The little eunuch decided to make a special trip to visit the prime minister's mansion. One, he was not going to contact the relationship, and two, he was not going to find out Wang Shugui's real background. What was he going to do?He wanted to blackmail the greedy old guy.

Prime Minister Wang heard from Jia Ding that "Pan You'an, the head of the inner palace outside the door, asked to see him."Wang Shugui was startled at first: he and the little eunuch have not met alone since he came back from the palace this time, and everyone is well aware of the rift between each other. Come to your door?Seeing it or seeing it, Prime Minister Wang let the little eunuch into the study full of suspicion.

The little eunuch sat down carelessly, and stopped talking politely. Erlang raised his legs and opened his mouth to borrow money from Wang Shugui.Wang Shugui accompanied Xiaoxin and asked:

"Eunuch Pan, oh no, it should be called Pan Shangshu. You and I are officials in the same dynasty. It's better to be an official. Why do you want to borrow money? I'll listen to the amount. I still have one or two hundred taels of silver."

The little eunuch extended a slap.

Wang Shugui turned pale in shock and said, "Aren't you trying to kill this old man? Where am I going to get so much money?"

The little eunuch smiled and waved his hands and said, "Prime Minister, where are you going? I don't want white ones, I want dirty ones."

"Yellow goods, my God! Do you want gold? No, no, you can borrow it elsewhere. Even if you kill me, I can't get 500 taels of gold!" Wang Shugui shook his head and said.

The little eunuch held up the bowl of tea with both hands, lifted the lid of the cup, his eyes shot out from the palm of his hand, still in the same cynical tone, he joked disapprovingly:

"Prime Minister, haven't you heard that the meeting is divided in half?"

"That's robbers sharing the spoils! Do you think I'm a bandit?" Wang Shugui roared.

"Prime Minister, can you lower your voice?" The little eunuch lowered his voice on purpose.

"I didn't steal anything from others, who am I afraid of?" Wang Shugui was still angry.

The little eunuch remained calm and just drank his tea in silence, the lid of the cup scraped against the rim of the cup.Wang Shugui asked people to refill the tea, so it was inconvenient, so he took the pot to refill the little eunuch's tea bowl.The little eunuch pushed away the tea bowl, patted the table lightly, and said with a smile:

"Prime Minister, I'm here to borrow money from you, not to steal money from your house, why are you so angry?"

Wang Shugui also felt that he was a little out of his composure. He complained hysterically in front of a 20-year-old kid, and he took him too seriously.After a moment of contemplation, Wang Shugui regained his composure and said:

"Mr. Pan (he deliberately deleted a word), it's not that I'm taking down your face, the old man is really helpless. Besides, you are in the palace, you are free of food and clothing, and enjoy the supply system. As far as I know, you are not burdened. If you want that What is a lot of money for?"

The little eunuch picked up the teacup again, lifted the lid and took a sip of the tea, then said slowly:

"To tell you the truth, Prime Minister, I hung a pockmark in a brothel. The girl is still a baby, and the old bustard asked for 5000 taels..."

Wang Shugui started muttering: This kid is so cloudy that he doesn't have a single word of truth, what on earth is he trying to do?Could it be that he heard something?So he casually said:

"Mr. Pan, I'm not talking about you. You are an eunuch. Why spend so much money to find a brothel girl?"

"Prime Minister, this is your ignorance. You are a scholar and I won't argue with you. You haven't heard the ancients say that women are 'shape and color'. The so-called shape and color are not to be seen with the eyes."

"So what can you do with your eyes? When you see good food, you have to eat it, and when you see a good woman, you have to do it! Those who eat, you need teeth, and those who desire, you need roots. If these two things are not complete, just looking at them is enough." It's not for nothing." Prime Minister Wang teased without thinking.

The little eunuch was at a loss for words, so he couldn't help thinking to himself: This old guy is worthy of being the prime minister of the court, and he got him into it with a few words.Of course the little eunuch couldn't tell the truth, it was impossible to say that he was a fake eunuch, even if it was known to passers-by, he couldn't tell it from his mouth.After thinking about it, he said:

"Prime Minister, there is a kind of man who knows a certain kind of kung fu. He is a man in front of women, and she is also a woman in front of men."

"You're talking about Erweizi." Wang Shugui shook his head disdainfully.

The little eunuch said calmly: "A certain person went to the nunnery one day to wander around, and saw a large group of fairy-looking women coming and going in and out of the nunnery, and he couldn't help being moved."

"What's wrong?" The little eunuch's words touched Wang Shugui's itching.

"This gentleman returned home and dressed up a bit, dressed as a woman, and went to the nun's nunnery to ask to become a monk. The nun master saw that this person looked like a man and not a woman, and was a little suspicious, so he ordered the old nun in the nun to examine him. The old nun After the test, I will say that I don’t know about other things, but the female body is real.”

"He got in?" Wang Shugui swallowed.

"After a few years like this, babies were sent out from time to time in the nunnery. Some people reported to the county magistrate, and the county magistrate sent people to investigate secretly. In the end, it was determined that there must be an inner ghost. On this day, the county magistrate personally went out and led a team. Go straight to the nunnery."

"Did you find out?" Wang Shugui couldn't wait.

"The county magistrate gathered all the people in the nunnery, locked them in a big room, made them all take off their pants, and checked them one by one. After the inspection, the female office worker in charge reported that there were no men."

"I still can't find out!" Wang Shugui's face showed a look of satisfaction.

The county magistrate frowned, pondered for a while, and ordered the female confinement in charge: "Take some butter and spread it on everyone's lower body, and then lead a dog to lick them one by one."

"This is a clever plan." Wang Shugui interjected.

Not long after, the female officer came to report: "My lord, I licked something!"

After the little eunuch finished speaking, the two laughed.Wang Shugui joked:

"Pan Gong also has that person's kung fu?"

"Could it be that the prime minister also brought a dog to help me lick it?" The little eunuch looked at Wang Shugui wickedly.

"Don't dare." Wang Shugui unknowingly fell into the trap of the little eunuch.

"To borrow or not to borrow money?"

"Borrow." Wang Chengxiang repeatedly said.

Only now did Wang Shugui understand that the little eunuch borrowed money for a reason, and he must have found out something from that dead girl Chunni.It's really that the organ was too clever to calculate, and it killed Qingqing's life.He racked his brains to get 1000 taels of gold from the palace. Wen Shichang couldn't let people run errands for nothing, so he gave him 200 taels, and 200 taels were used as a dowry.After some calculations, this is exactly the amount he paid for redeeming Chunni back then. It's really a whore whore, no loss, no profit, balance of payments, just a waste of work.

Liandan salutes everyone, don't forget to bookmark and recommend!

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