The specific output of the mine, the transportation route, and the amount of taxes to be paid are unknown to the government, and it is extremely easy to manipulate. As long as the local state capital can be settled, the business of the mine is mostly up to the merchants.

The same is true for the Su family's ore mining rights in the Twelve States.

Feng Shu couldn't tell the truth, so she said softly, "His Royal Highness, the ownership of the mine belongs to the state capital. If there is no order from the state capital, others will not dare to mine at will. After mining, the state government will send three people to register in turn. If you want to deceive the upper and lower, unless you have to open up the relationship, the ore route passes through twelve states and ten cities, and the quantity is huge. All the state capitals along the line were bought."

The prince asked calmly, "So, do you think it is impossible for the iron ore in the Twelve States to be transported to Sangnan?"

"My daughter can't tell for sure." Feng Shu said, "Twelve prefectures have been emptied and three cities have been emptied, banditry is serious, and our business has been robbed all year round. If anything happens on the south line, no one can tell."

Feng Shu left room for her words, the crown prince looked at her thoughtfully, Jin Yiwei had eyes and eyes all over the world, the crown prince knew Feng Shu's situation well, as long as it was a caravan of the Su family business, the robbers from the Twelve States would not dare to move.When the Su family caravan was moved, the military supplies of the Marquis of Zhenbei were mobilized. One year, the twelve prefectures intercepted the grain of the Su family caravan. The mountains are almost flat.

Although the bandits in the twelve states are reckless, they are not stupid.They are asking for money and don't want to die, so when they see the motorcade of the Su family firm, they are generally not very good at doing it.Many commercial firms will use the Su family's prestige when they go to the Twelve States.Feng Shu also surrendered to bandits and set up a caravan bodyguard agency.

"Sangnan Mutual Market may be closed for a while, and the Mutual Market will be reopened after the ore investigation in the twelve states is clear. If the iron ore flows to Sangnan, Jiangnan will be in danger."

"Your Highness is right!" Feng Shu's heart skipped a beat, closing the exchange market?

"Su's business is spread all over the twelve prefectures. Does the second girl have any advice for Gu?" The prince humbly asked, "Gu has never traveled around the world, so he doesn't know the whole picture. The ore output of the two states has affected the tax revenue of the state capital, and also affected the battle between Sangnan and Yanyang, so I have to be vigilant, so I want to hear your opinion."

Feng Shu folded her hands in her long sleeves, said after pondering, "Does Your Highness trust me?"

"I trust you alone!"

Feng Shu said, "The twelve prefectures are ultimately plagued by banditry. Officials and bandits have deep grievances. Each is king. There are often conflicts, and the ore of the twelve prefectures is divided up. As long as the banditry is eliminated, the imperial court will send people to rectify the administration. It will be resolved."

The prince also looked distressed, and sighed, "The imperial court is also very worried about the bandits, and has sent troops to suppress them many times, but no results have been obtained. After the peace talks, I will order the Zhenbei Iron Cavalry to put down the bandits. The iron cavalry will be able to pacify the Twelve Prefectures."

Feng Shu bowed her knees and saluted, "After marriage, I would like to go with Xie Zhang to the Twelve States to quell the bandits and relieve His Highness' worries."

The prince's pupils narrowed, and the slyness flashed past, the smile gradually dissipated in his brows, and he said with a light smile, "Second girl, Gao Yi, is lonely and waiting for the good news."

He stretched out his hand to help Fengshu, Fengshu got up one step faster than him, the prince said with a smile, "What date is the wedding date of the second girl and the eldest son?"

"Sixth of June."

"A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance is a match made in heaven. I am alone waiting to drink your wedding wine."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Xie Zhang stood not far away, looking at the crown prince and Feng Shu quietly, with only one soldier beside him, he was dressed in a moon white brocade robe, standing tall and straight like a pine in the green grass, surrounded by orchids and jade trees.She seemed to know that the prince and Feng Shu had something to say, so she didn't approach, Feng Shu saw Xie Zhang, bid farewell to the prince, and walked towards Xie Zhang.

At the beginning, he walked steadily, but he couldn't control his joy as he walked, and ran towards Xie Zhang.The crown prince stared at her back, watched her lift Xie Zhang's hand, and didn't know what to say, Xie Zhang leaned over to listen with a smile, tender and lingering, the crown prince only took one look, turned and left.After he turned around, Xie Zhang looked at the prince's back from the corner of his eye, his brows were slightly cold.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Feng Shu asked softly.

Xie Zhang held her hand, "Brother will take you to fly a kite."

"Okay!" Feng Shu took the initiative to talk to him about the affairs of the Twelve States, "The governors of the Twelve States and the cities and prefectures should have internal strife due to the uneven distribution of spoils. The governor filed a pleading with the emperor. The prince just asked The ore of the Twelve States is flowing, and I want iron cavalry to suppress the bandits in the Twelve States."

"The problem of bandits needs to be resolved." Xie Zhang said in a deep voice, "After the peace talks, we will return to Ningzhou to garrison. After the border is completely settled, I will arrange several generals to lead troops to suppress the bandits."

Xie Zhang doesn't care about peace talks, but this year's military affairs plan has already been completed, and the focus of the second half of the year is to suppress bandits and reduce troops.The purpose of suppressing bandits is to ensure that the people of Yanyang can live and work in peace and contentment, and there will be no bandits in the world.

"How long will it take to calm down the bandits?"

Xie Zhang thought for a while, "Let's do it within the year!"

Fengshu was overjoyed, the rogue bandits would be suppressed within the year, the twelve prefectures would be in good weather, after the reduction of troops, there would be a young man living in the twelve prefectures, given time, he would surely restore the lively scene of ten years ago.

"Don't worry too much about the problems in the Twelve States. Let Tingfeng deal with them after the rogues are settled, and he will deal with them properly." Xie Zhang said as soon as he finished.

Fengshu Da'an, "Okay, I will listen to my brother."

"In the future, we will stay away from the capital and settle in Ningzhou." Xie Zhang caressed her face, "OK?"

"it is good!"

The Marquis of Zhenbei also talked with him. After marriage, Xie Zhang and Feng Shu will settle down in Ningzhou. No matter what happens in court, Xie Zhang will never leave Ningzhou, and he will never return to Beijing during the holidays.Hou Mansion moved from Kyoto to Ningzhou from Xie Zhang.

Several children will settle in Ningzhou, and Hou Ye and several wives will be hostages in Beijing to balance the court.

In Xiyan Mountain, there is a cool breeze.

Xie Jue keenly sensed the danger, Fang Chuning was fully focused and prepared, the shadow guards did not have any birds or beasts to warn them, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were in the dense foliage, with a wide field of vision, they had already seen Dugu Jing and the northern barbarians.In addition to Beiman and his party of six, there was also a group of masked men in black. Fang Chuning counted the number.

Dugujing and Beiman were six people, and there were 18 masked men in black.They have killed nine people, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning did not expect Jin Yiwei and the imperial army to keep so many people in Xiyan Mountain.

Nine people were killed, and Jin Yiwei and the Imperial Army must have panicked.The leader made a very correct decision, Jin Yiwei and the imperial army walked together, and no longer gave Xie Jue and Fang Chuning a chance to kill alone.If they send a few more people to explore the way, they will never return, and the combat power will continue to weaken, and they will be defeated one by one by Xie Jue in the end.

Fang Chuning thought to himself, is this all the power in Xiyan Mountain?
Several people held their breath, there were only footsteps in the forest, Dugu Jing was on the verge of losing control, the more he wanted to find Xie Jue, the more clueless he became.

Fang Chuning grabbed Xie Jue's hand and wrote on his palm.

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