Pan You'an, Yin Tianxue, Katerina, Tian Shanxue, Ginkgo Dundup and No. [-] Popi Niu, a total of six people stayed overnight at Xiaoxing, and they arrived at a place that day.The mountain looks steep from a distance, but the path is rough recently.There are few people walking on the road, and birds of heaven are occasionally seen passing by in the sky, which is a desolate and extremely gloomy scene.Pan You'an had seen the world before, so he didn't feel puzzled when he saw this scene: now the world is peaceful, bandits are nowhere to be seen, looking at this mountain now, there is a faint smell of blood awakening, and there is some murderous intent hidden in the dark.Thinking about it again, he couldn't help laughing dumbly, his four wives plus him besides Niu Er would be five tigers plus one ox, what to be afraid of it?

Fortunately, there is a lonely inn not far from the front. It is built by mountains and rivers. The wooden cabins are unique. A small flag sticks out from under the eaves, and the words "Inn" are written on it.There is a flat land in front of the hut, with two pointed ends and a round middle, which is as large as two mu of land. It is rare to have such a piece of green land inlaid under the high mountains, which looks like an inflated pig urine bubble from a distance.

Niu Baoguo puffed up his chest and went to inquire about the news. Everyone let go of the horses and allowed them to graze on the grass on the hillside, while Pan Youan and the others sat on the ground and chatted.

When Niu Er arrived at the door of the hut, he yelled loudly from afar: "Are you venting your anger? Come out and answer the master!"

The shop clerk came out in response, waved his hand at Niu Er and said:

"Guest officer, please choose another place to go. My shop owner said that it is full tonight."

"It's full of balls! Do you talk like that?" Po Niu Er didn't take this boy seriously, and sarcastically said, "I didn't see a single bit of horse feces and donkey urine on the road, and the door was so deserted." Luo Que’er, there’s not even a single person, how can there be such a thing as a full house? Could it be that my family’s money isn’t money? Could it be that you run a black shop and don’t dare to keep us when there are so many people?”

People often say that the dog fights against others, what kind of person is Niu Er, he bullies the strong and fears the strong, and now he has a master backing him, how can he lose his prestige in this small valley?

"Don't criticize me, guest officer. As I said just now, my shop owner said that the restaurant is full tonight, but he didn't say that it is full now."

Niu Er didn't agree, and reprimanded: "You're a fucking dog who sees people as inferior! Isn't it full? Isn't it full? Then there should be a first-come, first-served order! They occupied the guest room before they arrived, and let our group After a day's journey, people are exhausted, thirsty and hungry, where should they spend the night?"

The boy retorted rationally: "I can't care much about this, you are here first, but the owner's house has important guests today, and the appointment was made several days in advance, so it can't be said that they will come later." !"

Niu Er's eyes widened, and he roared: "I think you're a scumbag. Who has the time to listen to you kid? If you make me angry, be careful, I'll burn your shop down!"

Xiaoer is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. He straightened his neck, held his head high, and said coldly:

"You burn it as soon as you burn it. This has nothing to do with me having birds? However, let me tell you something earlier, guest officer, you are not easy to mess with, and our young master is not the grandson of Master Rao. Don't leave if you are so brave. It alarmed my young master, I'm afraid your deadline is coming, whether you can live till this time tomorrow depends on whether you can keep your mouth shut!"

Niu Eryi couldn't help but secretly chuckled: How big a tortoise can be raised in a small pond with broken water?And behind him there is a ready-made hero who stands up to heaven and earth, not to mention Brother Pan, those four hags, who in the world would dare to mess with them?Niu Er didn't think about it, he waved his hand one step forward and swiped over with a big ear scraper, cursing:

"There are unruly people in the poor villages, and the masters are evil and the servants are fierce. From this we can see that you gang of birds are in the name of opening a shop, occupying the mountain as the king is true, robbing and exploiting customers, and you don't know how much ill-gotten wealth you have gained and how much you have suffered. Innocent life? Today I will teach you a lesson first, and let you have a long memory in the future!"

"Which bold one is making noise there?" The voice followed, and a young man in white floated over.

The second brother covered his cheeks, pointed at Niu Er and said, "He, the young master is him, he beat me even if he scolded you!"

The young man was extremely fast, he suddenly turned around and picked up Niu Er, and shouted:

"Which family's wild dogs are not tied up, come here to run wild and bite people?"

Niu Er was hanging in the air, kicking his hooves wildly, and shouted:

"Brother, come and save me, this kid's hands are so heavy, he's about to strangle to death!"

Pan You'an stood up and walked a few steps forward, said: "Brother, you have to forgive others and forgive others, beat the dog to see the owner, give me face and let him go!"

"Master, you are also worthy of being a master? Letting a dog do violence, raising a dog without teaching it is no different from a dog. I beat the dog today to show you, the master." The young man sneered.

Pan You'an held back his anger, not wanting to be on the same level as this little brat, so he said frankly:

"Brother, even though my people are not good, you should be more accommodating. This is a barren mountain, and there is no one nearby. Where do you think we should go to lodge?"

"Who is your brother? If you call me grandpa, I won't do it! Boy, come here and let me slap you in the face. We don't owe each other. You follow your sunny path, and I will open my mule and horse shop." . " The young man spoke harshly, and his voice was stern.

Pan Youanteng got angry all of a sudden, and he was about to strike.Katerina pulled him from behind and said, "Pan Lang calm down, you don't need to be like a child." After that, Xue Lihong stepped forward, pointing to the boy and saying:

"Child, do you want to fight? Put that person down and tell me something."

"Who is the child?" The young man saw that it was a beautiful foreign woman with yellow hair and blue eyes, and he couldn't help laughing, "I never care about women, and I'm still a foreign woman. Another man came and talked to me."

Xue Lihong said angrily: "I think you are a frog at the bottom of a well. Since your mother gave birth to you, she hasn't taught you how to speak human language?"

The young man blushed when he was scolded, he dropped Niu Er and went straight to Xue Lihong, the two couldn't help but fight because of disagreement.

The young man's fists were heavy, his hands were red in snow, and his hands were fast. The two fought back and forth for thirty rounds, evenly matched.

Pan You'an thought: In such a remote valley, it is rare to have such a kung fu child.The little kid is about fourteen or fifteen years old. If he takes time to practice and polish, he will become a general.

Besides, this young man didn't pay attention to Xue Lihong at all at first. He could pick up this woman and throw her into the ditch in less than a round. A woman must have been taught by an expert, and it was the first time in his life that he encountered such an expert.The two had [-] face-to-face meetings, and he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes!

Katerina was also secretly amazed, this little thing has extraordinary skills, if it is a little careless, it will be defeated by the child, the general will die without a name, and his reputation will be ruined for a lifetime.Therefore, she was careful not to be sloppy in her moves.

Seeing that Xue Lihong was anxious not to win, Tianshan Xue shouted, "Miss Hong, rest a moment, wait for me to teach this young man how to learn the basics of human beings?"

The boy and Tianshanxue also fought for thirty rounds, but they were still inseparable.

At this time, a large group of people came out of the hut, and an old man at the head shouted tremblingly:

"Zhuer Zhuer, hurry up, hurry up!"

Zhu'er didn't pay any attention, and increased his attack speed, focusing on knocking his opponent down.

Tianshanxue is the direct disciple of Ling Guoxiu, the ancestor of Tianshan, and his kung fu is first-rate both immediately and immediately.This time I went into battle in a hurry, without any weapons.If it was during the war, the ten children would have been captured by her long ago.

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