Chapter 281 Perfunctory
"Yes." The host said with a smile, and the cameraman immediately came over.

"Then can you ask the host to help me get a cup? I can't dance like this." She can barely dance with a piece of bread in her hand, how can she dance with a glass of milk in her hand?

"Of course there is no problem." The host who heard this said with a smile, and took the cup with his hand: "I can help you with the cup, but what about the bread? It won't work. I have no place to take it in my hand Yes, if you want to help, you can only bite with your mouth."

"It's okay, I can take the bread myself." Huang Yanyan said with a smile, she got up from her seat with the bread in her mouth.

Although she was tricked at the beginning of the show, but fortunately, all eyes were focused on her, which made her a little relieved. If she had been busy for a long time and made a wedding dress for others, that would be true. The most unacceptable thing for her.

"Aww~ (Sister, are you sure this show is a big show in the music industry? Isn't that a prank scene? I feel a little unreliable here.)" Seeing the scene of jumping around with bread in his mouth, Cheng Hao was weak Said.

This is different from the music interview he imagined. Is there really nothing wrong with this show?

"Although it is indeed a bit outrageous, this is the usual style of this show." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile when she heard the words, and began to pray in her heart that the other party should not cheat her, after all, she does not have any talent shows.

"Aww~ (Really? That's really bad fun.)" Cheng Hao complained, and the host stopped Huang Yanyan: "Miss Huang Yanyan's dance is really good, but if you continue watching? The show is about to end .So let's pause for a moment."

"Okay." Huang Yanyan stopped dancing immediately after hearing that.He took the cup and returned to his seat.

After the host saw it, he glanced around again, and soon found Cheng Hao who was holding his bone and looking at him.Immediately came up again: "It seems that our little fat orange has finished eating the leg of lamb and is eating the bone of the lamb. He is really a good tiger who cherishes food. Now let's interview the little fat orange."

"Aww~ (Tell me, what do you want to interview? Let me state in advance, I don't know how to dance.)" Seeing the other party coming up, Cheng Hao was not timid and asked directly.

"Oh? It seems that our little fat orange is still a social cow." The host who heard sister Hong'er's translation said with a smile, and walked in front of Cheng Hao.Holding the microphone close to Cheng Hao's mouth: "The big star Xiaopangju, many people on the Internet are questioning whether you are lip-syncing? Now, taking this opportunity, Xiaopangju, do you have any idea of ​​performing on the spot to break the rumors? ?”

"Aww~ (I don't care about rumors or anything, anyway, whether they like to listen or not.)" Cheng Hao said into the microphone after hearing this: "Aww~ (As for the live concert? Do you want to hear it?) If so? I can grant your wish. But I have to buy two more leg of lamb, otherwise I don’t have the strength to sing to you.)”

"Haha, Little Fat Orange really lives up to its reputation. You have leg of lamb, as long as you are willing to sing." The host immediately said with a smile when he heard that he wanted leg of lamb for singing.

Sure enough, just like the rumors, Chubby Orange is very gluttonous.

"Aww~ (Then there is no problem, it's a trivial song.)" Cheng Hao said, stretched his arms around the host's shoulders, and shouted into the microphone: "Aww~ (I'll send you away Thousands of miles away, are you still there?)”

"Wait a minute, little fat orange, you are a little too heavy, don't hold me, I can't bear it." The host who had just been wrapped in his arms said, trying to break free.

But after hearing the lyrics, the whole person immediately stopped moving again.Because he listened to countless songs, this was the first time he heard this kind of song.

"This song is a little strange, is it the song that Xiaopangju sang?"

"It seems that Xiaopangju hasn't sung it before, maybe it's the new song to be released this time?"

"Really? Then I don't know what the song of Xiaopangju is called?"

At the same time, the audience in the audience heard it.They discussed involuntarily one by one.

"Sing slowly, Xiaoju, my sister can't keep up." Sister Hong'er who was singing shouted, Xiaoju, a little villain, don't suddenly speed up while singing.How can she speak so fast?

