My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 551 Sister will give you a chance to shine

Li Hong smiled slightly, "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" is also a book, and my parents don't care what they read.

"You are such a clever little ghost!"

Li Yanran had nothing more to say, sighed and walked ahead.

After returning to the palace, Li Yanran directly started the follow-up of Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, and Li Hong was also fascinated by it.

"Finally finished!"

Li Yanran felt her mouth was dry and she finally finished telling the story of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

"Sister, sister, you still owe me two stories!"


Li Yanran just felt a little desperate now. She was so mean-mouthed in the first place, so why did she agree to Li Hong's request?

She now finally understands what it means to shoot yourself in the foot.

"Brother Honghong, let's discuss it and forget about telling stories. How about I give you two more blows?"

After looking at her brother, Li Yanran also proposed to pay for it to avoid the two debts.

"No, money is just a fleeting thing for Hongdi. It doesn't matter if it's more or less. It's better to tell stories."

Li Hong shook his head. Money was really of no use to him.

You can't use it in the palace, and you can't spend it in the fief.

Since it's all useless, why do you need money?

Li Yanran was also depressed. She really didn't expect that she couldn't even seduce her younger brother with money.

"Ten Guan, how about it?"

"Sister, start now! I don't want you even if you give me a hundred strings."

"Then let's tell a story about Jigong!"

Li Yanran had no choice but to use her brain to think of a good story.

"Jigong? How about comparing it to the Eight Immortals crossing the sea?"

Li Hong also frowned when he heard Jigong's name.

The previous Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea made him feel full of ups and downs.

Especially the climax of crossing the sea, the eight immortals also showed their magical powers, turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into rain, which really fascinated him.

"It can only be said that each has its own merits!"

Li Yanran frowned. If you insist on which of the two stories is better, she can't comment.

"Sister, why don't you start soon? Hongdi can't wait any longer."

Hearing that everyone had their own merits, Li Hong also sat upright and waited for his elder sister to start speaking.

"There is a temple in the south called Lingyin Temple, and there was a layman named Li Xiuyuan, whose name was Huyin. Later he became a monk in Lingyin Temple, and his name was Daoji.

Although this Daoji became a monk, he wore a broken hat and a broken fan, and wore dirty shoes and robes, and he was acting crazy all day long.

The most special thing about this Daoji is that he is in Buddhism, but he is not bound by the precepts. What he likes most all day long is drinking and eating meat. One day."

"Sister! As a disciple of Buddhism, how can you drink alcohol and eat meat? How can Buddhism tolerate such people?"

After hearing Li Yanran say that Monk Daoji's favorite thing to do all day long was drinking wine and eating meat, Li Hong immediately asked.

"His mantra is that after the wine and meat pass through the intestines, it remains in the heart of the Buddha,

Although he drinks alcohol and eats meat, he is a learned and eminent monk who accumulates virtues and does good deeds.

Faced with such a person, even Buddhists would not dare to say anything.

And you'd better shut up when I tell a story, or I won't tell it! "

After giving Li Hong a blank look, Li Yanran also felt depressed.

Legend has it that Jigong is the reincarnation of Arhat who subdued the dragon. How could Buddhism expel such a living Buddha-level figure?

Besides, what I’m telling is a story, not history. Why do you have so many stories?
"I understand, sister, please continue!"

Hearing Li Yanran's scolding, Li Hong quickly shut up and waited for her follow-up.

"Jigong couldn't stay in Lingyin Temple any longer, so he also slipped away to Jingci Temple.
With the living Buddha Jigong sitting in charge, the incense of Jingci Temple became prosperous instantly.

Looking at the incense in Jingci Temple, there was a bully in the city named Zhao Tianpeng. His housekeeper also gave his master an idea.

Asking Zhao Tianpeng to collect money from the social card on the stone bridge crossing the river, Jigong was not angry at this scene, so he wanted to punish this bully."

Listening to the story told by Li Yanran, Li Hong's eyes almost popped out.

This Daoji is really powerful. Not only can he conjure copper coins, but he can also turn the bully's leg into a prosthetic leg made of copper coins, and he can also help people connect their legs.

The most ridiculous thing was that the housekeeper was actually put on a dog's leg, which really made him laugh.

"Sister, this Daoji is really something. It not only punished the bully Zhao Tianpeng, but also punished the evil housekeeper. It's really satisfying!"

Li Hong clapped his hands and laughed at Li Yanran.

In his opinion, such a bully should be punished with death, and so should the housekeeper. It would be an advantage for him to do nothing to him.

"How about you tell me?"

After giving Li Hong a blank look, Li Yanran also felt depressed.

What bothers her most is being interrupted when she is telling a story. After all, this thing is very labor-intensive. Once you are interrupted, you have to start thinking from the beginning again.


"Sister, come here, come here!"

Just like this, telling stories and listening to stories until the moon rises, the story of Living Buddha Jigong can be finished.

"It's almost time, it's time to sleep!"

After yawning, Li Yanran felt a little sleepy, so she took off her shoes and walked towards the bed.

"Sister, you still owe me a story!"

