Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1043 Breakthrough and Freedom

As soon as the Death Eaters walked out of the tunnel and stepped onto the ground of Azkaban Island, half of them were frightened by the Dementors and rolled back into the tunnel.

At the critical moment, Old Nott screamed at Bode,

"Stop them now!"

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and Lucius looked at Bode with wide grey eyes, full of expectation, because if Bode couldn't stop those Dementors, they would be in great danger today.

Under the gaze of some sane Death Eaters, Bode, who seemed to be unaffected by the Dementors, reached into his pocket. The next second, he suddenly waved his hand towards the attacking Death Eaters and threw something out!
It was a piece of parchment that looked very old. The paper was dark yellow in color, and there were wormholes of various sizes on the edges and corners!

When he found that it was just a piece of parchment that looked nothing special, the light in Lucius' eyes went out, and his heart sank to the bottom.
But he was not ready to face death calmly, and his hand reached into his pocket, ready to activate the portkey made by the Dark Lord that would allow them to be transferred from Azkaban, but -

A loud thunder exploded, and the parchment fluttering in the cold air was suddenly nailed in mid-air. The tattered parchment began to radiate endless sky blue starlight in the dark space!

The blue light swept all around, the coldness in the air quickly faded away, and a sense of silent majesty filled the hearts of every living person.

The dazzling light made Lucius squint subconsciously, but he could still see the shadow of an exquisite crown that was as exquisitely crafted as a work of art flashing on the parchment that was shining with infinite blue starlight!

In mid-air, the attacking Dementors calmed down one by one after being swept by the sky blue light. They hovered in mid-air and stared at the parchment. Without much emotion, they could only use their cold gaze to express their disgust for the parchment.


Bode turned and looked at old Nott.
"You can now command their actions."

Crying, cursing, confessing, cursing, begging for mercy. In the high tower of Azkaban, these sounds never stop all year round.

In the dark cell, Vitiya, wearing a simple blue-gray smock and prison pants, sat on the straw-covered floor with her knees bent, leaning against the cold wall.

Her arms were wrapped around her knees, her pale face resting on her arms, and she was staring quietly at the endless darkness outside through the small hole in the back wall.

Unlike other prisoners imprisoned here, she did not seem to have fallen into madness. Her bright green eyes still flickered with the light of rationality.

It seemed that the Dementors had no adverse effect on her.

Human thoughts are always free and cannot be bound by high walls or chains.

"Hogwarts Never Remembers Hatred"

In the abyss of darkness, in the eternal silence, whispers of loss were heard.

Beside the dreamy snow castle, the man with silver hair and purple eyes said this to her.

The imprisoned Vitia withdrew her gaze from the abyss, and buried her face completely in her slender, white arms, allowing herself to be drowned by the darkness and coldness.

A burst of thunder came into the cells through the holes, and the departing Dementors allowed the prisoners in the cells to temporarily escape from the terrible nightmare.

They woke up from their sleep and stared in fascination at the sky-blue light that shone into the cell from the cave entrance.

The sky of Azkaban is gray and the ground is black. The prisoners who have been deprived of their freedom and even human rights have never seen such beautiful and warm colors.

Many criminals knelt on the ground as if in worship, gazing devoutly at the light shining in from the cave entrance, weeping inconsolably.


There was another thunder. No, it was an explosion. The noise was so loud that the criminals could even feel the tower shaking!
In Azkaban Prison, where desperate wails are the main theme all year round, unusual noises soon came from the bottom of the cell.

Explosions followed one after another, and the vibrations continued.

Immersed in the dead silence in her heart, Vitia heard all the noises. She could sense that more and more people were going upstairs. They released the woman under her cell. The woman let out a shrill, crazy laugh, but her heart was calm.

"Miss Cliona--"

Soon, someone arrived at the floor where she was held.

A pale face emerged from the darkness outside the cold iron fence.

Lucius looked at the young girl who seemed to be sleeping against the wall in the cell and called her softly. The moment the girl slowly raised her head and gave him a calm gaze, Lucius' heart trembled.

The calm gaze and peaceful expression would be nothing if they appeared anywhere outside of Azkaban, but here, it was too out of place.

But when he thought that this young girl in front of him had even arm wrestled with Amosta Blaine, Lucius's surprise was not so great.

"You are here." Vitia opened her pale lips slightly, as if she had expected this day to come.

Lucius bent deeply,
"I am here to rescue you on the orders of the Dark Lord."

Vitia tilted her head and looked deeply at Lucius, as well as the many Death Eaters in the darkness behind Lucius who cast curious and fearful glances at her for a long time -
Vitia stood up slowly. At her bare feet, a few withered straws turned from dark yellow to green at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under the incredulous gaze of Lucius and his group, white and slender tentacles extended from the ends of the straw stalks.

These white root tentacles quickly climbed up the iron fence, and after a teeth-grinding sound of metal twisting, the iron fence was broken.

"Then let's go--"

Vitia said softly, and walked down the stairs alone under the fearful gazes of many Death Eaters.

"Oh, this woman is taking my breath away!"

When Vitia disappeared into the darkness downstairs, Old Nott wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.
"She can actually use magic without a wand. No wonder she was able to help the Dark Lord resurrect and made Brian spend so much effort to defeat him. Now that we have all the people together, Lucius, is it time to retreat?"

"Let's go, the Dark Lord is still waiting for our good news."

Lucius said.

"Hey, what took you so long?"

A man still in prison uniform laughed cruelly.

"I told you, Dolohov, the master is waiting for us!"

Lucius's grey eyes flashed with light, and he said sternly, as if he had expected something.
"Don't you want to see him sooner?"

"You are not qualified to teach me, Malfoy. You are a cowardly hypocrite who is getting away with it outside!"

Dolokhov roared fiercely.

"And we have been imprisoned by the Ministry of Magic for fourteen years. Fourteen whole years! I want to teach the Ministry of Magic a lesson. I want to release everyone here!"

"I repeat, Dolohov!"

Lucius also roared,
"The Dark Lord is waiting for us. He wants us to go back as soon as possible. Moreover, he has not given me an order to release all the prisoners here. Is the first thing you do after walking out of the cell to disobey the Dark Lord's order?"


Dolohov immediately retorted, but as soon as he shouted, a thin woman beside him rushed out and snatched the wand from old Nott's hand.

Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst crazy laughter, cells were blown up one after another, and billowing smoke and dust flooded the entire floor.

"Stop, Bellatrix!"

Lucius waved his wand to disperse the smoke, but Bellatrix had already rushed to the floor below.

Lucius took a walk and took two steps to chase after him, and was greeted by the billowing smoke and dust raised by the explosion.

"I've had enough. If you don't clean up your act--"

Lucius's howl was suddenly cut off. He narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at the two people who staggered out of the smoke and dust.

A woman supporting a man appeared in front of Lucius.

The man was not young and his hair had turned completely gray, but the hatred flashing in his brown eyes was still clear.

The woman was quite young, and her beauty was as outstanding as that of Vitia Cliona.

"If we take the Pledge of Allegiance--"

The man gazed into Lucius's wary eyes.

"Will your...Dark Lord accept us?"

(End of this chapter)

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