It was early morning, before the deacon and eunuch read the imperial decree, the little emperor first praised:

"Father Wang Aiqing is really generous. I have heard that you and my brother Pan Aiqing have always been at odds, but now you are always recommending a virtuous person without avoiding enmity, and you still want him to send troops. This is enough to prove that Father Xiang puts the country and society first. He is a rare pillar of talent in my dynasty."

Wang Shugui had a ghost in his stomach, seeing the emperor's praise, he couldn't help but take a step forward, and said with a cheeky old face:

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is the duty of a veteran to be loyal to the country. Why do you bother me? Besides, compared with Mr. Pan, there is no one better in civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty. Who is General Shepan?"

The little emperor nodded and said: "It's best for the general to reconcile and the king to sit firmly."

The little emperor uttered the most decent and admirable sentence since his debut, which made all the ministers respectful.Then the little emperor signaled to the deacon eunuch and said, "Eunuch, it's getting late, I still have dog matters to come, you should hurry up and declare the decree, don't procrastinate there, follow the old regulations!"

Seeing this, the deacon and eunuch hurriedly lit up his male duck voice and read: "By God, the emperor ordered: There are a group of Japanese pirates and thieves from East Asia children. I caused troubles along the border, harassed the residents, looted property, murdered and set fire, raped and murdered women, and plotted many other unruly things. I am hereby specially ordering General Pan Youanpan, Minister of State Protection, Minister of the First Grade, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Minister of the Imperial Envoy, to work hard. Lead the troops in command and exterminate the Japanese bandits. From now on, all matters such as the selection of troops, the time and date of dispatching troops, etc. will be decided by General Pan alone, and no one should be bold enough to intervene and obstruct them, otherwise they will beheaded and killed, and the nine clans will be exterminated. Appreciate this!"

The little eunuch kowtowed to thank him, stood up and patted his buttocks, and swaggered down to face.Among the civil and military, there are careful and well-informed people who know who the little eunuch is putting on airs for.The little eunuch has been away from his appearance for a long time, and he just wants to anger the old Xiangguo.But after all, Pan Shuai suffered some disadvantages due to his age. Prime Minister Wang was a veteran of the three dynasties. He had lived in officialdom for a long time. The old man was so angry that it was obviously not Mrs. Pan who made a mistake in his calculations. Isn't this wishful thinking?

Since it was an errand ordered by the emperor, the little eunuch didn't dare to be sloppy. After he came down to court, he kept thinking about it. He couldn't do it if there were too many people going, and he couldn't do it if there were too few people.Fighting the Japanese pirates is different from rehabilitating the king, fighting the Xiongnu, and it is also different from going into the mountains to suppress bandits.These people conquer the world with a small boat, and they leave when they get cheap, and they run away when they steal something.Hide on any small island, live in any place, the vast sea stretches as far as the eye can see, where can you find it?It is said that there are few of them, and their people are everywhere along the coastline.It is said that they have a large number of people, act separately, act independently, and do not gather when there are major events, and they will never find their main force.Helpless, the little eunuch finally decided to start a small fight, only the beggar beat the dog, and walked away while beating.

In terms of personnel arrangements, Zhu Linzong, Mao Xingwang, Zhang Facun, Huang Ren and other four generals will go together. Hu San must take him with him, and Hua Shixiong will also go. Only Wang Xiaowu can be spared. Let the semi-disabled people rest for a while.As for the female generals, Cao Huazhi, Shangguanxue, Huang Qiuchan, and Ruan Shimei are all pregnant, so it is inconvenient to move forward.Xue Lihong is too conspicuous, with yellow hair and blue eyes, the target is too big, so she can wear it or not.Only Yin Tianxue, Yin Xing'er, and Tianshanxue were left.

When Katemova heard that her husband sent troops without taking her, her eyes turned red and she said, "Pan Lang, I don't care. I'll follow you wherever you go anyway. What's the point of me staying at home alone after you leave?"

The little eunuch smiled and said, "War is not about traveling around mountains and rivers. What are you fighting for?"

Xue Lihong also laughed and said: "I'm only the second rank, I want to fight for the first rank!"

The little eunuch knew that his wife was joking. Since returning to the court, Xue Lihong was very capable and magnanimous in her life and work. She never blushed with her sisters for trivial matters. She was among the sisters. Her prestige is extremely high, so her popularity is also very good.The little eunuch thought about it and said:

"Hong'er, you can go, but there is one thing, don't show your face easily, and when you have to show up as a last resort, you have to wrap your head and cover your face. Do you agree?"

Xue Lihong replied cheerfully: "As long as I'm with my Pan Lang every day, it's nothing, I promise it will be."

In the end, the little eunuch locked in 2000 people without any publicity, and set off separately. After a month of darkness, the first team quietly left the capital without anyone noticing.

