Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 285 Lu Lianxin moved to Yun Zhongyue

Wang Shugui never dreamed that it was an old lover he met before the champion examination that directed the solution to his formation.It was also he, who swore to each other and spoke with certainty, and in the end made the girl's belly bigger, but he never returned, causing the girl to look at each other at first, and then desperately looking for life and death, which is also considered to be death. People who have been there once.Decades later, the girl became an old woman, but she did not come here to seek revenge, but to serve her disciples, for justice, and to help the community.

The old prime minister was almost the result of victory, but in the end it became a dog biting pig urine bubble, and flies landed on his fart.

The five nobles returned to the camp with dejected expressions. They also had grievances. It wasn’t for the guidance of someone higher up. The little eunuch would have died a long time ago. It seems that their desire to enjoy wealth and discuss the state affairs with Wang Cheng has also been in vain. up.

Wang Shugui comforted: "Forget it, forget it, it's no fault of you, all talented people, please go back to your tents and rest for now!"

Zhuge Ming (actually he is half-sighted at best, he is almost blind in one eye) covered his one eye, and said angrily:

"Enxiang, I can't swallow this bad breath, give me another chance, and I will definitely let that dog eunuch die without a place to bury him!"

"What's the master plan?" Wang Xiang asked.

"Hack the camp tonight!"

"This, this... I'm afraid the little eunuch will be prepared?" The layman Wang Shugui felt that the time was not ripe, he pondered for a while and said.

"The little eunuch lost the battle and ran away in embarrassment. He never thought that we would have such a trick, and thought that we were drinking celebration wine happily! Give him a surprise attack, and this battle will definitely win." Zhuge Ming is eager for revenge. , Forget about the taboo of poor soldiers not to chase after this military strategist.

"Okay, it's up to you to rob the camp tonight, but what we're saying is that it's your credit for the victory, and you'll be responsible for the loss. How many troops do you need?" I heard that you can win a big victory , Wang Shugui was moved.

"That's natural. The soldiers are not many but fine, [-] is enough!" Lao Zhu patted his chest and said.

"Okay, send you [-] elite soldiers. The command is yours, and you can do things cheaply. You don't have to suspect people, and don't use people who are suspicious!" the prime minister said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, you just listen to the good news!"

It was the second watch of the night, and the officers and soldiers sent [-] troops. The front team was led by Sha Jiuke, the governor of Liaozhou, and the rear team was led by Li Dingguo, the guard of Yanling Pass, and Sun Anbang, the guard of Yumen Pass. Zhuge Ming brought his own army. The total was exactly [-] .The horse unloaded the bell, and the person contained the hair, quietly, and went straight to Dazhai where the little eunuch was stationed.

After entering Dazhai, a soldier urgently reported to Zhuge Ming: "Mr. Zhuge, there is no sentry post at the gate, and the village is empty. General Sha is in a hurry. Please tell me what to do next?"

Although Zhuge Ming had some tricks, after all, they were less than practical. According to the routine, there is no doubt that this must be empty, which shows that he fell into the trap.Chao Wolong was shocked and ordered to withdraw his troops.Saying "withdraw", the military order fell like a mountain, and the brigade Erlang turned around and ran away.Those who received the order ran back, and those who did not hear the order continued to move forward.One wants to advance and the other wants to retreat. 2 people are not a minority.

Zhuge Ming suspected that the troops were moving slowly, fearing that the little eunuch would cut off his retreat, so he ordered the marching captain to cut off a few people with weak legs, and the troops suddenly became more chaotic.The abuse turned into a scuffle, Sha Jiuke's men wanted to flee, and Li Dingguo and Sun Anbang's men rushed to follow.Leaping forward and squeezing back, the two teams caught fire in a short while.

At dawn, Zhuge Ming exhausted all his efforts and managed to get the team together. After a hasty calculation, there would be chaos without a fight, and they would fight and trample on each other, losing seven to eight thousand troops in vain.What's more, Sun Dingguo, a general of the rear army, accidentally fell off his horse and was trampled to death by the rebel army.Zhuge Ming was stunned at the moment, thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find, if you lose a general before the battle, how will you explain to the prime minister when you go back?Zhang Anbang, Sha Jiuke and others were saddened by the death of the fox, and they also sighed endlessly.

