Longevity begins with a dog

Chapter 277 Balance failed?Feeding from the mastermind behind the scenes!

The Feast of Nothingness was held with the five huge thrones as the center. Void individuals of all sizes converged and squeezed into a range of less than a million miles.

The reason why it is tens of millions of miles wide this time is, firstly, because the feast has not officially started yet, and secondly, because those weak individuals are already very slow and are still in the process of rushing.

In short, the tens of millions of miles covered by the authority of light has included the vast majority of individuals on the side of nothingness.

These individuals undoubtedly became Xu Chong's nutrition, and at the same time made a huge contribution to the balance between reality and reality.

"According to Shanwu's theory, the moment the virtual reality reaches a perfect balance, individuals on either side can clearly sense the changes in the Great Ruins..."

Xu Chong stood proudly in the void, silently calculating, "I paid close attention to the whole swallowing process, but I still didn't feel anything special... So, I didn't swallow enough."

The swallowing talent is blessed by the personality, and it is indeed N times more efficient.

But no matter how efficient it is, it will still take some time.

At this time, the area with a radius of tens of millions of miles has been completely cleared, and in the more peripheral areas, it is almost unnecessary to think about it, and those weaker individuals have already escaped.

And he escaped in different directions.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is almost impossible to find all the remaining void individuals in the endless ruins.

For a moment, Xu Chong's mood became a little gloomy.

"Is there a way to accurately sense the position of other void individuals?"

Xu Chong raised his right hand and asked.


An Ya's thoughts rippled out from his finger, "The power of the curse has an ability called Curse Yin. I used the Curse Yin that Han Tian gave me to find you."

"Curse the authority."

Xu Chong frowned and thought of a question, "Why didn't I gain the authority to curse and deceive when I swallowed you and An Ya, but when I swallowed You Jue, I gained his authority over time?"


An Ya was so horrified that he could barely maintain the shape of his fingers, "Can you devour the power as well?!"

"It can't be regarded as authority, it's just a superficial feeling, but it can be regarded as having a direction."

Xu Chong explained lightly.

"Fur... I probably know."

An Ya gradually calmed down and guessed: "Individual stealing rules and controlling power are considered skills, and skills must rely on wisdom to survive."

"Han Tian has not been downgraded, his wisdom is still there, and he will naturally continue to hold power."

"Although my words have been downgraded, because of the characteristics of the Wuwu Attainment Stage, I can retain my wisdom, so theoretically my deception authority has not been lost. It is just that my current power is too weak, so I cannot use it."

"And that You Jue..."

With that said, An Ya glanced at the other ring next to him with some disgust and emotion.

It was You Jue who was given some leeway by Xu Chong.

"His wisdom decreases as his status decreases, and his authority dissipates as his wisdom decreases. Maybe you just swallowed some."

An Ya gave a guess conclusion.

"what do you mean……"

Xu Chong narrowed his eyes, "As long as I swallow you completely, can I also steal some fraud rules?"


An Ya suddenly became a Muggle, and his thoughts started to tremble: "Fraud, you...that's not right, the rules of deception are useless to you! It has no ability to guide the direction."

"You're right, let's wait until the fraud rules are useful to me."

Xu Chong said with a half-smile, "Now, tell me where I can get the curse rules."


An Ya was depressed to death, but he could only answer honestly: "There used to be many void individuals who stole the curse rules, but during the last feast of void, that guy Han Tian bewitched the will of void and ordered them to abandon it... Now think about it again To find the curse rules, I'm afraid we can only start from the real side." Xu Chong frowned.

The real side, what is the real side?
He himself, plus the current Bai Yujing, are the complete true side.

Where did the curse rule come from?
"Or you can go get those three living corpses."

An Ya was afraid that Xu Chong would have murderous intentions, so he quickly added: "Han Tian is imprisoned by them, you can swallow those three living corpses together with Han Tian..."

"If you don't have a better idea, you can shut up."

Xu Chong interrupted coldly.


An Ya stopped helplessly, thought for a while and then said: "Actually, even if you steal some curse rules, it is useless to worry. After all, you know nothing about other void individuals. The less information you have, the more you want to use the curse to find it." To get a precise position, you need more power of rules... Unless you can completely seize Han Tian's [-]% curse authority."

"Shut up."

Xu Chong lowered his right hand.

An Ya didn't know that he had a panel, and he only needed a few rules to guide him, and he could use divine energy to forcibly improve it.

But the problem is that Han Tian has been imprisoned, and some of them were imprisoned by each of the three Qing emperors.

The Emperor of the Three Pure Ones cannot communicate. If he wants to seize the curse rules, he must swallow them together with the Three Pure Ones.

Not to mention that Xu Chong is not willing to do this. Even if he is willing, there is a high probability that he will not be able to find those three people now.


Since we cannot continue to weaken the nothingness, we should instead enhance the reality.

I didn't do that before because I didn't have enough divine energy.

but now.

Xu Chong didn't count how many digits there were in the number behind Shen Yuan, but he was 100% sure that it would never be used up to achieve a balance between reality and reality.

Far from being used up.

However, just when he reached out and was about to take out the pendant from Bai Yujing's body, his movement suddenly froze.

Gray fog!

There are large swaths of gray fog that are breaking into the scope of the bright light!

"I believe your words now..."

Xu Chong said abruptly.


An Ya was stunned for a moment, thinking that Xu Chong was communicating with him.

"It doesn't seem like it, but it is...this feast of nothingness was specially prepared for me."

Xu Chong ignored him, and didn't care whether You Jue understood or not, and said to himself: "However, I think it is not helping me grow, but... fattening me up!"

In the perception conveyed by the authority of light, the gray mist that is coming is not a lowly miscellaneous fish, but a powerful individual with extremely high energy concentration.

Each of them has a level that exceeds the second-class status, but is less than the first-class status.

There is no doubt that these nihilistic individuals are all existences that have impacted the first-class status for a long time, but failed because they did not obtain the fruition status.

And their number…

There are tens of thousands of them!
Tens of thousands of half-step first-class qualifications!
"If you fail to attack the first level, you can't control your body to move."

"Aren't you afraid of me being vigilant at all for feeding you so obviously and nakedly?"

"Ha ha."

Xu Chong's expression became more and more indifferent, "Then I'll accept it!" (End of Chapter)

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