"Aww~(Oh oh.)" Cheng Hao, who was singing, stopped immediately, and it was enough to sing a few lines.

He can't let him sing all the songs on this show, can he?
"Huh? Don't stop, little fat orange. Keep singing."

"Yeah yeah, it doesn't matter even if it's a cappella, we like to listen to it very much."

"That's right, Little Fat Ju continues to sing." The audience who noticed that the music had stopped shouted loudly.

They were engrossed in listening to it, why did Little Pang Ju end?Come on, keep singing.

"Aww~ (I can't sing anymore, I'm too hungry. And the song hasn't been written yet, so how can I continue singing, you guys wait for a while, wait for my album.)" Cheng Hao was perfunctory when he heard this He said, he just came here to go through the motions and make soy sauce.I didn't come here for a concert.

You can't let him carry the whole show on his own.

"Huh? Is the unfinished song so good? I don't know what the song will look like when it's finished?"

"Yes, yes, Xiaopangju, don't be lazy, promise us to write songs well when we go back, you know?"

"That's right, that's right, you can't be lazy." The audience who heard this yelled, and then told Miss Hong'er: "Miss Breeder, you have to watch this little slacker so that he can't be lazy." Sleep every day, let him write some songs."

"Yes. We haven't listened to new songs for a long time, and we must not let him be lazy any longer."

"I want to blow him up, but writing a song depends on inspiration, right?" Sister Hong'er who was called out said helplessly.

This song creation is not a Chinese cabbage on the ground, you can plant it if you want it, and you can harvest it if you want it. It mainly depends on the inspiration.

"Then Miss Breeder, you also have to supervise Little Fat Orange. We seriously suspect that he has always been inspired, but he just doesn't want to write songs."

"That's right, other singers can write several songs in a month, but Xiaopangju is lying on the bed eating pots of milk in a month." The audience said.

"Aww~ (How many songs are written in a month? Lamo donkeys don't work like this. I seriously doubt his mental state when writing songs. He must be taken to a mental hospital for a good checkup.)" Hearing Cheng Hao said this.

These singers are either mentally ill or have been hit by a big car. They write several songs a month. Who do they want to kill?

Still let the tiger pass?He just wanted to know if their brain cells could hold up writing so many songs in a month?

"That's not necessary, he has evolved into a new human being, and his work efficiency is now very high, so as an evolved animal, you have to work harder, Little Pangju."

"Yeah, don't be lazy."

The audience said that although the singer's songs were not good, he had to admit that his speed of writing songs was still unmatched.

"Ahem, Xiaopangju already knows the news about everyone's reminders, let's get into the theme of our show." Seeing that the show gradually became a reminder scene, the host quickly said.

It's really scary. This is the charm of Xiaopangju. No wonder he was named the strongest singer of the year. The live reminder of this show will ask you if you are afraid.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa another awww. Stare at him, at least go over and make things difficult for others.

"Okay then." The host said a little dumbfounded after hearing this.

When other people appeared on their show, they told him in private to give him more roles, but it turned out that it was good to be on Xiaopangju's side, and the other party directly asked him to give others roles, so don't stare at him.

"I feel that most of our lives have been wasted, and we are not as good as a tiger." Huang Yanyan, who was looking at this side, said with some emotion.

What a powerful tiger, if you pick out an unfinished song, it will directly attack her for dimensionality reduction. What if it is a complete song?It's really hard to imagine how powerful it will be.

"Don't say that, he is an evolutionary animal, and it is normal for him to be better than us." Another guest said.

"Yes, evolved animals are different from ordinary people." Others also echoed.

The gap between them must be because the other party is too powerful, definitely not because they are too good.

Yes, it must be so.

If they are also evolving, they will definitely be able to compete with each other.

"I don't think so." Huang Yanyan shook her head when she heard the words. Although there is a big gap between ordinary people and evolution, it depends on the situation.