There is a poem about the injustice of Sun Dingguo's death. The poem says:

In the previous dynasty, there was a young man with the grandson,

Martial arts are high-strength and strategic.

But die before fighting,

The sky is so wronged to ask Yan Luo?

Zhuge Ming waited to look back at the little eunuch's camp, Dazhai. A few sentries lazily came out of the barracks with their guns and knives in their hands. The buglers were blowing their horns. The big team didn't move at all last night. .

Zhuge Ming was too upset to realize that he had been fooled by the little eunuch.He withdrew his sentry post, made a false appearance, turned off the lights and hid in the quilt to sleep soundly, but he was kept busy for half the night, and thousands of soldiers were damaged for no reason.At the beginning, I regretted that I shouldn't rush in in a daze. What a credit, let alone the possibility of becoming a prince and king in this life.God gave him a huge opportunity, but he didn't grasp it!If you want to go back and fight, wouldn't you be asking for death?Although soldiers are impermanent and water is impermanent, who has seen this kind of unreasonable warfare?

After hearing Mr. Zhuge's report, Prime Minister Wang was furious and annoyed. He slapped the two old Zhuge, still puzzled, and said that he would deduct half a year's salary.

In the morning, the Empress Dowager and the ancestors of Tianshan had breakfast together. The ancestors asked the soldiers why there was such a commotion last night.

Xiao Bing recounted what happened last night, and the master smiled at the Empress Dowager and said:

"Your Majesty Hong Fu, you have adopted such a smart eunuch's son."

The Empress Dowager blushed unconsciously, she leaned back with a smile and said, "Isn't he also your master's disciple?"

The two smiled knowingly.

Lu Lianxin was ordered to take a dozen or so followers and rush to Xihua Ridge to ask for her master.The little eunuch wanted to climb the mountain himself, but he was the commander of the three armies, so it was inappropriate to act without authorization at this time, so he had to give up under the persuasion of Hu San and others.

While Lianxin was walking, she suddenly saw an old Taoist and two Taoist boys walking towards each other. Lu Lianxin raised her head to see, this old man is not the master, who is it?He kowtowed hurriedly, and asked with a smile where Master was going.

Yue Huaiyuan said: "Lian'er got up and listened to Master Wei, you guys are playing lively, I was going to watch a good show, but unexpectedly you came by yourself."

Lu Lian was overjoyed and asked, "Master, how did you know that we are coming to invite you?"

Yue Laodao smiled but did not answer.After leaning slightly, the old Taoist said:

"The former, as a teacher, betrothed you to General Pan and asked you to come out of the mountain to help him fight against the Japanese bandits. It was for my court people not to be bullied by foreigners and to protect my great rivers and mountains. It is beyond reproach. Today, I could have Regardless of these nonsense matters, what does the infighting between the generals have to do with me as a monk? But after I thought about it again and again, Xiang Wang conspired to usurp the throne, and General Pan helped the Han family. A treacherous villain under the banner of monks and Taoism, playing with mysteries, hurting the world, killing innocent people in vain, deceiving the world and stealing names, and subverting the government. For this reason, as a teacher, I decided to go down the mountain once, punish these monstrous monks and evil ways, and rectify my name as a monk. As for the general Victory is not within the scope of the teacher's jurisdiction, it is God's will, people cannot defeat the sky, do you understand my words, child?"

Lu Lianxin listened to the master's rambling for a long time, seeming to understand but not understanding, but couldn't bear it after thinking about it, and said anxiously:

"Master, if you betroth your apprentice to Pan Lang, you don't care about his safety? If Pan Lang has a right or wrong, how will the apprentice survive?"

The old Taoist said with a smile: "The secret must not be leaked, you silly girl, don't force Master to tell the truth. It's getting late, it's important for us to hurry, otherwise your Pan Lang will come to the door by himself."

Just as he was talking, he saw the dust flying in the distance, and the little eunuch led dozens of people and horses, galloping towards him.

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