While the little eunuch was catching Yamamoto's two balls, his mind suddenly flashed. It was not the compassion of a Buddha, but the sympathy of a human being.He and Yamamoto have no grievances or enmities. It seems that this fat man is only in his twenties at most. It is not known whether he has a wife and children at home. It is against common sense to cut off his children and grandchildren.But the devils came to harass our borders and border areas, and it took a long time to commit crimes, and it would not be justified without punishment.Thinking about it this way, he tilted a little and then changed his movements, taking one of the two eggs, let's keep the other.The little eunuch let go of one finger, and then squeezed the other fingers hard. It seemed that there was not much noise, but Yamamoto let out a strange cry like a landslide.

Just after Yamamoto uttered an exclamation, a huge body fell to the ground with a bang, Yamamoto covered his lower body with both hands, his face was pale, bean-sized beads of sweat ran down his cheeks, and his whole body was trembling.

The people in the audience didn't know who yelled first, and then there were countless cheers resounding through the sky.The poor Haicheng people always watch the Chinese being bullied by outsiders, but the officials always talk to the Japanese, and today they finally feel proud.This mighty fat man stumbled in front of an ugly (compared to his size) young man, which was enough for him to regret in his life.It seemed that the fat man was seriously injured, and no one but a fool knew how to use the part he was holding tightly.That's right, if you don't stay in your own country honestly, what is the cheapest thing you can do when you come to another country?There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people above the people. Could it be that there are not many high-level people among the Han people in such a vast country?

The little eunuch stood on the stage calmly, still the same as before, clasped his fists with both hands, bowed to the audience, and said with a smile:

"Remember, folks, all wild dogs that come to our country to run amok in the future will end up like this!"

There was another round of cheers from the audience.

Suddenly, countless Japanese soldiers and horses came to kill outside the arena, holding knives and axes. No matter they were ordinary people, men or women, watching the excitement or maintaining order, they would chop anyone they saw.

Seeing this, the little eunuch yelled: "Folks, get out of the way quickly, and watch our people come to kill the Japanese pirates!"

Immediately afterwards, the blond, blue-eyed, fairy-like female general brought a big white horse and presented a spear.The little eunuch straddled the horse and held the gun, and the female general rushed out from the inside out.There were also three female generals outside the arena leading countless soldiers and horses to enter from the outside, one of them was riding a big gray donkey.

The devil soldiers who were aggressive just now suddenly lost their positions. At first they thought that the fat man Yamamoto would win the game, and they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to clean up the mess on the battlefield. Who knew that Yamamoto lost the battle, and someone picked out one of his balls, which was so painful He was dying, too busy to take care of himself, bent over, lying on the table, swaying, suffering from malaria and committing lamb madness!

The leader of the Japanese soldiers who commanded the battle, Takemiya Nakahito, saw this situation and knew that he would be defeated. He yelled in the Japanese language, urging his troops to retreat quickly.

There is no way to retreat.Just now they were still running around. The panic-stricken people and others saw that so many people came forward to fight the devils. Although they were bare-handed, they turned around boldly one after another, pulled the horse, hugged the legs, and pulled the horse's tail. shouted:

"There are not as many Japanese pirates as us, and if you kill them one by one, there will be one less. Folks, hurry up and help!"

The fierce battle was in full swing, and the number of Japanese soldiers was small. Wugong miscalculated the situation. He thought that Yamamoto would win, so he wanted to put all his eggs in one basket and take down this unknown team by taking advantage of the chaos.Unexpectedly, he came at the wrong time, Yamamoto was defeated, his hands were covering his crotch, his face was sallow, and he was sweating like rain, rolling on the table in pain.The little eunuch came prepared and surrounded him instead.Wu Gong led people to rush left and right, and the troops suffered heavy losses, and there were not many left.

At this moment, another large group of people arrived suddenly, and the general at the head was the governor Wang Youfu.From afar, Wang Youfu yelled:

"Damn it, stop everything for me, let you fight, but don't let you kill people. Are you really out of the king's law?"