It is impossible to say that a tiger will specialize in the evolution of musical talents, it can only be said that they are too rubbish.

"Aww~ (It's great to be able to relax at last.)" Cheng Hao, who saw the host passing by, nodded in satisfaction, and lay flat on the massage table.

I am going to sleep here for a while, waiting for the show to end.

"Are you going to sleep? Everyone in the audience is your fans." Sister Hong'er reminded after seeing this scene.

"Aww~ (What else? I'm sleepy, can't you let me continue with energy? And the host hasn't brought me the leg of lamb yet.)" Cheng Hao yawned and said, his eyes full of tears. It's sleepy.

"Okay, you glutton." Sister Hong'er said helplessly after hearing this, and then watched the host interact with other guests.

As for their side?The camera will come up from time to time.

But they all gathered on the snot bubble, as if to tell the audience how sleepy the cat in front of them is?

"Little Fat Ju slept soundly. It feels like he didn't come to participate in the show, but just came to sleep."

"Who said it wasn't? But I have to say, this is the first time I've heard a tiger snore."

"Yes, it's so cute. It's like pinching his little ears." The audience who saw this scene said, staring at Cheng Hao, who was turning his belly.

As for the guests who were communicating with the host, they had all been ignored.

They just wanted to take a look at the cat in front of them, how long did they plan to sleep before waking up?
"The director's situation is not good. Everyone seems to be watching Xiaopangju sleeping." The staff who saw this scene said.

"Yes. I saw it." The director nodded helplessly, but he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point.

Xiaopangju, a tiger, attracted all the attention of the audience, and didn't give other guests a chance at all.

"Now let's play a game, shall we?" After discovering the situation on the stage, the host immediately made adjustments: "Let's let each other sing each other's songs, and let the audience evaluate who sang most."

"Yes, yes."

Everyone who heard this nodded and said, as long as they don't get spoofed.

"Okay, let the staff get the box for the lottery." The host said with a smile, and walked up to Cheng Hao, who was snoring, and said to Miss Hong'er who was sitting beside her, "Miss Breeder!" , can you make Xiaopangju stand up, we are going to start interacting now."

"Okay." Sister Hong'er nodded upon hearing this, and stretched out her fingers to poke the snot bubbles that were growing and shrinking, and said, "Little scoundrel, don't sleep, now is not the time to sleep."

"Aww~ ( it time to eat?)" Cheng Hao asked, who opened his eyes in a daze.

"No, now it's time for the interactive session, you little villain, get up your spirits." Sister Hong'er shook her head and explained.

"Aww~ (Isn't it eating? Then I don't have much energy. Tell me what the hell is going on?)" Cheng Hao reluctantly got up and asked.

The joy at the scene has nothing to do with him, he just wants to sleep well and calm down.

"Play games." Sister Hong'er pointed to the guests who were drawing lots and said.

"Aww~ (Okay.)" Cheng Hao stretched his waist, jumped to the front of the box and lined up: "Aww~ (Let me take a look, what can I touch?)"

"It's... so big." The guest at the party had seen Cheng Haohou who was behind him, a little surprised.

I have always heard that Xiaopangju is only over one year old, but I never thought that Xiaopangju is so big, which is too scary.

"Now please show the balls you got. Each ball has two colors: red and blue, and has a number written on it. The two houses with the same number, the North and the South, will sing each other's famous songs." The host held up the microphone to draw lots. Everyone said, and everyone showed the number of the ball in their hands.

Cheng Hao, who was reaching into the box with his paws, saw this and quickly raised his paws, and then the box was lifted up. Unfortunately, the mouth of the box was a bit small.

He managed to stretch his claws in, but now the problem is that he can't pull them out?

"Hahaha, just as I thought, Xiaopangju's claws can't be pulled out once they get in."

"Yes, we should let the breeder lady draw the lots. Little Fat Orange is too impatient."

The audience who saw it below couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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