Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 332 Pan Youan Heihe Meets Wolves

Hu Sanlai stayed in the harem, and the emperor had nothing to do with him. The two drank tea and chatted until dawn.Because I have to go to court, and I have to distinguish between public and private, I have no choice but to clean up and do business first.After returning to the palace, Prime Minister Hu is still the first priority to find a wife. The family did not come back. The emperor in the palace insisted that he would never be in the palace. Made a tortoise tortoise's style.Facing his immediate boss, Hu San was really helpless, and he went to Washington again. Hua Shixiong was full of remorse, with a sad and desolate look, so sad that he almost cried.Of course, if his wife can't be found, his old Huazi will naturally be involved.What if he can take it off but can't? How can he peel off Hua Shixiong's skin, cramps his tendons, and eat his meat?Hu San was sitting alone in the Xiangfu's study with his head downcast, in a daze. He hadn't touched his teeth for almost a whole day, and now he suddenly felt that living alone in this world, no relatives are indispensable.When I was young, I was a mother, when I was older, I was a wife, and when I was older, I was a son and daughter.He and Fat Xi Shi have been married for at least five or six years. His wife has a bad temper and a stubborn temper. Most of the time he gives in to her.Sometimes he also wanted to renovate and repair his wife, but it always backfired, and he had to call for her.In the end, he concluded that a thousand soldiers can be cured, but a wife is difficult to deal with.At this time, he couldn't help but think of his elder brother eunuch, who has so many wives, all of them have no personality except for being as beautiful as flowers and jade. Does Lao Pan use his fists when his sisters-in-law are petty?He only has one wife, but his elder brother has sixteen wives. He can't manage even one wife, but his elder brother can manage sixteen tigresses in good order?This is the gap, he is still a famous eunuch!

Seeing that the ugly hour was approaching, Lao Hu sat up abruptly. He concluded that something happened to his wife, and it was hard to say whether he was still alive or not.He can't just sit still, he has to use all the power he can use to find his wife.Just as Hu San was about to turn around, he heard a "pop" sound. He hurriedly followed the sound and found a small knife on the roof beam and a note stuck under the dagger.Hu Sanlao, who has traveled the rivers and lakes, naturally knows that this is called "sending a knife to pass a letter".Hu San pulled out the knife, opened the note, and saw that it read:

"Madam is at Wang Tianshun's house in Wugui Hutong. Another note: This man is very skilled in martial arts, Madam is fine now."

He had never been to Wugui Hutong, let alone heard of that man named Wang Tianshun.The person who sent the note must have some connection with him, otherwise why is he secretly protecting his wife?At the same time, he thought, the letter sender must also be a person with high martial arts skills. Could it be that he can't beat that Wang Tianshun with his strength?

Hu San was not in a hurry to rescue his wife, because acting blindly at this time would only cause bad things, and might even kill his wife.He turned his eyes to the note sent under the knife, and began to study the origin of this note carefully, maybe he would find some clues.Looking at it, he seemed to feel that the note came from a woman's handwriting, and he couldn't help but suddenly thought of a person, a woman, an extraordinary woman, she is the eldest brother's wife, the first-rank wife who was personally appointed by the emperor, that A courageous heroine of Nanqiao.It stands to reason that Nanqiao is his sister-in-law, and with his sister-in-law protecting him in secret, he seemed to have put down a huge boulder on his chest, and he felt a lot easier all of a sudden.Thinking about it again, since Nanqiao's sister-in-law has already found out the whereabouts of Fat Xi Shi, why didn't she rescue him instead of going far and wide to report him?What are the articles here?She said that the thief chieftain has high martial arts skills. Could it be that she couldn't beat them and came to move troops?The more Hu Sanyue thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. Where should he start this muddled lawsuit and muddled case?

Hu San thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a good solution. Finally, he decided to invite Zhang Facun and Huang Ren to help him out.

Pan You'an and his wife Yin Tianxue, Tianshanxue, Xuelihong, Ginkgo and a group of five people left Yelang Kingdom and headed west and then north, all the way straight to Dajiegou.One day, when I came to a river, without asking anyone, Pan You'an took a closer look and remembered that he was ambushed here, almost not humiliating his reputation and losing his reputation in the hands of a little-known foreign general Mo Huairen.Pan You'an asked someone at that time that this river was called Heishui River, and the Heishui River was so fast that it could be heard rumbling loudly from a distance, like ten thousand horses galloping.At that time, if it wasn't for the help of his Bai Longju and Zhang Facun and Huang Ren who are familiar with water skills, he would not be standing here now.

Originally, Yin Tianxue's house was in the south of the river, but Pan You'an and the others lost their way and took a detour and went back to the north of the river instead.They walked for almost three months for what was originally a one-month journey.

Now they finally arrived at their destination, across the river was Yin Tianxue's house, Pan You'an was excited, Yin Tianxue was excited, and the sisters were also cheering.Yin Tianxue became a monk since she was a child, studied martial arts with her teacher, and rarely married her parents.Not long after her debut, she encountered Pan Shuai leading an army to attack Jackal Ditch. She heard that there was a female general of the Han family who was very powerful. Therefore, there is a good story about the two sisters competing in the battlefield and sworn in the street.At that time, I left home in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to talk to my parents alone.After coming to Beijing, although I sent a lot of money and letters to the elders at home, the matter of going home to visit relatives is just a thought. The island is far away in the sky, how can I get home?However, see you in Tiankeling, this day has finally come.

Seeing that it was getting late, Pan You'an discussed with everyone that it is better to wait until the next day to find a boat to cross the river and go home early.Yin Tianxue has no choice but to return home even if he wants to return, and he can't swim across the river without a boat.Before reaching the middle of the river, everyone died in the water.

Pan You'an had the experience of being in trouble by the river once, so naturally he has a certain understanding of the geography and landforms here.Some are heard, some are witnessed, and only for a short time, the memory is not so strong and accurate, so it is ignored.

On the opposite side of the river is a large grass beach, which the herdsmen call wild wolf beach.Due to the desolation and remoteness here, the climate is harsh, and no one lives there.Occasionally, a shepherd dares to do so only when it is broad daylight and the defense conditions are excellent.As the saying goes: Don't swim in unfamiliar river pools, don't go for a walk in unfamiliar mountains and forests, don't stay in empty houses without people, Pan You'an and the others just made one of these big mistakes.

There were no trees nearby, so they tied the horses to each other, unsaddled and unbridled, and left them to eat the grass where they were.Because they didn't bring a tent, they could only be camping.Xiao Pan asked everyone to prepare more combustibles such as hay and cow dung.After lighting the bonfire, Pan Youan personally baked food for his wives. Everyone sat around intimately and joyfully, and Katerina sang "The Story of the Birds" in a low voice.When everyone was talking about sex, it was the horse that reminded them. The horses started to tremble, and Pan Youan and the others looked back: Oh, there are hundreds of firefly-like eyes staring at them. They are even very close, very close, almost within reach, and they can be reached by reaching out. The fishy smell from their mouths makes people sick.

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