Xie Zhang was already admonishing Xie Xun, telling him to observe the etiquette before marriage and not to cross the line, Xie Xun became furious, "Brother, I have a sense of propriety, and I will get married for two or three years, so I won't do anything that crosses the line, you have to trust me. "

Xie Zhang is someone who has experienced it, and he almost crossed the line several times. His self-control is defeated in the face of love, and it is difficult to control his love.The younger brother is getting older, so he doesn't want to talk too much, so he said with a half-smile, "Okay, as long as you have the numbers."

"You went to Gaoping to do business, why did you come to Zhuangzi?" Xie Zhang asked.

Xie Xun's face was slightly condensed, "Brother, everything in Gaoping is normal, there is no abnormality, and it has been dispatched normally this month. After the iron cavalry returned to Beijing, you and General Gao trained troops outside the city. He was defeated in that training." Wu Guang, after going back, he did lead troops to train for a period of time, and the momentum was very fierce. He said that he wanted to fight you again before you returned to Ningzhou. I was in the army for two days, and it was true. Other than that , everything is normal in Gaoping."

"What about food and supplies?"

Xie Xun said truthfully, "I don't see anything unusual."

Xie Zhang stood with his hands behind his back, his posture relaxed, "It's good that the weather is calm."

"When the eldest brother gets married, will the second brother come back?"

"Come back if it's cured well, and continue to treat it if it's not cured." Xie Zhang said flatly, "Big brother's marriage is not as important as his eyes."

Xie Xun was worried, but he didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. The elder brother and the second elder brother had their own plans, so he didn't have to worry too much. Xie Zhang said, "Do you want to stay at Zhuangzi at night?"

"Leave the affairs of Jingdu Wei to Zhang Boxi and Lin Xiao, and there is no rush. I want to accompany Feng Yu to deal with the matter of Yiling Village in Zhuangzi." Xie Xun said, "It is very difficult to implement the new policy, and I just want to see how Feng Yu will do it deal with."


Xie Zhang didn't care about the New Deal, his focus was on the army, and the New Deal involved the provisions of the army, he had studied it thoroughly long ago, and tried his best to benefit the underprivileged soldiers.

The four brothers and sisters planned to go down the mountain together, but the atmosphere became a bit strange. An expectant couple, a pair of unmarried couples, brothers and sisters, walked together very stiffly.Especially Feng Yu and Xie Xun, it was like being stared at by elders, it was really uncomfortable, Xie Xun gave Xie Zhang a wink, big brother, please, let's go separately!

Feng Yu also blushed from embarrassment, Feng Shu was not a rigid person, and could sense the atmosphere, she and Xie Zhang went down the mountain first, Xie Xun and Feng Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

Fengyu said, "I don't want to climb mountains anymore."

So embarrassing!

"It's not the fault of climbing the mountain." Xie Xun laughed loudly, "Climbing high and looking far away, the ground is full of wild flowers, what's wrong with this mountain."

He smiled and took Feng Yu's hand, carried Feng Yu on his back and went down the mountain.

Xie Zhang and Feng Shu are at the racecourse, not far from Zhuangzi, this mountain forest and Zhuangzi belong to Zhenbeihou Mansion and Feng Mansion, they are connected together, Zhuangzi and the mountain forest are Fengshu's dowry.Feng Shu wanted to take Xie Zhang to have a look, but she didn't expect to meet Feng Yu and Xie Xun.With regard to the Lingzhuang matter, Xia Zhu and Dong Xue had already told her that Feng Shu was not in a hurry, they left it to Feng Yu and wanted to see how Feng Yu would solve it.

Knowing that Xie Xun wanted to accompany Feng Yu to live in Zhuangzi, Feng Shu also wanted to live in Zhuangzi and didn't want to go to the racecourse. Xie Zhang smiled and said, "I know that although Xu's behavior is perverted, it will not hurt Fengyu. If we stay in Zhuangzi Each other will be embarrassed."

Seeing the young master's behavior, Feng Shu couldn't help feeling worried, but she still believed in Xie Zhang.If they stayed on Zhuangzi, Feng Yu and Xie Xun would indeed be a little embarrassed.

It was rare to come out to play, Xie Zhang didn't want to take Feng Shu to stare at his younger brother and sister, and took Feng Shu back to the racecourse after going down the mountain.Feng Yu and Xie Xun breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't see their brother and sister.Xie Xun took Feng Yu to play in the forest. He knew the joys of the countryside very well.

She hadn't done this kind of sneaky thing since she was nine years old, and she was a little uncomfortable. The young master was very courageous and asked her to let the wind outside the fence. Feng Yu was terrified. It was really embarrassing to be bumped into. I can't afford to lose this face.

The luck of the two of them was also really bad. When encountering a wolf dog patrolling the ground, Feng Yu was afraid of the wild dog and barked out in fright. He was so angry that he almost kicked Xie Xun into the ravine.

Xie Xun didn't know how to repent, so he picked the berries in the garden. He wiped them casually and fed them to Feng Yu's mouth. Feng Yu despised his dirty sleeves, but obediently opened her mouth to bite the berries, which made the third girl cry run wildly.

"Thank you Xun!"

Xie Xun couldn't stop laughing wildly. Teasing Fengyu was his favorite thing to do. Whether it was to make her laugh or make her angry, he didn't know where he made a mistake recently. He always liked to make her angry.

It is very unfortunate that Xie Zhang and Feng Shu are running horses in the mountains, and they steal fruits from people, and are chased by wolf dogs.

Xie Zhang rubbed the center of his brows, "Shu'er, Zhixu...he is still young and has a childlike innocence, let's go back to the racecourse."

Out of sight is pure!

Feng Shu looked at this scene with mixed emotions, thoughtful, both relieved and sad. Since her younger sister was kidnapped, she has changed from a naive and innocent little girl to a cold-hearted girl.No matter how well-behaved she smiled, she couldn't hide the desolation in her heart, and she no longer had the slightest bit of girlish innocence.

She is mature, indifferent, and has gone through many vicissitudes. No matter how difficult it is to open her heart, she is used to wearing a mask even when facing the closest people. Feng Shu has never seen Feng Yu in such a girlish manner for many years.Those sufferings and tortures seem to have never happened, she is cherished and cared for, loves to laugh and make trouble, and is lovable.

Feng Shu hated and was also frustrated, hated those who took Feng Yu away, hated her own helplessness, hated that she couldn't heal the scars in her sister's heart, and let her bear the hatred and pain for so many years alone.

Feng Yu kept silent about those two years, had nightmares every night, licked her wounds alone, and was unwilling to confide in others, even if it was her, she couldn't open Feng Yu's heart.

Feng Shu never expected that it was Xie Xun who opened Feng Yu's heart!

It was Xie Xun who let her see what Feng Yu should have looked like after growing up without any disasters.

When the two returned to Zhuangzi, the sun had already set and Li Zheng was already waiting at Yiling Village, Feng Yu's good mood came to an abrupt end, Li Zheng also looked hesitant, he had been waiting for Feng Yu for over an hour.The third girl didn't mean to let Yilingzhuang hang out on purpose, but she was discouraged by the playthings brought by the young master.

With a rich family, it's really cool to be a dandy who eats, drinks, and has fun. I don't care about mundane affairs, carefree, and sleep in the mountains of gold and silver.

But after thinking about it, Feng Yu is still reluctant to part with her gold and silver.

"Girl, can you sell half of the land in Yiling Village?" Lizheng begged Feng Yu, "Or the land rent will only be increased by [-]%."

Feng Yu's voice was slightly cold, "No way."

I'll update it tomorrow during the day

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