In terms of skills and skills, the guy named "Zhuer" is a bit inferior. He just took advantage of his strength, which is why he was able to persist for so long.Zhu'er fought fiercely against Liang Xue'er, at first he thought the victory was in his hands, but only after the fight did he realize that the old adage that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people in the world is true.If he retreats at this time and jumps out of the circle early, even if he bows, he will not lose face if he says a polite word.However, children's temperament is not forgiving, and the voice of reason is louder.Relying on his ability and being at his own door, Niu Er's good behavior is of course an excuse, so he wants to take the opportunity to punish these outsiders and let them know that dragons and crouching tigers can be hidden in remote villages, and there are also sacrifices in small temples in the mountains. There must be a Buddha.Unexpectedly, as soon as he made a move, he couldn't help crying secretly, is this a woman?This is not an ordinary woman, is this a yaksha who came out of nowhere?The young man was eager to win, but he didn't want to give up just yet, he was already out of breath after being teased by Xue Lihong and Tian Shanxue for a while.It's not that the two Xue'er played tricks, this guy was born a calf and has never seen the world, so he is too arrogant.The dignified Marshal Pan called him brother, and he wanted Pan Lang to call him grandpa.Let’s just be grandpa, let’s let “grandpa” feel the power of the granddaughters-in-law first.

Tian Shanxue and Zhu'er punched everyone about thirty times, feigned a punch, jumped out of the circle, and shouted:

"I won't fight with you anymore, let's talk about it after a while."

Yin Tianxue arched his hands, bowed, and asked with a smile, "Can the young master rest for a while?"

Zhu'er was so angry and annoyed, he couldn't help but punch Yin Tianxue in the face with all his strength.There is a saying that swearing does not reveal faults, and beating does not slap people in the face. This kid actually made such a bad move at a young age. If he ruined someone's face, how will he walk in front of people in the future?Yin Tianxue was not in a hurry, seeing the young man coming fiercely, she turned over lightly with a kite.The young man was in the air, and it would be too late for him to turn around.Yin Tianxue grabbed the back collar and lifted it lightly, the boy was more than half a foot off the ground, and then Yin Tianxue immediately kicked up, the boy fell headfirst and fell into the dust.

Time froze, including the old man later, everyone held their breaths and fixed their eyes on the young man who fell to the ground, for fear that he would fall down and never get up again.

After touching half a cup of tea, I saw the young man slowly raised his head, his face was ashen and bloodstained.The young man was searching for something in the crowd, and suddenly he called "Daddy" weepingly at the old man, and then buried his head in the grass again.

The old man refused to follow him, leaning on his crutches, he came up to Yin Tianxue, poked the stick on the ground, and complained: "People's hearts are not old, and the world is cruel! You are a woman, you don't want to be a female worker at home, and you are waiting for your in-laws, but you go out and fight with others to try your best. How can it be decent to strike so viciously?"

Yin Tianxue was about to answer, but she didn't watch out for Katerina appearing beside her, and said bluntly: "After the old man said this, I realized that there are no rules in your house."

"Fan Fu, how do you say that?" The old man saw that it was a yellow-haired foreign woman, and her words were rude, so he asked disdainfully.

"Your children don't ask indiscriminately, just throw a fist and knock them down. You are an old man, you should calm down, but you scolded the guests first. From such a family, how can there be a kind and fair generation?"

Hearing this, the old man was furious, raised his crutches, and swung it at Xuelihong's head.Xue Lihong dodged lightly, dodged the old man's attack, stretched out her hand again, the crutch was already in her hand, she was calm, she touched the crutch hard on her knee with both hands, only heard a "click", and the crutch broke into two pieces.Xue Lihong joined the two crutches together, threw it back to the old man, and said:

"A crutch is a tool to help you walk, how can it be used as a murder weapon?"

Embarrassed and furious, the old man cleared his throat and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.Xue Lihong couldn't dodge in time, her saliva splashed on her body.Katerina was born as a princess, how could she bear such shame and humiliation?She took off her coat, threw it on the ground casually, then waved her hand angrily and hit the old man head-on.

If the old man had received this slap in the face, he would die of shame if he didn't slap him to death.It was too late and then it was too late, I saw a flash of red light, a figure caught Xue Lihong's palm, there was a loud "pa", the two jade hands touched, echoing in the long and narrow valley.

Xue Lihong stood still and took a closer look, a woman in red was looking at her with a smiling face.The woman gathered herself together, clasped her hands together, saluted first, and said earnestly:

"For the disrespect of my father and younger brother, the little girl apologizes here, and I hope my sister will forgive me a little bit."

Now that he has already done this, killing people can only be done without nodding their heads, and can't lose their style too much, Xue Lihong saluted lightly, and said with disdain:

"That's all, I beat and scolded, and I scolded, it's a trivial matter, don't worry about it."

In fact, Xue Lihong still remembers that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, and he has to bow his head under the eaves of people. If not, where will he camp tonight?

The woman in red said: "My sister doesn't know something. Tonight, Daddy will have a martial arts competition for the little girl, so there are more guests. Therefore, I may have treated the distinguished guests slowly. Please forgive me!"

They have one elder sister, and Xue Lihong is a master who obeys the soft and does not take the hard, and she can't bear three kind words, so her heart softens, she smiles slightly, and said:

"It's the best, we can also take the opportunity to join in the fun."

"Since that's the case, please go to the small shop to eat something, feed the horses, and then watch the little sister make a fool of herself."

As soon as Xue Lihong heard that there was a way, everyone was hungry all day, thirsty and tired, so it's a good idea to wash your face first, and eat a few bites randomly. As for the next step, let's talk about the next step!

Pan You'an waited for the group to tidy up a bit, and when they came out of the small shop, they were shocked. The lawn in front of the small shop, which was still deserted just now, suddenly turned into a square for fighting.I saw lanterns and torches illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime, and people shouting and horses neighing in chaos on the field.In order, the people on stage at the small shop are: the old man, the young man, and the woman in red.On the other side are: a red beard with full cheekbones, an ugly woman with a pockmarked face, and a handsome young man in black.

Just now Xue Lihong and the others thought that the old man was weak and had to rely on crutches to walk, but unexpectedly he became a murderous fighter in the blink of an eye.

As a result of the competition, the old man couldn't keep his beard and gills, and the young man overturned the pockmarked woman.The woman in red and the man in black are fighting fiercely, one red and one black are particularly eye-catching under the moonlight and lantern torches.

Pan You'an and the others thought while watching the battle: This is a battle to the death, not a martial arts match as the woman in red said earlier.The old man on crutches was carried in. It seemed that at least one leg was broken, and the pockmarked woman lay silently on the grass. I don't know if she was pretending to be dead or if she really couldn't get up.Since you can kiss, why do you kill yourself?The red-clothed woman and the black-clothed man fought inextricably, and an insider could tell at a glance that this fighting style would never give up easily if one of them was not maimed or killed.

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