At the end of the game, Yelang Lord Yiji and his daughter are very satisfied with the result.Because they found that this year's son-in-law is not only the best in martial arts in the world, but also has first-rate talents that are unparalleled in the world.Because they were not yet married, it was not easy for Weng and his son-in-law to meet, and it was even more inconvenient for the princess to show up, so the follow-up work was handed over to the head of the house, and Prince Yiji's family went back to the palace one after another in sedan chairs and horses.

The manager personally brought Pan You'an and the others to the largest hotel in Heiyuki, the name of which was "Drunkenness does not pay for life", and ordered:

"Everyone eat and drink well tonight, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow morning, the palace will send palanquins to pick up the son-in-law and enter the palace to hold a collective wedding with other princes and princesses. In addition, for safety and precautions, the entourage of the son-in-law All are not allowed to enter the palace. However, since everyone is in the same group, there is something wrong with not being close relatives, and they worked hard during the martial arts competition, and they have a certain foundation in martial arts. Therefore, according to the decree of Prince Ji's kindness, all entourages are allowed to immigrate to Yelang In the country, each person will be rewarded with ten taels of silver as the cost of settling down. If those who do not want to stay, they will be given five taels of silver per person for travel expenses according to the order of Lord Ji."

Afterwards, the steward slipped a piece of coral jade pendant into Pan You'an's hand, and said in a low voice, "My lord, this is a keepsake! The princess also holds the same jade pendant. This is the only certificate for you to enter the bridal chamber on the wedding night. Don’t lose it or give it to others, otherwise you won’t be a son-in-law or you.”

After the general manager made the instructions, he confessed a few words to the owner of the "Drunken Death" hotel, saying: "This group is the relatives of the king. You must treat them thoughtfully, and all the expenses will be borne by the Yelang Kingdom. However, the palace has no money for the time being. Your lord It is said that the tax can be deducted, and the store does not need to pay tax in the second half of the year.”

The shopkeeper didn't dare to attack, so he made a nasal snort in his stomach as an answer.

After the manager left, Pan Youan ordered Niu Er to bring 50 taels of silver to the counter, and told the shopkeeper to serve any good meat and wine, and he didn't have to look for the rest.Only then did the shopkeeper get angry, and said just now that it was a loss-making business!Now it's all right, a carrot is cut at both ends, a large piece of money from the new son-in-law is received here, and the tax for the second half of the year is exempted there, I hope such a good thing will come more times a year, and King Yiji will make more moves How many times should the consort be good!

Anyway, there was a large piece of silver there, and the shop owner ordered Xiao Er to add meat to the dishes, following the ancient motto of the shop, as long as the customers are willing to spend money, there is plenty of homemade wine anyway, the worst thing is to add a ladle of water .

Pan You'an and Niu Er are men, so they just drink in big bowls.The ladies want to persuade a few words, you will be the bridegroom tomorrow, don't drink your temper.But looking at Pan Lang's self-satisfied look, he couldn't bear to dampen his interest, so he had to let him go.Look at Niu Er again, he has never eaten a banquet in eight lifetimes, he longs for a full meal and will not be hungry for the rest of his life.

After drinking enough, Pan You'an told Niu Er, "Brother, we're going to break up tomorrow, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet again in the future."

Niu Erzui's eyes were hazy, he tilted his neck and corrected: "Brother, are you drunk? You're not here to be the bride's son-in-law. I want to go to my sister-in-law's house with you. What's the deal?"

"Second," Pan You'an deliberately omitted the character "Niu", and said kindly, "Second, it's you and not me who will be left behind as the son-in-law. We will start tomorrow, so you should stay here! I think you will have food and drink problems for the rest of your life." There is no need to worry."

"What, brother, tell me again, let me stay as a son-in-law? Isn't it a dream?" Niu Er was more than half sober.

"Are you unhappy?" Pan You'an asked again.

"Brother, it's not me, I don't want to be, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Brother, brother, you won't coax me, right?" Niu Er, who is usually eloquent, suddenly stuttered.

"Am I kidding you? Don't talk too much. Tomorrow morning, you are going to get on the sedan chair and enter the palace. Here is a piece of jade, you put it in your pocket carefully, and don't lose it. This is your future in the next life." Said Come on, Pan You'an handed the stone given to him by the manager to Niu Er's hand.

