Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 280 Really Unexpected

Chapter 280 Really Unexpected
"Of course not, you are much more useful than tofu." Sister Hong'er, who was driving the car, said, and began to drift handsomely.

Cheng Hao, who was sitting in the box, immediately felt that there was a deviation in the heart of the car.

But he sat down calmly, the roof of his sister's car just exploded, and nothing happened.

Cheng Hao comforted himself like this, and the whole tiger relaxed a lot.

"Why isn't Pang Ju coming? Didn't you say that Pang Ju is coming to Shanquan Restaurant to record a show?"

"I don't know. I heard that Xiaopangju is coming, but I don't know why he didn't come."

"Yeah, maybe Xiaopangju has encountered something and is still on the way."

Inside the villa surrounded by green vegetation, fans watched people entering the villa one after another.Said with disappointment in his eyes.

Who are these guys? They didn't come to see them.They came for the big star Xiaopangju, but in the end Xiaopangju didn't come, it was these low-class guys who came, they couldn't be more honest, why did they come in through the main entrance?

And the singers who are looked at by another eye are also the first two big:
"By the way, we should have been invited here, no matter how you look at them, they seem to dislike us."

"Who knows this?"

Originally thought that they would be greeted with cheers from fans when they arrived, but it turned out that they didn't have any, and they seemed to have encountered other people's eyes.Who do they have to reason with?
"Miss, don't park your car here, please come this way with us." Just as the fans were muttering, Hong'er, who was driving a cold chain car, had already entered the parking lot.

But when she crossed the barrier, the voice of the security guard came from her ear.

"Okay." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this, and followed her away.

But the next place she came to made Hong'er sister completely stunned.

"Our villa unloads the goods here, and there is no need to go to the parking lot." The security guard said with a smile in front of the cold storage in the back kitchen.

"Uh, you may have made a mistake, big security guard. We're not here to deliver goods to the villa." Sister Hong'er who came back to her senses said.

She said why someone led him before he arrived. She thought it was some special arrangement and brought her here.

"Aww~ (It's so fun, I'm dying of laughter.)" Cheng Hao, who was staying behind, couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

He was really laughing to death, so he said he can't bring the car?My sister still doesn't believe that someone is now being treated as a delivery person, it's so much fun.

"Um, don't you guys deliver the goods?" The security guard was also a little stunned at this time. He never expected that someone would come to the villa with a cold chain car, and the other party was not a delivery man. This is too outrageous .

"Yes, we are here to participate in the show." Sister Hong'er nodded, jumped out of the car and opened the cold chain compartment.

"Aww~ (It's really hot outside. It's not as cool as inside. It's better to stay inside.)" Cheng Hao said, yawning after jumping out of the car.

"You...you are Xiaopangju?" After seeing Cheng Hao who fell down, the security guard finally understood who it was?

"Aww~ (You know who I am, I thought you didn't.)" Cheng Hao turned his head to look at the security guard and said.

"Excuse me, can I enter the main venue here? Calculate the time, we should be going in." Sister Hong'er looked at the security guard and asked.

"Yes, yes. The two of you can enter the hall directly by walking this way." The security guard who heard this immediately recovered from his shock.

"Okay, thank you." Sister Hong'er nodded when she heard the words, and just about to walk away, she suddenly saw the stopped refrigerated truck and said, "By the way, it doesn't matter if I park the car here? Do you need it?" Need to put the car back in the parking lot?"

If she is not mistaken?This place seems to be a special place for the cold chain truck in the kitchen, right?They don't deliver food, so it doesn't matter if they stop here.

"Of course it's not necessary. I'll tell the higher-ups. The breeder lady can rest assured to stop here." The security guard said with a smile.

As expected of a member of the evolutionary department, this hidden method is really great. Who would have thought that Xiaopangju came by a cold chain car?

Those who are still waiting are still standing at the door and waiting foolishly.

"That's good." Sister Hong'er breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that.Cheng Hao, who was looking around, shouted: "Little scoundrel, let's go in, stop sniffing here and there."

