Xie Xun thought, he is a bit unlucky!
The first time I took Fengyu out of the city for a tryst, I was bumped into by my elder brother and Fengshu, after I got engaged, I took Fengyu to climb a mountain, I couldn't help kissing Fengyu, and they bumped into me again.

How unlucky it is!
Xie Zhang looked helpless, Xie Xun was dragged to the side, and couldn't hear what Feng Shu and Feng Yu said, and from his expression, he knew that Feng Shu was training Feng Yu.

Xie Xun was a little dissatisfied, "Why?"

Xie Zhang looked at Xie Xun with his arms around his chest, and raised his eyebrows with a half-smile. His younger brother was playing with cats and dogs since he was a child, and went on a rampage.If Xie Jue is ice, Xie Xun is fire. He has two younger brothers with very different personalities.Xie Xun was almost brought up by him, as long as he was in Beijing, Xie Xun followed him like a little tail, his elder brother was long and his elder brother was short.

Either clinging to the eldest brother, or showing off his strength in front of the second brother, when he grows up, he is full of energy, causing trouble everywhere, smarter than children of the same age, and stronger.Anyone who was the same age as him when he was young, or a few years older than him, was beaten up by Xie Xun as long as he scolded Xie Jue. Zhenbeihou and Mrs. Hou took him to the door every now and then to apologize, and then asked the other party to apologize to Xie Jue .

Xie Xun's apology was very sincere and straightforward. He knelt down as soon as he said it. When Zhenbei Hou whipped him, he could write a poem to reflect on him. In short, he was very sincere.

The next day, he continued to beat people with his fists. Those who dared to complain to their parents were hung up and beaten by him. His temper was so wild that Zhenbeihou even broke three whips.

After going to the battlefield to experience, his temper gradually calmed down.

As a son of the Hou family, he was born to belong to the battlefield. Xie Xun has an incomprehensible ambition to conquer the northern barbarians. Zhenbei Hou and Xie Zhang feel toothache when they think of the appearance of Xie Xun when they first came to Ningzhou to kill the enemy.

Wars and killings are extremely cruel. Young people are dedicated to serving their country and feel that killing the enemy is the glory of a man. People who have never been on the battlefield even look forward to one day being able to raise a machete and kill all directions.

When they go to the battlefield full of enthusiasm, they will see blood dripping, broken arms and stumps, and they will see the heads of the soldiers who greeted them yesterday were beheaded.

They will see their comrades shot through the chest with swords, and they will understand... peace is the ultimate goal of war.

That's why his younger brother grew up rapidly on the battlefield, gradually became calm, and no longer talked about killing all the northern barbarians.When Xie Zhang sent Xie Xun out of Ningzhou to return to the capital, he told him tenderly that after returning to Beijing, he would listen to his mother's advice, find a woman he likes, and live a peaceful life.

After Xie Xun returned to Beijing, Mrs. Hou tentatively asked him what kind of woman he liked.

Xie Xun suffered from leg poison and had a bad temper. He angrily burned the picture scroll sent by Mrs. Hou.Madam Hou was so worried that her hair turned gray, and she secretly asked Xie Zhang and Xie Jue if Xie Xun had any good friends in the army.

When Xie Zhang and Xie Jue received the letter, they looked at each other and fell silent strangely.

I don't know if it's because his temper is too wild and he doesn't fit in with the children of the family, or because Xie Xun only likes to play with his brother, he has no close friends since he was a child.Xie Jue has a cold face and a cold heart, and Fang Chuning has a temperament of rejecting people thousands of miles away.Xie Xun didn't, he had a mediocre relationship with the children of the aristocratic family.

When he was young, Xie Xun was crazy. He was busy showing off his strength, busy making troubles, and didn't want to make friends.He is the son of the Hou family, and there are many people who want to make friends with him, but Xie Xun dismisses him.Because when he was young, he sincerely felt that he was unparalleled in the world and that you were not worthy of being friends with me, so he was quite arrogant and wild.

The children of the aristocratic family pay attention to gentleness, courtesy and thrift, but he is a negative example, for which he was often beaten.

When the young man was thirteen or fourteen years old, he gradually became sensible, and his family began to pay attention to married women. Mrs. Hou took Xie Xun to several flower viewing banquets, but Xie Xun didn't even remember the names of the girls.Many women secretly expressed their love to him and expressed their love enthusiastically. Xie Xunfeng was absolutely indifferent and remained indifferent. The more Mrs. Hou and the two concubines felt something was wrong the more they watched.

A boy of thirteen or fourteen years old was just at the beginning of his love affair. His two sons looked like they were not interested in girls, and Xie Jue was just fine, because of his personality.Xie Xun was not. Mrs. Hou scratched her lungs nervously and irritatedly. She could only ask Xie Zhang and Xie Jue. She dared not let Master Hou see this letter.

Xie Xun is not necessarily close to anyone in the army, except for Ai and Fang Chuning who compare each other, it is like two peacocks competing to open their tails.Xie Zhang and Xie Jue were also wondering what kind of girl Xie Xun would like.

Xie Jue said, "He likes dodder flowers."

Xie Zhang, "?"

"Control freaks like dodder flowers." Xie Jue said firmly.

Xie Zhang raised his eyebrows and said flatly, "Then why aren't you?"

Xie Jue's rare panic flashed past, "..."

For a moment, he didn't know whether to refute that he didn't like Cuscuta, or who he liked.

When Xie Zhang saw Feng Yu, he realized that what Xie Jue said had some truth. After all, the third girl really looked like a dodder flower, weak and obedient.

"Fengyu is still young, and Shu'er loves her again. No matter how you look at the scene just now, you bullied her. How can I give you any good looks?"

Xie Xun recalled that night in the corridor of the palace, the scene where his brother pushed Feng Shu against the pillar to kiss, and said coolly, "We are all brothers, don't talk about anyone else."

Xie Zhang chuckled, "I'm going to get married, and I'm an older brother, and Shu'er is not controlled by her older sister, are you envious?"

Xie Xun was so jealous that his eyes were red, and he would have to wait three years before getting married, "I'm about to get married, what are you taking her out for? It's also against the rules."

Xie Zhang pressed his fist to his lips and smiled, "Don't worry about my brother's business."

Xie Xun, "..."

Feng Shu was training Feng Yu, Feng Yu obediently listened to the training, and scolded the young master in his heart, when he was alone, he always liked to kiss her, like the skin growing on her body, he insisted on clinging to her.If she doesn't kiss or touch, she seems unable to do the next thing, Fengyu resists and is attracted at the same time, she is forced to duplicity.Later, he had no choice but to follow his wishes, who would have thought that he would be bumped into by his sister.

"Sister, I was wrong." Feng Yu obediently admitted, "I must keep a distance from Xie Xun."

Feng Shu didn't teach her to be old-fashioned, but she was afraid that Xie Xun would do something before marriage when he was hot-blooded. She and Xie Zhang were about to get married, so it didn't matter.

The marriage between her and Xie Xun will take a few years. What if there is a fatal incident and the reputation is hurt?
"You can only hold hands, you know?"

Feng Yu suddenly realized that it is human nature to only allow state officials to set fires and not to allow common people to light lamps, and her sister is no exception. She complained in her heart, but she dared not talk back to Feng Shu.

"Got it!" Feng Yu thought, as long as Xie Xun can restrain himself.

Feng Shu is someone who has experienced it, and she knows what it feels like to be in control. She believes that Feng Yu has a sense of propriety, but Xie Xun is at the age when she is full of energy.Her sister is not a person with particularly high moral values, and she is really afraid that they will kill each other before they get married.

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