When the wives heard that it was Niu Er and not Pan Lang who was the son-in-law, they immediately burst into smiles and cheered, as if suddenly remembering that they were hungry, someone gave another large silver coin to the shopkeeper, and ordered:

"Shopkeeper, set up a big banquet again."

The shopkeeper couldn't help secretly delighting: there is such a good thing in the world?Only a fool would pay for ten meals for one meal.Anyway, his family is "drunk to death", and the guests are willing to drink, so he just serves the wine.

It's not that the wives are opposed to their husbands asking for a new love, but they simply don't like this blind and arrogant Yelang Xiaoguo, a bunch of small people and a small country, what kind of exquisite beauty can it produce?Fortunately, Pan Lang made a small plan to get a son-in-law without any effort and sold a big favor to the follower Niu Er. Now it's all right, finally the ears are quiet, and the couple can go home happily. !

The next morning, before dawn, the sedan chair from the palace arrived. On Pan You'an's side, the wives helped Niu Er to dress up and make everything ready.Most of the chief stewards didn't come to pick them up in person, but both parties made it clear in advance, so there must be no mistakes.

Niu Baoguo has been in the world for 23 years, not to mention the big sedan chair carried by eight people, even the small slider carried by two people has never enjoyed it.After the welcome team entered the palace, the newcomers were arranged in order. This was all rehearsed beforehand, so the petite guests didn't know, but the bearers and stewards were all familiar with it.Niu Baoguo was naturally the first in the front row. Once the ceremony is over, he will become the eldest brother-in-law in the palace.

Weddings in Yelang Kingdom are not very different from those in mainland China. They are nothing more than worshiping heaven and earth, parents, and husband and wife, and sending them to the bridal chamber.But the difference is that before entering the bridal chamber, the groom has to show his ID, which is the piece of coral jade pendant given to Pan Youan by the boss.The princess bride put on the hijab happily after verifying the authenticity, and waited for the son-in-law to lift the hijab himself.

Because Prince Yiji has too many children, he is holding a group wedding. His eyesight is dim, and he can't tell which is which when he is happy. He still wonders why the wedding is over when he loses the most handsome son-in-law.

Niu Baoguo played tricks, he knew he was a counterfeit, if he took off his hijab in advance, once he met the bride, he would immediately show his feet.If so, it took all the hard work of the eunuch brother to make this marriage happen, and it also seemed that Niu Er was a dou who couldn't help him.As soon as he entered the bridal chamber, Niu Er yelled and told the palace maids and palace ladies that he drank too much at the banquet today and was tired these days, and needed to rest early, so everyone turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Second-timers are human beings, so it's not because the family is poor. The son of a rich family will never go around the street playing around.Strictly speaking, Niu Baoguo's bad reputation is not very dishonest. He has coaxed and bullied people. He dare not be more powerful than him, but they are only women and children. Others, he dares to provoke only San Han: Namely old man, sick man, drunk man.This time I had the opportunity to go with the eunuch brother, it was not because of him, but because of the idea of ​​his wives. Once he found their Pan Lang, he promised to let him travel with them for free.Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to take the liberty of playing with Pan You'an's tigress. The lesson from that time is enough, and there's no need to revisit it again.But when he arrived in Niu Baoguo, he never dreamed that he was happy to keep up with the nobleman, and the brim of his hat was raised too high!

There was nothing to say that night, it was nothing more than love between men and women, like glue and paint.Come on, the princess said:

"Husband, you are so powerful! You kill people on the battlefield, and you kill people in love, and you kill people so well that you feel comfortable and comfortable."

Niu Er smiled disdainfully, and said, "What is this? When I was competing in the Haicheng school field, a Japanese pirate strongman, who looked like a fat pig, was easily passed over my head by me."

In the dark, the princess put her arms around her husband and kissed her, and said, "Officer, you are really good. But there is a problem, what should I call you in the future? I don't even know your name or surname."

Niu Er said: "My surname is Niu, you can call me Niu Lang from now on!"

"Ah, what a coincidence, my nickname is Zhinu. Could it be that this is determined by my marriage in a previous life?" The princess exclaimed.

Early in the morning, Prince Yiji was about to go to court, when suddenly a housekeeper sent someone to tell him:

"My lord is not well, we're fighting! My lord, go and see, they're fighting!"

"Who's fighting with whom? You bastard, you can't speak clearly in the early morning, and you're flustered, what's the point?" the prince scolded.

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are fighting!"

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl? Don't you think that the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor are fighting?" the prince sarcastically turned into a smile.

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