Chapter 363
Faced with Li Zhi's barrage of questions, Li Hong could only respond by crying.

Because he can't make any other sounds at all now.

After the beating, Li Zhi was still angry, and asked him with staring eyes: "Do you still dare to say that nonsense now?"

"My son doesn't dare anymore, woo woo woo."

Li Hong's small eyes are full of grievances, why can my sister do it, but I can't.

Furthermore, it is clear that Li Yanran is more suitable than myself, and you should let her be the emperor for the sake of the Tang Dynasty.

"If you dare to do this again, I will kill you."

"Understood, woo woo woo."

Li Hong ran out immediately after speaking, he hated Li Zhi so much.

not human.

"Are you full? Why go?"

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Zhi also let out a loud shout.

"I'm leaving home."

After saying that, Li Hong slipped away without looking back.


"Father, don't be angry, Hong'er is still young, children will always be confused by the life in front of them, it will be fine when they grow up."

Seeing Li Zhi's angry beard flying up, Li Yanran hurried over to comfort him.

My younger brother is too young. When he grows up and realizes the beauty of power, he will not be like this.

"I'm so pissed off, how about I let you sit on the throne?"


Li Yanran is not well. Li Hong is young, ignorant, and has never experienced the colorful world.

You are the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, it can be said that you have enjoyed all the wealth and honor in the world, why can you say such words.

Funny is not so funny.

"I'm just kidding you, don't be angry."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, and touched Li Yanran's small head.

"Boss, boss, where are we going?"

Ma Hou followed behind Li Hong, and looked at the archway of the small town a few meters away, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Where are you going? I'm going to run away from home and never come back here again."

Li Hong also turned his head and took a look, his eyes were full of anger.

"But are you full? I'm still hungry."

Ma Hou touched his belly, you are full, but I haven't eaten anything.

Now follow you and run away from home, if you ask for money but have no money, and if there is no food for begging, then I am going to starve to death?
It's true that you are my big brother, but you also have to be a little big brother, at least let me be full.

"I'm not full either."

Li Hong rubbed his belly, blaming his father for everything he could do and what he ate.

Otherwise, would I run out after eating half full?

"what is it now?"

Ma Hou was also stunned, you didn't have enough to eat, what a fart you are for running away from home.

"How about we go back and eat and then run away from home?"

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, he rushed to Ma Hou.

"I think it's okay. After eating enough, I have the strength to run away from home. Big brother is big brother. Why can't I think of such a good way."

Ma Hou also suddenly realized, and immediately understood.

If you don't say that he is the boss, he can think of a strategy that I couldn't think of at all.

Following this boss, I can be regarded as copying.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the kitchen."

After saying that, the two figures, one tall and one short, ran straight back to the town, sneaked past the guards, and walked towards the kitchen.

The Imperial Army pretended not to see this scene, and continued to stick to their posts.

After Li Zhi finished the barbecue, he also came to his exclusive box, enjoyed two games, and then returned to Chang'an contentedly.

Time passed day by day, and the Lishan Cup was in full swing. After the knockout round, 48 teams were cut in half.

The remaining 24 teams continued to compete. Except for Li Yanran's four teams, Yuchihuan, Cheng Chubi, Wei Shan and Sun Hu who were promoted first, all the rest were eliminated.

Of the four princes' teams, only Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde are left.

However, the teams from a few aristocratic families advanced with their superb skills.

After being eliminated in the preliminary round, the Lishan Cup was also suspended for two days to give these teams enough rest time.

During this period, the people of Chang'an also moved to the Lishan fief on a large scale, which effectively promoted the economic development of Lishan and Xinfeng.

Many merchants in Chang'an also purchased stores in Xinfeng County, and opened their branches in this newly emerging county.

Li Yanran's earlier advertisements also played their due role. Those lucky ones who were selected by Li Yanran instantly became popular with the traffic of the Lishan Cup.

The turnover skyrocketed all of a sudden, and while these business owners were excitedly collecting money, they had already decided that the next time the Lishan Cup started, no matter how much it cost, they would take down the advertisement.

And those commercial firms that missed the opportunity were also sharpening their swords and sending people directly to Lishan, and they wanted to get this opportunity back.

"Brother Li, I've made a lot of money."

Changsun Yan rushed to Li Yanran with the latest statistics.

"Why are you making money?"

Li Yanran took a sip of milk tea and glanced at Changsun Yan.

"All the stores we originally opened were sold out, not only these, but also those peripheral products, all of which are gone."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of excitement.

Li Yanran bought dozens of shops with good locations in Xinfeng before, and now she is in charge of traffic, and each of them is earning a lot of money.

