The little eunuch laughed and said: "Yes, yes, General Wang, the water rushed into the Dragon King Temple. But it didn't hit the Dragon King, but a big bastard."

At this time, Wang Youfu's life is the most important thing, so he can't care about face.While kowtowing, he shamelessly echoed:

"Pan Dashuai really knows how to joke, but you are right. My surname is Wang, and I happen to be the eighth among all my cousins. In fact, it is just right for you to call me Wang Ba."

The little eunuch snorted and said contemptuously: "You are not a bastard, you are a bastard!"

Of course Wang Youfu didn't dare to use force at this point, let's go through the barrier in front of him first, how can he use a trick to fool the little eunuch to spare him this time, when he returns to his governor's mansion, he will immediately call people to prepare , Pick up the important things and bring them, the most important thing is to escape quickly.He is not an ordinary traitor, he is obviously a general of the Southern Dynasty, but he has already been a Japanese internal response in secret.The cunning rabbit has three caves. Although he doesn't want to be a ghost from a foreign land, he quietly made two preparations. I heard that the old monster has ordered people to build a general's mansion for him in the country of Japan, and the emperor of the country of Japan has even sealed him a big official. !He originally thought that the Central Plains people could not fight against the Wa people, so he became a traitor with all his heart, but he did not expect such a heroic figure as the little eunuch.Now life-saving is the most important thing, don't let him be a bastard, he can be a donkey or a pig or a dog.Thinking about it this way, Wang Youfu said brazenly:

"Yes, Commander, you scolded me well! I am a bastard tortoise. I used to be a bit extreme in my policy towards the Japanese, and I was not firm enough to fight against them. Now I listen to you, Commander. You can do whatever you want." manage!"

"Haha," the little eunuch said with a smile, "it's useless to be blind and useless, do you think you can leave this place alive?"

When Wang Youfu heard that the little eunuch wanted to take his life, it was like five thunderbolts, the trapped beast was still fighting, and his life was at stake, so he couldn't help but immediately changed his face, and shouted angrily:

"Pan You'an, don't think that you can overshadow the sky with one hand because you are powerful and capable. I am the border general appointed by the emperor today. If you want to fight or punish you, you must follow certain procedures. Without the emperor's imperial decree, I will never let you handle it at will!"

Wang Youfu made a wrong calculation again, who is the little eunuch?He doesn't accept hard and soft, and hides a lot of treachery in the slander, but he is a villain like Wang Youfu. Will there be good results if he commits crimes in his hands?The little eunuch scolded contemptuously:

"Dog thief, if you say a few soft words, maybe I can let you live for two more days, but you are still stubborn. You go and find out, my job is to manage the army and the people, and who have we been afraid of in this life? You It's not me who used the emperor's banner to scare me when he was about to die, who has changed the position of his little emperor? I will end your life first, and then go back to the emperor before it's too late!"

After all, the little eunuch crossed his spear.Wang Youfu knew it was his own fault, so he simply acted like a hero, stretching his neck and waiting for the ball to die.

"Brother, wait a minute, just send me this dog's head, and wait for my younger brother to take it back and then interrogate this fellow."

The person who spoke was Mr. Hu Sanhu, Zhengqing of Dali Temple, and he should be responsible for this matter logically.Wang Youfu also looked at Hu San with gratitude, thinking that the savior had arrived, but in fact he didn't know who Hu San was, and the one who suffered was yet to come!Maybe he has never heard of how Guo Banxian and Guo Laodao died?

The little eunuch smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you, brother!"

Hu San's temporary interrogation room couldn't be simpler, with nothing but a chair.Master Hu was polite and asked Wang Youfu to sit on the chair, while he squatted down on the spot.Wang Youfu didn't dare to make a big deal, so he got up after sitting for a while, and said humbly:

"My lord, it's better for you to sit. I'm a general and I'm used to standing."

Hu San waved his hand and said, "You can just sit down for a while, someone will come and move the chair later, and you will have no place to sit."

Wang Youfu couldn't figure out how a chair became a shortage of supplies in such a huge Du Manor Manor. He didn't understand if he didn't understand, but he didn't dare to ask.He had no choice but to lean his buttocks on the corner of the chair and peek at Hu San out of the corner of his eyes from time to time. He has already seen that this eloquent Mr. Hu is much easier to deal with than that treacherous little eunuch. After a pass, the Japanese will never leave him alone.Besides, even in the court, he also has people, at worst, he can confess to Prime Minister Wang, since the little eunuch is the prime minister's nephew, what can he do with him?

"General Wang, we Ming people don't speak code words, everyone eats this bowl of rice, what do you say, how about it?" Hu San said straight to the point.

Wang Youfu raised his head and was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't understand what Hu San said.

