious. Whatever the courtiers know, they will know everything."

What happened to the Twelve States Iron Mine?
The prince said slowly, "The household department received a report from the governors of the twelve states. The control of the state government over the ore gradually weakened. The mines flowed from the twelve states to the south of the Yangtze River. The six mines did not have the order of the state government. They mined without authorization. , and the output is unknown. I just want to know the real situation of the minerals in the Twelve States."

The mine is controlled by the government, and the merchants only have the mining right, and the ownership belongs to the local state capital and Yanyang. Without the order of the state capital, no mining is allowed.There is another very special situation in the Twelve States. There are many bandits and bandits who occupy the mountains as kings. They often occupy the mines and cooperate with businessmen in private to mine.Now there are three empty cities in the twelve prefectures, and the refugees are fleeing indiscriminately, trying to seize the mines, and often have conflicts with the state capital.

After the conflicts intensified, if they were not properly dealt with, businessmen with ulterior motives would use the refugees who had deep resentment towards the state capital to mine ore, and often had conflicts with the state capital officers and soldiers.Over time, the state government didn't care much about the mines, as long as the taxes were paid on time.

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