When Prime Minister Wang retreated, the little eunuch would never dare to cover up and kill him from behind. 8 people are going to attack a team of 80 people, no doubt hitting a stone with a pebble, and rushing in easily. If they rush in and get dumplings made by others, this little capital is lost, and he has no place to cry.

A part of the official army retreated to Haizhou City, and most of the troops stayed outside the city.It is impossible for the small city of Haizhou to accommodate 80 troops.Prime Minister Wang raised his account to discuss matters, and the leader of the five masters, Chao Kongming and Zhuge Ming, suggested:

"Prime Minister, in my opinion, to deal with wild thieves like Little Eunuch Pan, you can't use the old tactics, you have to use new tactics to win."

Wang Shugui said: "Mr. Zhuge is brilliant, what kind of technique should you use in your opinion?"

Zhuge Ming said: "When the ancestors were alive, they always advocated fire attacks. The most famous ones were burning Xinye, Huluyu, and Tengjia Army. So I suggest that they burn these rebels with fire!"

Saifengchu Pang Yuanlang put up two thumbs up with both hands, and praised: "Brother Wolong, great advice!"

The fortune teller Han Xin said: "The little eunuch claims to have an army of 30, but in my opinion it is less than [-], why not set up an ambush on all sides, the overlord of Chu will kill himself in Wujiang, forgive him, even if he is capable God!"

Tongling Guandao advocated the three crazy ways: "I measure Tianzun, the way to use soldiers has always been to attack the city as the bottom, and attack the mind as the top. According to the poor Taoist, it is better to surround and not attack, and he will starve to death if he is hungry."

Chen Fahai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, said: "Amituofo, attacking with fire is not as good as attacking with water..."

Although Prime Minister Wang doesn't understand military affairs, he knows how to see the overall situation. These nerds talk about each other, and their opinions are not unified. How can they achieve great things?Then waved his hand to stop and said:

"It's fair to say it, and it's fair to say it. When are you arguing and arguing like this? There is a plan. Why don't you wait for five people to form a big formation, and the little eunuch can just charge forward. When have you seen these infinite mysteries?" Let him rush into the gunpowder field and see how he breaks the formation? This also allows you to wait for the five masters to have a chance to show their skills, which is better than selling their mouths here."

The five of them were delighted, thinking it was the right thing to do.Zhuge Ming said: "I set up an eight-array diagram, divided into eight gates of life, injury, rest, Du, scene, death, shock, and opening. The changes are endless, and it can stop a hundred thousand soldiers."

Pang Yuanlang shouted: "Brother Zhuge, I will also set up a magic wheel formation. It is dedicated to defeating the enemy's soldiers and generals. Once they enter the formation, they will come and go without returning. It can be worth [-] elite soldiers."

Han Xin smiled and said: "I still use the old formation, which is the ambush from all sides, but this time the ambush from all sides is enough for a young eunuch to drink a pot, and this formation can withstand [-] elite soldiers."

Chen Fahai said: "Being a monk is based on doing good deeds, and it is not easy to kill. I formed a formation called flooding the seven armies. Borrowing the water from the Yangtze River, it is enough for Pan and his [-] soldiers to drink."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "The poor way is still there, the one-word long snake array is enough, and he will surely let 2 people come and go!"

Prime Minister Wang raised the forehead with his hand, and said to the sky, "the sky will not fail Wang. With the help of so many high-level people, I am not afraid that great things will fail! Tomorrow, I will set up five formations according to the wishes of the gentlemen, and let him Xiaopan come to break them." , to see if he has three heads and six arms? After the matter is completed, all the princes will be state teachers, sharing wealth and honor with Wang, and taking charge of the state together."

The five of them prostrated themselves in the tunnel: "Thank you for supporting me and acting like a dog!"

It is a sunny day in autumn, the sky is blue and the fields are quiet.The two armies lined up, and the official army set up five large formations.No one in Wang Shugui's side came forward to speak out, and they only waited for the little eunuch to come and die.