Hu San said: "What I mean is to be lenient when telling the truth, and strict when telling lies, to be rewarded for meritorious service, and not to ask if you are intimidated, do you understand?"

Wang Youfu nodded and said: "My lord, I have been wronged. I have done nothing but enjoy a little advantage. I am a loyal minister! Marshal Pan said that I am a traitor. I really can't figure it out. "

"It's all right," Hu San comforted, "Just say what you have, and don't make it up if you don't have it. It's not easy for you to be military generals at the border. You have to resist Japanese pirates, guard against bandits, and appease the people to maintain order. You have to deal with the court, you have to be slick and slick."

Wang Youfu murmured in his mind: this man called Mr. Hu not only speaks kindly, but also thinks simple.just say:

"Your Excellency is very right. Those of us who are officials at the border do not work hard for the royal family, work hard, get up early and go to bed late, but also train the troops and check the defense. I am afraid that there may be some omissions..."

Hu San interrupted: "General Wang, let's not talk about that. I like to go straight to the point and I'm not good at beating around the bush. To tell you the truth, our commander-in-chief is mainly here for your money. Who in the world doesn't love money? You stole a lot of money from him in front of your head, and he is full of anger!"

Wang Youfu was overjoyed, and said: "This matter is easy to handle, I will return it in full."

"Is it that simple?" Hu San squatted on the ground and asked with his neck tilted.

"With interest, I should pay double, right?" Wang Youfu gritted his teeth.

"It's hard to say," Hu San said, still in the tone of a money fanatic who is open to money, "It's easy to say here, mainly because our commander is hard to say. If he is not happy and cuts you with a knife, then you will say it is money." Is it important or life is important?"

Wang Youfu couldn't think much at this time. Although he also loved money, he knew better than anyone else the importance of money and life.Looking back at Hu San, he didn't specify the number, so Wang Youfu raised a finger and asked tentatively:

"My lord, how about I come up with this number?"

"How much?" Hu San deliberately pretended to be confused.

"1 taels!"

"Who are you cheating on? You borrowed more than [-] yuan from here alone. Forget it, I won't tell you about you, the owner who is willing to sacrifice his life for his money." After finishing speaking, Hu San stood up from the ground, After patting the dirt on his buttocks, he was ready to turn around and leave.

"Big, big, my lord!" Wang Youfu hugged Hu San's thigh fiercely, and begged, "Master, please don't go, let's discuss it again!"

"What are you discussing? If you can't come up with 10 taels of silver, you don't want to leave here! I managed to drag you back from the tip of our commander's gun. Isn't it just a waste of money? I know you have money, Otherwise, I don't care!" Hu San said without doubt.

"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, but I have one condition."

Wang Youfu gritted his teeth and said.He loves money, but he never expected to meet a master who is even more greedy for money.If he doesn't spend a little money, it seems that he won't be able to pass this level, and the matter of building a manor in his hometown may come to naught. Now regardless of that, life is gone. Building a villa with balls?Lao Wang thought about it, then moved his mind and bargained.

"What conditions?"

"I took out 10 taels of silver, you can't kill me again, and you have to let me go immediately." Of course, the treacherous and slippery Wang Youfu was worried, maybe it was a trick!

"No, no, why do you want your life? Your life is far worse than 10 taels of silver. I can guarantee that I will let you go when the time comes, but I have a condition to say up front."

"My lord, you can say whatever you want."

"You can't be a traitor anymore."

"Your Excellency, you can really joke. I am an official of the court, what kind of traitor am I?"

"Okay, when you make up a hundred thousand, I'll let you go immediately." Hu San turned around impatiently.

"My lord, I still have something to say." Wang Youfu was still worried.

"Speak!" Hu San turned his head back halfway.

"10 taels of silver is not a small amount, and you can't rush it too quickly." Wang Youfu hesitated and said.

"No rush, no rush, I'm not waiting for the money to be spent, why am I in a hurry?" Hu San said with a smile.

"Well, you get someone to send you a pen and paper, and I'll write a letter to my family and ask them to arrange for the money to be delivered directly. Mr. Hu, I've ruined my entire family this time. You and Marshal Pan are called brothers and sisters, which shows that you have a good relationship." Normally, at that time, you must say a few words for me in front of Dashuai Pan and let him let me go, I will worship you as a god."

Hu San said with a smile: "I can't afford it! We mainly talk about money, and everything else is easy to handle. If you send the money, I can talk to our boss."

In Hu San's mind, the ten Wang Youfu are no match.Lao Hu knows that people who are greedy for money love money, so knocking out 10 taels of silver from him is worth more than taking his life.It's easy for the elder brother to kill him with a single shot, but where can I get the people's fat and people's cream that this dog official has blackmailed all these years?It's really cheap for him!That's why he took Wang Youfu's life from the eunuch's gun, in order to amuse him slowly and dig out what he ate.

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