There are also peripherals that he didn't like before, and the turnover has doubled and increased. This alone has sold thousands of pens.

Invisibly, her admiration for Li Yanran has increased by more than ten levels.

"If it's sold out, don't rush to replenish it. I'd rather have nothing left. Do you understand this truth?"

Li Yanran was depressed, they were all sold out, and they didn't replenish the stock, what a stick.

Now she regrets giving these business things to Changsun Yan. If she didn't have anyone under her command, she would have replaced this guy long ago.

"I've already arranged for people to do it. By the way, there is one more thing. Those merchants who rejected us before have come over again.

They have already agreed to the previous offer, and even Breguet Silk Shop offered [-] guan, wanting to buy the exclusive advertisement for the semi-finals. "

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, and told the story of those merchants going back and forth.

"Yanzi, do you know what 30 years in the east of the river and 30 years in the west of the river mean, don't you bully the young and poor?"


Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran with wide eyes, full of clear stupidity.

"At the beginning, you loved and ignored me, but today I made you unable to climb high, and now you regret it? It's too late, kick them out for me, now is the time for them to taste the bitter fruit."

"However, that's a lot of money. Instead of cooperating with other merchants to fight for this opportunity, it's better to hold the money in your own hands first."

Changsun Yan was taken aback for a moment, those merchants had already spent more than 1 yuan in advertising fees, so they just threw away so much money to make a bet?
"I'm teaching them a lesson. The Lishan Cup is not just this time, there will be another one next year.
Now let them know how good I am, next time the Lishan Cup starts, they will give me whatever I want,

This is the value, understand? "

Li Yanran is not the kind of short-sighted person who only cares about immediate interests, what she is looking at is the future.

If the merchants are not allowed to know how powerful the Lishan Cup is this time, how can they obediently stick their heads out and let themselves be slaughtered next time.

"I don't understand, but Brother Li, what you said must be right, Zhang Si, remember."

Changsun Yan nodded, although he doesn't understand Li Yanran's meaning now, but it won't delay him to write it down.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. When the time comes, I will record all Brother Li's words and publish a book, so I won't be making money.

Looking at Changsun Yan whose eyes were rolling around, Li Yanran stood up straight away and slapped him.

"What bad idea are you thinking?"

"No, I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Changsun Yan was taken aback for a moment, and ran away like a girl.

He didn't dare to let Li Yanran know that he planned to publish a book, otherwise, his business would die before it even started.

No, I want to make money secretly, making money with Brother Li, this must feel great.


Looking at Changsun Yan's shrunken back, Li Yanran also shook her head.

I don't know what the hell this guy is planning.

"Brother Li, something happened."

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran's side, his eyes were full of seriousness.

"What happened to you?"

The grandson Yan just left, and now Li Siwen is here again.

There are so many things to do in such a small fief, and Xinfeng is included, wouldn't it be annoying to death.

"Brother Li, I found out that someone opened a casino privately. What they bet on is not the usual gambling equipment, but the Lishan Cup."

"What did you say?"

Hearing that someone dared to use his Lishan Cup for profit, Li Yanran immediately stood up.

"That's right, I've already sent someone to touch it."

Li Siwen nodded, he had already sent someone to investigate.

"You must press me to death directly. If this trend continues, there will be big problems."

A gleam flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, she was well aware of the situation of future generations.

If this happens, then the Lishan Cup may become a sharp weapon for others to harvest people's money, and she will never allow such a situation to happen.

"Well, I know, but I guess the person behind the scenes is definitely not in Lishan, and the people here are probably just scumbags."

Li Siwen didn't expect Li Yanran to be so excited, so he expressed his guess.

"I know that the people behind the scenes will definitely not appear here. After the investigation, all those involved in the case will be taken down, and then they will find a way to pry their mouths open.

I want to see who is so bold and dares to break ground on my head. "


Li Siwen left directly after saluting, Li Yanran was very concerned about the word "gambling".

So when she came to Xinfeng County, the first person to deal with it was Zhenshanhu, and since they took root here, there are basically no casinos in Xinfeng County.

Because once someone reported it, Li Yanran would send people to destroy the casino directly, the person who opened the casino would directly interrupt his hands, and the people involved in gambling would also be beaten badly.

All of Xinfeng's gambling culture was wiped out for a while, but it didn't take long for someone to come out to find trouble.

Seeing the back of Li Siwen leaving, Li Yanran rubbed her temples involuntarily.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, the ancients really did not deceive me.

Although I am an ancient person now, this sentence still applies.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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