Seeing these formations suddenly, the little eunuch naturally couldn't understand them. He, Hu San, Hua Shixiong and others made a brief calculation, and ordered five generals to charge into the formation. .

Hu Rugui, Hua Shixiong, etc. didn't know the art of war at all, but only read a few poems and books, so they could do some small tricks.Hu San didn't want to fight an uncertain battle, but he had no good strategy for a while, so he had to let the coach make the decision.

Marshal Pan ordered troops, and the first route was Zhu Linzong's 5000 troops to attack the first formation on the left, which was Pang Yuanlang's Fengmoshenglun formation.The second route is Hei Fengda leading [-] elite soldiers to attack the second formation on the left, which is the ten-sided ambush formation.In the third route, Lu Lianxin led five thousand elite soldiers to attack the first formation on the right, which was the flooded Seventh Army formation.The fourth route is that He Laowu led five thousand elite soldiers to attack the second formation on the right, which is the long snake formation.The little eunuch brought [-] elite soldiers to attack the big formation in the middle, which is the Eight Diagrams formation.

After the little eunuch led his troops into the formation, he saw the gloomy wind, and the flying sand and gravel rushed towards him. It hurt and itched, and he swung his knife to kill, but he didn't see a single soldier from the opponent.The little eunuch slammed left and right, like a reckless bull burrowing into a haystack, with nowhere to use his strength.If you go forward, you don't know where the way out is, and if you go back, you don't know where the original path is.After killing for half a day, they were still in vain. The enemy soldiers did not lose a single person, but many of their own troops were defeated. They were not killed in battle, but mostly died of exhaustion.The little eunuch couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed: it wasn't a man-made disaster, but God's will. I'm afraid it will be hard for Pan to get out of this disaster today.I have no regrets about my death, but what is the law of heaven, I borrowed so many soldiers from others, could they also die with me?

Zhu Linzong rushed into the Demon Sage Formation, and saw countless bull-headed horse-faced and black-faced gods attacking them, they were cut off with a single knife, but they were paper men and paper horses.Going to cut it again, it's still the same, it's a waste of effort.Zhu Xiaojiang followed his elder brother to fight in the south and north, but he had never seen such a strange formation, he was so angry that he screamed and tossed for half a day, but he couldn't advance or retreat.

Although Hei Fengda has the strength and bravery of the overlord of Chu, his soldiers are strong and brave, but he was caught in an ambush on all sides, ten of them beat one, how can he be his opponent?

Lu Lianxin has played in the water since she was a child, walking in the waterway is like strolling in a garden, but the water is very watery, soft and misty, with a drizzle of wind and drizzle, I don't know where to start?Standing on a high place, Chen Fahai was holding a dust whisk in his hand, and he was overwhelmed by the river with a smile. The poor five thousand athletes were exhausted from running, and countless people were washed away by the waves.

He Laowu's head was entangled by the boa constrictor, so he couldn't care about his head and tail.It is said to be a long snake, but it is infinitely changeable, changing with the trend, and suitable for each person.Zhang Sankuang waved the command flag triumphantly, intending to swallow He Laowu's 5000 troops in one gulp.

Twenty-five thousand soldiers were involved in the formation, and Hu San and the rest of the soldiers were shocked and stunned.At this moment, even if he wanted to help, he couldn't do anything, especially the commander-in-chief was also trapped in the formation.Others are still possible, if Pan Shuai is killed in battle and all previous efforts are wasted, what hope is there?

The empress dowager prayed secretly, clasped her hands together, and begged for the protection of the gods.Shangguan Xue and others couldn't help crying with tears in their eyes, thinking that it would be difficult for them to see their husband-in-law again in this life, if so, they would have no choice but to draw their swords and slay themselves, and meet her husband in the underworld.

The mourning of the three armies was like thunder, and they had to go back to the camp to pack their bedding only after Hu San gave an order.At this moment, an old nun moved lightly, walking like the wind, and rushed to the front of the formation.Hu San and others knew each other, and when they saw someone coming, they would dismount and kowtow to the ground.The old nun said:

"Master Hu is not polite, just wait for the old nun to guide the soldiers out of danger."

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