Looking at Li Yanran's back, Li Hong immediately chased after her.

"I got it, go to bed quickly and I'll tell you about Sou Shen Zhuan tomorrow!" "Okay."

Li Hong's eyes narrowed when he heard the name of Sou Shen Chuan. This name sounded very powerful upon hearing it.

Just like that, it was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye. Looking at the decorated palace, Li Yanran also knew that the first New Year after recognizing her ancestors and returning to the clan was coming.

"Your Highnesses, Your Majesty has a decree for you to attend the banquet tonight!"

Sun Xu came over, looked at Li Yanran and Li Hong, and quickly stated Li Zhi's will.


Li Hong also curled his lips. What bothered him most was the so-called banquet, especially the New Year's Eve dinner.

There are royal relatives, dignitaries and dignitaries. The crowd is unbearable. It would be better for the whole family to sit together and have a meal in peace.

"what happened?"

Looking at Li Hong's little face, Li Yanran was also a little confused.

"Sister, you don't know that this New Year's Eve dinner is very boring. At that time, we will inevitably have to recite poems and write poems. Instead, it will be a time for Brother Four Emperors to steal the spotlight."

Li Hong was very depressed.
Although he can only remember the past two years, he can remember all the large and small banquets in the past two years, especially the New Year's Eve dinner.

It was always Li Sujie who stole the show.

So what bothers him the most is this kind of large banquet.

"Don't worry, my sister will give you a chance to shine at this banquet, how about it?"

After hearing that Li Hong had this reason, Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head.

Isn't it just a poem for a banquet? My sister's title as the literary copyist of the Tang Dynasty is not for nothing.

"Sister, please stop talking. The topic of every New Year's Eve dinner is different, so there is no time!"

Li Hong shook his head. If you say that you can amaze everyone with your poetry skills, he will believe it 100%.

But he doesn't believe you can make yourself stand out.

"Hey, how about I give you a poem first?"

Looking at her younger brother, Li Yanran also sneered. Do you really look down on yourself?

"Okay, I'd like to hear what good poems you can come up with, sister?"

Glancing at the elder sister, Li Hong was also looking forward to it.

He has seen poems written in forest farms many times, but this is the first time he has seen poems written in advance.


"This poem is called Yuan Ri!"

"The sound of firecrackers kills one year old, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu."

"Thousands of households and pupils always exchange new peaches for old talismans."


Li Hong was stunned when he heard Li Yanran's poem.

This poem is so appropriate to the situation. Although the description is very straightforward, it has profound meaning.

This... This is simply beyond his imagination. Ajie is really Ajie. This is amazing.


Looking at Li Hong who was stunned, Li Yanran also crossed her arms and looked like she was awesome.

"Sister, this poem is really amazing, but why don't you recite it yourself?"

Li Hong naturally had nothing to say. No matter what the content of the New Year's Eve dinner was, as long as the New Year's Eve dinner was celebrated, no one would be able to find fault with it.

But why didn’t my sister take the limelight on her own and instead gave this poem to herself?

Could it be said that she has given someone better, someone who is more suitable for the situation?

Ready to give yourself a good kick?
"Do I still need to show off? If you don't want to, I will do it myself!"

He rolled his eyes at Li Hong, knowing that this kid must not have anything good in mind.

"How can I trouble my sister to take action on such a trivial matter? Leave it to Brother Hong and see how I can kill everyone!"

When he heard that Li Yanran wanted to take back the song Yuan Ri, Li Hong quit on the spot.

How come there is a reason to want the poem given to me back?

"Hurry up and pack your clothes, don't lose your prince's face in front of all the civil and military officials!"

As Li Yanran said this, she began to choose her palace attire for the evening and some decorative items that my mother had given her.

"Sun Xu, return to the palace!"

Li Hong's hometown is in the East Palace, and all the formal clothes are in the palace. Even if he wants to change, he can only go back to the East Palace.

"Yan'er, this time I have been favored by His Majesty, and you are allowed to enter the palace to watch the New Year's Eve with His Majesty. Don't embarrass the Zhang Sun family then!"

While Changsun Wuji was being served by his servants, he was lecturing Changsun Yan beside him.

"Father, why don't I go? I really can't bear this kind of occasion. I'd better stay at home with my grandma!"

Changsun Yan's face was almost pulled out of the house. In his father's opinion, this was a grace, but he felt on pins and needles.

The emperor's wine is so delicious?
Not to mention a lot of rules, if you meet your opponent, you will inevitably be made things difficult for yourself.

Instead of going there to eat and drink, it would be better to spend time with my wife at home.

"Your mother-in-law will come with us, including your eldest brother!"

Changsun Wuji rolled his eyes at his son, "How dare you disobey the emperor's will?"

They asked you to go because they were looking down on you, but you still waggled your tail - did you start wagging it yourself?
Do you really think you are some big shot?
If it weren't for the sake of your father and Princess Lishan, why would you go to watch the New Year's Eve?
You can't even enter the palace gate.

"My father, do you mean that Your Majesty wants to uproot our eldest grandson's family?"


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