After leaving the city, the army marched southward in five routes. It didn't stop for a day, and it reached the boundary of Haizhou on this day.The team of 500 people is still very eye-catching. The young eunuchs have the least number of people on this journey, about less than 100 people. They are all accompanying the bride along the way.Zhu Linzong and Mao Xingwang led the way on horseback. Yin Tianxue and Tianshanxue dressed as male companions. They made two handsome young men and rode in the middle of the team. Ginkgo was the bridesmaid and the bride (Katemova) In the first sedan chair, the young eunuch acts as the groom and the servant sits in front of the sedan chair.In order to protect Pan Shuai's safety, Zhang Facun and Huang Ren turned into sedan chair bearers.

Hu San and Hua Shixiong pretended to be accountants, each took a small sedan chair, and followed at the end of the team. Other soldiers and soldiers all acted as drummers, spectators, relatives and friends, etc.

There is a small town outside Haizhou City called Panjiaweizi. The young eunuchs and the others are inconvenient to enter the city, so they set up tents five miles away from the town, and then order people to go into the city to buy vegetables, meat, and wine. The name is good to inquire about the news in the city.

There is a big family in the town, and there is only one only son named Du Shuisheng besides the old member.Huatuan Jinxu's huge family business has given birth to such a young master, pampering is inevitable.At first, the son knew a little bit about his duties. Since he came to a boxer named Dongyang Laoguai, Du Shuisheng worshiped Dongyang Laoguai as his teacher, and learned a set of iron and steel fists that are said to be specially designed to fight heroes in the world. With one hundred and eighty tough thugs, the situation changed.Old Du Yuanwai couldn't help but feel sorry for his son. At first he thought his son was a prodigal son, but he didn't expect his son to inherit his father's business. Since he handed over the power to his son, the family business has not only not been ruined, but has been thriving day by day.

Xiao Du has a trick to get rich, which is to marry women from rich families. The condition is that the woman's family must pay a large amount of dowry, and the price is up to him.After the bride passes through the house, she can not work or work for three days, and on the fourth day she will "live for herself" and show off her abilities.Rather than marrying a wife, it is better to say it is looking for a coolie!Those rich ladies have all become his cheap servants since then.Xiao Du also often boasted: married his wife for three days, and broke his tendons after three days.Murder is a crime, and beating is also wrong, but in all dynasties and generations, I have never heard of killing a wife.Knowing his insidious trick, the nearby wealthy families did not dare to marry their daughters to him. Xiao Du's tentacles gradually began to spread far away.

In fact, it is not Xiao Du who holds the real power in Du's house, but his master Dongyang old monster.

Dongyang old monster not only has a strange costume, a strange speech, but also a strange temper and personality, especially his eating habits are different from others.The old monster usually doesn't use fireworks when he eats. He always eats raw meat and drinks raw water. The master chef in the cafeteria just kills chickens, fish, cuts pork, mutton and beef into pieces, washes them clean, and serves them to him, and everything will be fine.The old monster devoured these raw seafood in large chunks, devouring them hungrily, without any condiments, at most sprinkled with salt.The old monster has a huge appetite. Each meal consumes a chicken (duck), half a goose, four catties of fresh fish, three to five catties each of pork, beef and mutton, a jar of shochu (about eight catties), and a bucket of cold well water.

Usually, after eating and drinking enough, the old monster would go for a walk on the small hill behind the village, and then return to the living room and close the door to sleep.Wake up and eat again, after dinner you want a woman.His condition for wanting a woman is very simple, there is only one condition, it must be given birth.It is said that the old monster's penis is surprisingly large. Although it is inferior to the donkey's, it is not far behind. Who can endure such a sticky behavior?Not a few were killed by him.

Xiao Du heard about Master's abuse, always picking half-wifes to spend the night with is not a long-term solution, so he always wanted to find a foreign virgin for Master, because the distance is far away, and there are few such women in the south of the Yangtze River. Even if you occasionally see half of the yellow-haired, blue-eyed, tall, and magnificent foreign women in the city, because they don't know the details, don't know where they come from (mostly they are the family members of wealthy businessmen from other places), and because they live in big cities, they can only see them. Did not dare to make a move easily.

It was also a coincidence that the front troops of the little eunuch were originally pretending to welcome and see off the bride, so no matter where they went, they would attract crowds of people watching.When passing by Pan's Weizi, Xue Lihong, who was pretending to be a bride, was eager to relieve herself, and searched all over the hut, but she was nowhere to be found. Someone led her to the gate of Du's house, and said many good things. He hesitated for a long time before allowing her to go in for convenience.

Yin Tianxue and Tianshanxue, who were accompanied by men's makeup, were inconvenient to enter the women's restroom, and Yin Xing'er happened to be not by her side, and Katemova could not enter the latrine with her veil covered without her companions, only when she lifted the red silk a little bit. For a moment, by chance, a maid looked over.

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