Longevity begins with a dog

Chapter 278 The mastermind behind the scenes appears!The true meaning of the prophecy!

Chapter 278 The mastermind behind the scenes appears!The true meaning of the prophecy!
Bai Yujing.

Zhang Shunyi, Li Xiangxue, Dou Tianyuan, Lou Youzhi, Shui Yunzi...

The people who were originally closer to Xu Chong in the two worlds were moved to a secluded place at the same time, no matter what they were doing.

Before they could have any doubts, Xu Chong's phantom body walked out of the void.

"what happened?"

Lou Youzhi, who was already dying and needed to rely on a wheelchair to move around, was the first to speak.

"But are there any powerful enemies that we can't deal with?"

Dou Tianyuan took a step forward, his eyes solemn.

"There are tens of thousands of warriors throughout Bai Yujing who can fight!"

Zhang Shunyi said eloquently, "There are many masters who are above the level to lead the army, as long as you give the order."

Li Xiangxue said nothing, but he was also extremely worried.

These people, who were the first to know Xu Chong and had the most contact with him, immediately noticed something was wrong with Xu Chong.


Although the expressions, eyes, etc. are all normal.

But there is a sense of sadness in it.

And this was something they had never felt from Xu Chong.

"It can be said that it is a strong enemy, or it can be said that it is not."

Xu Chong took a deep breath and looked at Shui Yunzi and other Supreme Elders: "I probably understand what the Emperor of Heaven's prophecy is about."


Shui Yunzi was horrified, "Could it be that..."


Xu Chong's laughter was a little sad, "'When nothingness can be killed, when all reality is annihilated, light will reappear in the ruins.' This is not a prediction, this is the only hope... Only when all reality is annihilated can there be Such a glimmer of hope.”

"Sure enough, there is a strong enemy."

Huo Bufan couldn't bear the restlessness and rolled up his sleeves directly: "Send me out. Although I have lost all my cultivation, at least I still have the strength to run and jump, even if it takes half a breath for you." .”

"The supreme elder's supreme status is not only a status, but also a responsibility."

Tu Sanshan straightened his clothes and said, "Count me in."

The remaining ones also stood together.

"Ha ha."

Xu Chong was extremely bitter, "I also hope that a powerful enemy will attack, forcing me to leave Bai Yujing and flee alone, because in that case, at least you still have hope to survive.

"But the problem is, there is no strong enemy now."


"A real powerful enemy..."

Xu Chong struggled to say two words: "It's me."

"It's you?"

Dou Tianyuan frowned deeply, "What do you mean?"

"it means……"

Xu Chong lowered his head and his voice was extremely low: "The truth will be annihilated. It must...must be annihilated in my hands."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence.

In the past few days, as a core figure in the two worlds and having an inextricable close relationship with Xu Chong, everyone has communicated with him many times, so it can be said that they have something in common with each other.

Among them, the prophecy of the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor has been discussed the most.

Originally, Dou Tianyuan and Lou Youzhi were very lucky, thinking that they would not survive that day.

I didn't expect it to come so quickly.


Xu Chong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, a weak hand touched his shoulder.

"Actually, we have already guessed it."


Xu Chong raised his head suddenly.

"It's not just us."

Dou Tianyuan smiled nonchalantly, "There is another person who understood this prophecy earlier than us."


Xu Chong was taken aback.


Shui Yunzi's tone was somewhat emotional: "As the owner of the Devouring Talent, you have long been able to think that real annihilation can also be annihilation in your hands, but you have been avoiding it and are not willing to think in this direction. .”

"Wisdom is the strength of the real race, and it is also the weakness of the real race, because it gives birth to many, many feelings."

Tu Sanshan lamented extremely, "No one would be willing to kill their relatives and friends with their own hands."

"You don't lack strategy, you don't lack courage, and you don't lack strength. The only thing you lack is courage... Giving up is also a kind of courage." Lou Youzhi said quietly, "But I believe you can do it."

"I believe in you too."

Zhang Shunyi laughed brightly and said, "Those three sages can have such courage, there is no reason why my brother Xu can't have it."

"Uncle Xu."

Li Xiangxue looked at Xu Chong and nodded firmly.


Xu Chong's eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one.

He didn't see any other meaning besides firmness and support.

Even Jin Donglai and Mu Fangfang, who had never spoken.

"I understand."

Xu Chong nodded extremely slowly.

next moment.

Everyone disappeared.

Including Xu Chong's phantom body.



Yin Yang Shrine.

Hua Nongyue sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Xu Tingyun who had just fallen asleep, turned her head and called softly: "Husband."


Xu Chong's figure was revealed.

"I am Bai Yujing's mistress after all. I know many things."

Hua Nongyue stood up and placed her head against Xu Chong's chest.

"……do you hate me?"

Xu Chong asked suddenly, "Since we met, we have been together less and more apart. Even if we meet, it is still an illusion of neither people nor ghosts."

"How can I hate you?"

Hua Nongyue shook her head gently, "I only hate myself. From the beginning to the end, I have never really been able to do anything for you... No matter how hard I practice, I am far from qualified to go through it with you."

"Ke Tingyun, she..."

Xu Chong looked straight, his eyes red.

He didn't dare to touch his daughter on the bed with his eyes.

"Don't worry about us."

Hua Nongyue smiled and said, "Tingyun is a lot like you. She is the strongest and strongest among all the disciples of the Shrine. If she knows...knows that this can help her father survive the crisis and allow new children to be born in the future. Life is filled with joy and happiness, and she will only be proud, not afraid.”

"She is so young, she is so young..."

Xu Chong lowered his gaze and his body trembled violently.

"I know I know."

Hua Nongyue hugged Xu Chong tightly, her voice choked with sobs: "You will definitely make it through, definitely..."


At this moment, Xu Chong's emotions could no longer be suppressed and he let them out wantonly.

The nervous laughter did not wake up Xu Tingyun, but it spread out of the main hall, the Yin and Yang Palace, and Ziweitian...

All the creatures in Bai Yujing Seventh Heaven were infected by this laughter, and their eyes shed tears involuntarily.

a long time.


With an extremely slight murmur, white light filled the room.

at the same time.

Xu Chong's true form in the ruins also swallowed all the 'food' delivered to his door.

"Come out!"

Xu Chong condensed into a human body, his eyes calm and profound, "You have promoted my growth time and time again, aren't you just planning to harvest it?"

The indifferent voice spread in all directions.

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of eyes without any emotion opened in the darkness.


The same indifferent but obviously neutral voice said, "You guessed some, but you don't seem to have guessed everything... and you seem to want to resist me?"

"All? Does that mean your title?"

Xu Chong showed no fear, "Empty will? Real will?"


"The Will of Great Ruins?"

(End of this chapter)

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