Seeing his daughter coming out of the new house in a hurry, the old Shangguan secretly glanced at her.Although the girl was full of anger, she clearly wasn't looking at the bridegroom in the room, and he just fell to the ground with a stone.There are quite a few daughters in his family, but Xueer is second to none with her martial arts, courage, and openness.Therefore, whenever any major or minor matter happened in the village, she was the one to handle it.People from the government office came and heard that there was also a general in the court leading a team, who wanted to go to his village to arrest eunuchs by name.The young lady is the owner, and she should have the final say on this matter. She will give it away if she wants it, and she will keep it if she wants it.So the old man has been dawdling and unable to move forward, mainly because he has to wait for his daughter to come out to set the mound.

Shangguanxue knew that the visitor was not kind, and she might have to fight if necessary, so she didn't dare to neglect, and she was quickly dressed by the maidservants with the helmet and armor, and then stepped on her snow on the snow, holding the same thing in her hand. With a red-tasseled long spear and quiver on his back, fully armed, he flew out of Dazhai gate in a huff.

Seeing that a woman came, Feng Jingang was not very happy. He was a dignified official in the court after all. With such a large group of people, he shouted at the door for a long time, but a little girl came out to talk to him.Feeling displeased, it showed on her face, she rolled her eyes and asked coldly:

"Who is in charge of your village?"

"Me!" The young lady's voice was like a silver bell, falling to the ground.

"Which girl in your village is getting married tonight?" Feng Jingang said angrily.

"Me!" Shangguan Xue was calm and composed.

"That's good," Feng Jingang asked in the same tone, "Those who don't know are not guilty. According to reliable information, there is a court repeat offender who sneaked into your village. Miss, let me tell you the truth, you have been fooled, and I will pay homage to you. The married person is not a man, but a eunuch."

"My man is an eunuch?" The young lady sneered, "Your father is an eunuch, and your family is all eunuchs!"

"Miss, why are you swearing?" Feng Jingang said angrily.

"Are you cursing or am I cursing?" Shangguan Xue refused.

"Why did I scold you?" Feng Jingang asked.

"Today is my day of great joy. You say my man is a eunuch, and I say your wife is a stone girl. Are you happy?" Shangguan Xue said plausibly.

"My wife is not a stone girl, how can a stone girl raise a baby?" Feng Jingang explained patiently.

"My man is not an eunuch, how can an eunuch find a wife?" Shangguan Xue responded skillfully.

When the words came to his mouth, Feng Jingang also had certain difficulties. He did not dare to truthfully say that the little eunuch was a fake. Although he had doubts, doubts were nothing more than doubts. explain.There is a fake eunuch in the palace, how big is this?Once the inside story of this big mystery is revealed, it will definitely shake the world, and it will be messed up by then. Feng Jingang said these words again, and the emperor blamed him. How many brains can he resist?Maybe even wives, babies, fathers, Guanniang, brothers, sisters-in-law, relatives, friends, and even folks in the hometown have to keep up and suffer.

Feng Jingang endured it, and lowered his voice and said: "Miss, how about this, you call out your bridegroom and let us recognize him. If it is, we will take it away, if not, we will continue to stay for your honeymoon , we don't bother you anymore, how do you see this?"

Feng Jingang's tone has obviously softened a lot.

"My man is not an exhibit. Would you drag your wife out on the street for everyone to see? When your sister gets married, you also drag her out for everyone to recognize?" Miss Shangguan has no room for flexibility, and her mouth is like a knife. Yes, Lao Feng is not his opponent at all.

"Miss, I warn you, the criminal is hiding at home, this is a crime of killing the family!" Feng Jingang said seriously, annoyed.

"I married a man, not a prisoner. There is no writing on the prisoner's face. Do we know which one is a prisoner?" Shangguan became angry and said sharply.

"You girl has no tutor, and you speak neither high nor low, so I won't talk to you, let your adults come out and talk."

Shangguan Leopard has always been in the crowd from the beginning to the end. At the beginning, he was inconvenient because he couldn't get the truth from his daughter, so he didn't show up. Now he can't show up.

Xue'er knew it well, and her husband declared that he was a eunuch from the very beginning.But she has never seen what kind of person a eunuch is, but she has heard of it!Could it be that the official is really the eunuch they want to arrest?No, her official is not a eunuch, absolutely not, she is convinced of this.Although the play hasn't officially started yet, after all the gongs and drums are on display, I don't know if my man is in stock or not?A man may be a prisoner, but he is by no means a eunuch.Even if it is a prisoner, she can't hand over the man. The prisoner committed a royal crime, so what does it have to do with her as an ordinary woman?People from the official family will take it away if they want to take it away, there is no door!Shangguan Xue said:

"My lord, our elders have already rested, please go back!"

"To put it lightly, I came here empty-handed today, and I will never return empty-handed!" Feng Jingang said fiercely.

"What do you want?"

"I want to take your man back!"

"Don't think about it, first ask me if I agree to the gun in my hand?"

"Forget it, miss. I've always advocated that dogs don't fight cocks, and men don't offend women. You'd better go back and call your man out, and let him do two tricks with me!"

Shangguanxue was furious, and stabbed when she was distracted with her gun. Feng Jingang just parried and did not fight back.After doing this over and over again, Feng Jingang was gradually caught off guard.If you don't bring out some real skills, I'm afraid you will suffer a loss right in front of you.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the soldiers of the two families put out the torches, stretched their necks and stared at the two tigers fighting.

As mentioned in the previous book, Feng Jingang was also born as the chief soldier of Wuxuan, with high martial arts skills, which is comparable to ordinary people.Because he committed a crime, he was sheltered by officials under Wang Shugui and accepted as his confidant. This time it finally came in handy in the arrest operation.Lao Feng is brave and resourceful, and has been approved by Prime Minister Wang many times.Lao Wang also promised that after the matter is completed, he will be appointed a bigger official.And based on his performance in front of him, he was immediately promoted to the vice president of the Supervision and Administration Bureau. From a local military director to a government-level deputy minister, Feng Jingang was satisfied.He is not the kind of villain who is unjust, he has been favored by Prime Minister Wang many times, how can he not give up his life?

After three or five matches, Feng Jingang changed his moves, and slashed at the lady's face with his knife.Although the young lady knew that this was a false move, even if it was a false move, she still had to fight back. If not, the false move would become a real move, and it would be fatal to cut it off with a single knife.The two of you come and go, fighting together with swords and guns.

Although Shangguanxue's martial arts are extraordinary, she is always a girl.Feng Jingang is in his early forties, he is in the second puberty of his life, and he has been fighting for a long time. How can the young lady be his opponent?When the battle was not long, Xue'er was already exhausted, sweating profusely, panting delicately, she only had the power to parry, but had no ability to fight back.

The old Shangguan hid nearby, watching this scene he couldn't help crying secretly, Xue'er's martial arts is the best in the whole village, she is still invincible, there are no two people who can fight.The officer sent by the court will be cruel and ruthless, and will strike at the fatal place.If the fight continued, his daughter's life would be in danger. What should he do?He was about to come forward and say something nice, begging the general to spare his daughter's life.Just at this moment, suddenly a snow-white war horse galloped out. When the old Shangguan looked up, the young general on the horse was the prison eunuch whom the officers and soldiers had designated to capture!

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