"Aww~ (Got it.)" Cheng Hao, who smelled the smell of food, nodded and followed Sister Hong'er in.

It smells so fragrant, it is indeed a big place, and I don't know what good things are waiting for him inside?
"dong dong"

"dong dong"

The conference hall of the villa has already been arranged.

The people in gorgeous dresses and luxurious gowns also left, but the director was a little flustered by the long-awaited figure.

"You have been standing at the door for so long, did you see Little Fat Orange coming?" the director asked the staff beside him.

"No, the door is blocked by Xiaoju fans. If Xiaopangju came, it would definitely not be so quiet."

"That's right, director. Maybe Xiaopangju hasn't woken up yet, let's wait and see." The staff who heard this said.

Little Fat Orange is a tiger, maybe he hasn't woken up yet.It's not too late for them to wait.

"Wait any longer? One day will pass." The director looked at the time and said with a dark face.

The venue they rented has not been rented for a long time. If they continue to wait, they will have to pay for the day.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't you see that it hasn't started yet? What are you doing in such a hurry?)"

"If you're not in a hurry? It'll open later."

At this moment, a voice came that gave the director a pause.

Then he saw a furry figure appear.

"Um, little chubby orange and Miss Breeder? When did you come?" Seeing the appearance of a man and a tiger, the staff were stunned. When did they come?Why didn't he see it?At the door, no colleague told him what was going on?

"Just now, what's wrong? Could it be that the show is over?" Sister Hong'er looked at the surprised expressions of the two and asked.

Don't tell her that they are too late to hurry.That would be the end of the calf.

"Of course not. Hurry up and invite the two of you inside. I'll wait for you two to arrive." Hearing this, the director said, and said to the staff on the side: "Hurry up, bring Xiaopangju and Miss Breeder inside." ?”

"Okay, director." The staff member replied, stretching out his hand to make a petition: "Both of you, please follow me."

"Yeah." Sister Hong'er nodded, then followed with strides.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he quickly followed.

"It's finally here, now we can officially start." Seeing a person and a tiger walk into the main hall, the director breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow! It's Xiaopangju, it's Xiaopangju."

"It's him, it's him. It's the cute little chubby orange."

In the hall where he was sitting, Cheng Hao came with small steps.The whole hall became lively, and the sitting audience poked their heads excitedly.

"Aww~ (Don't get excited, don't get excited, just sit down.)" Cheng Hao, who was walking, saw it, and immediately raised his paw and opened his mouth.

It is enough for these people to stay where they are, and there is no need to come down to welcome him.

"It's true that people are more angry than others, and you have to throw away when you compare goods. When we just came here, these people didn't have such a big movement."

Seeing this scene, the guests who had already come to the stage said sourly.

"No way, if you are a tiger, if you can write songs and still be popular, and you have a backstage? You can do it too." Another guest sitting in the seat shrugged his shoulders and said after hearing it.

Xiaopangju is more popular than Huhongge. The most important thing is that there is an evolutionary department, which is protected by this big tree. They can't compare with each other in anything.

Smarter?It's better to act like you don't know anything.So as not to embarrass yourself.

"It turns out that I can too..."

The guest sitting there gritted his teeth and said, originally he could do it too.

However, the sudden change this year is too great, and the entire Xuan Kingdom has changed to a new sky.

Otherwise, he would definitely become the most popular existence.

"You two, please come here. There are massage chairs for the two of you. Of course, Xiaopangju can't sit in a massage chair, so we prepared a massage bed for him."

"Besides, breakfast will be delivered soon." Just as the two of them were muttering, Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao had already stepped onto the stage under the leadership of the staff.

"Okay, thank you." Sister Hong'er smiled and nodded upon hearing that.He patted Cheng Hao who was unceremoniously ready to jump beside him.

"Aww~ (thank you.)" Cheng Hao, who was interrupted in the process of jumping up, raised his big paw and said, turned around and jumped up.

Can the other party understand what he said?As for going through so many processes?