The little eunuch looked back to see that the Japanese army was no longer an army, so he stopped paying attention to them and went straight to take Wang Youfu with his gun.Although Wang Youfu was suspected of being an idiot, after all, he was a general after all, and the last time he was captured was mainly careless.This time, on the one hand, they came prepared, and on the other hand, they wanted to unite with the Japanese family and destroy the mysterious and disobedient army of the little eunuch.Who told them to meddle in their own business, businessmen don't do business, and they just have trouble with the Japanese?Didn't this cut off his way of making money!Seeing the little eunuch coming on a flying horse, he dared not neglect, and hurriedly grabbed the machete to fight back.What Wang Youfu was afraid of was the two female generals in front of the head. He really didn't pay much attention to the young eunuch with delicate skin and tender flesh. Besides, he had a large number of people, all 5000 men and horses were brought together, so he was not afraid of the little eunuch's few days. A mob of stragglers.

After less than a few rounds of fighting, the beads of sweat on Wang Youfu's head began to fall down, and he kept muttering in his heart: that female general is amazing, and this guy is even more unambiguous. What kind of people have such great skills?After thinking about it, he swung the big knife in his hand, blocked the little eunuch's shot, and shouted:

"Who do you think you are? The last general is the order of the court. Do you want to rebel?"

The little eunuch smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who you are, you and I have fought a hundred times, I will tell you later."

Wang Youfu didn't want to fight and didn't dare to continue to fight. When he turned his head and wanted to gather a large group of people to attack together, he took a closer look at his group and was killed by the eunuch's people.Wang Youfu had no choice but to fight the trapped beast again, forcibly exerting his energy and making moves reluctantly.

It's not that the little eunuch doesn't want to or is inconvenient to reveal his identity, but because of his bad intentions, he wants to play tricks on this dog governor surnamed Wang who eats official meals and releases private camels. He thinks that if the country raises more such people, the people will suffer Difficult.According to several times of judgment, the little eunuch also guessed eighty or ninety, Wang Youfu is greedy for money and loves sex, he is a court official in the open, and a Japanese spy in the dark, with double salary, such a person cannot let him die easily Yes, that's too cheap for him.When the little eunuch saw Wang Youfu slashing at him with a knife, he took his time and took out his sharp spear, pointing at east and west. How could Wang Youfu be his opponent.Hearing a "click", the bronze helmet on Wang Youfu's head was hooked off, and another shot was fired, and a large piece of the iron armor on his body was also torn off.In less than a cup of tea, the dignified border general turned into a naked general.If Wang Youfu had said a few soft words at this time, the situation might not have been too bad. However, he thought that as an official of the court, he would never beg for forgiveness in a low voice to a businessman. naked.At this moment, a small soldier came to report:

"Marshal Qi Bing, the leader of the Japanese pirates took a small group of people and escaped into the sea by boat."

The little eunuch waved his hand disapprovingly and said, "Let him go!"

"Marshal?" Wang Youfu was really taken aback at this moment, he couldn't help being taken aback, and changed his face and asked:

"General, who are you?"

"I'm the eunuch's father-in-law Pan You'an, hasn't the general heard of the boy's name?" the little eunuch laughed.

At this time, Wang Youfu only had a pair of ragged trousers left. Seeing that the other party was Pan You'an, he heard a thunder on a sunny day: How can he not know what kind of person Pan You'an is as a border general?He is the minister of the Ministry of War, in charge of military affairs, so it is said that he and his troops are under the control of this temperate surname Pan!Old Wang couldn't care less at this moment, he threw away his weapon in a hurry, rolled over from his horse, fell to his knees in the dust, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and said incoherently:

"I don't know that Marshal Pan personally led the troops here to inspect and sweep the Japanese. The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple! The general's eyesight is clumsy, he doesn't know Mount Tai, and he offended the general Hu Wei. I hope the Marshal will see that you and I have been sworn friends. Forgive me this time, I will definitely not dare next time!"

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