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The staff member smiled, then turned and left: "They say Little Fatty is cute and polite, but it seems true now."

"Wow~ Xiaopangju is so cute. It's like a big lucky cat, look how cute it is waving its big paws."

"Yeah, it's worthy of being called the most polite cat of the year."

The audience below who also saw this scene said excitedly.

It is said that felines are arrogant, but if you look at Xiaopangju, it is not at all.

"Aww~ (This bed is not bad, sister, look at me, I don't have a decent bed, or tell the principal and grandpa to change it for me.)" Cheng Hao, who was lying on the massage bed and enjoying himself, couldn't bear it at all. He ignored the voice below.

At this time, he was very interested in this bed.

"Sister, help you explain? No problem. But whether the principal is willing to change or not depends on your own ability." Sister Hong'er, who was sitting, said.

This little rascal still wants to change the bed?It depends on whether the director is willing to open this small stove for him.

After all, there are few animals that sleep in beds in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

There is no such thing as an animal that sleeps on a massage bed. If he wants to be the first to eat crabs, he has to see how important he is in the director's heart.

"Aww~ (I understand, I understand. When the time comes, I will be soft and stubborn when I go up.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao understood it all at once, and immediately understood what to do.

"Well, as long as you understand." Sister Hong'er nodded, as expected, Xiaoju was smart.I understand this point.

But when the time comes, will the principal be pestered by him?Give him a Hude education class and you won't know.

"Miss Breeder, this is your breakfast, Little Pang Ju, this is your breakfast." Just as Miss Hong'er was thinking, someone delivered the meal.Sister Hong'er, who came back to her senses, quickly expressed her gratitude, and when she turned her head, she saw the spotlight and the camera were on the right side.

"Aww~ (How do you know I want to eat roast leg of lamb today?)" Cheng Hao looked at the opened plate and said with satisfaction.He opened his mouth and started chewing.

By the way, suck the milk with the big straw like a water pipe.

He finally embodies the service that a star still has.

"Hi everyone, viewers and friends, welcome to the music big coffee show. Now you are seeing the guests of this show. As for who? I think you don't need me to tell you."

The host held up the microphone and said, then walked to Cheng Hao's side, and used the microphone to record the sound of Cheng Hao gnawing on the leg of lamb: "It seems that our big star Xiaopang is a little busy, so let's interview him first." Other guests, listen to their stories."

"Aww~ (Is this also your plan?)" Cheng Hao muttered while gnawing on the leg of lamb.

Unexpectedly, he ate a leg of lamb, and the show started directly.

Fortunately, he is not afraid of losing face as a tiger, otherwise how embarrassing would it be to be seen by the national audience?
"Come here, little villain, and put your big tail in front of me to help me block it."

Sister Hong'er, who was holding food in her hand, said that she heard that this show likes to tease people, but she didn't expect to do it straight away. She asked why the show team was so good and gave them breakfast.

It turned out that she wanted to watch them make a fool of themselves, but luckily she only ordered a side of noodles, unlike others who had oatmeal and bread.

"Miss Huang Yanyan, are you free to accept my interview now?" the host asked Huang Yanyan, who was holding milk in one hand and bread in the other.

"Yes, yes." Huang Yanyan nodded when she heard this, and smiled awkwardly.

She looked around for a table where food could be placed, only to find that there was no table here, unless she could finish the milk and bread, otherwise, she would have to hold it in her hand all the time.

Otherwise, it can only be placed on the ground, but if you do this, you will definitely be accused of not paying attention to hygiene and wasting cloth.

Sure enough, a big show in the music scene.Every time at the beginning, the whole person has become a routine.

"That's really great. We worked hard on the field and finally found someone who is willing to be interviewed and who is also able to be interviewed." The host said with a smile, very satisfied with the effect of the program: "Can I invite Miss Huang Yanyan For the audience sitting here, how about performing a dance that you are most proud of?"

"Uh, now?" Huang Yanyan asked while holding milk and bread.

Sure enough, she was still a little too naive, how could this famous music show let her go so easily?

(End of this chapter)

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