On a sunny day, the warm sun shone warmly on the person, but Leng Shuyue was so angry that her lips trembled.

"Don't, don't say it."

No one in the village knew about her job, or her man's job, because of her elder brother.

Leng Yuan pointed at the door.

"go out."

Ding Jiangchuan and Leng Shuyue saw clearly that Leng Yuan had no old relationship with them, nor did they miss the old relationship at all.

The two of them couldn't stay any longer.

If they had known it would be so embarrassing, they shouldn't have come here.

Liu Xinxin didn't know what happened before, seeing that her uncle and aunt were really about to leave, she hurriedly asked for mercy.

"Cousin Leng Yuan, don't be angry, uncle. Aunt didn't mean it."

Her eyes were wide open, watery, sincere and apologetic, plus Liu Xinxin was good-looking, every time she looked at people like this, no matter what she did, she could always be easily forgiven.

She thought it was the same this time.

Leng Yuan looked at Liu Xinxin.

"Do I know you?"

Liu Xinxin clenched her fist and finally left with her uncle and aunt.

Ding Jiangchuan and Leng Shuyue deliberately slowed down when Liu Xinxin spoke.

They thought that Liu Xinxin could persuade Leng Yuan, but they never thought that it would be of no use at all.

In the end, the three had no choice but to leave in despair.

When leaving, Chen Jianshe picked up the things they brought and threw them to several people.

"Get your things, walk slowly, don't send them."

Seeing this scene, Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng, who were cooking, became more agile without saying a word.

They were still a little unwilling to cook before, and they were a little dissatisfied with Leng Yuan's inhumane way.

Now, any dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction are all gone.

They just felt that Leng Yuan was too kind to them.

After all, my sister-in-law came, and she lost face and was driven away.

It was really lucky that Leng Yuan didn't chase them away.

The same is true for Leng Qiuharu and Leng Mancang, the speed of holding firewood is faster.

But every time I hold one, it looks diligent.

Outside, Ding Jiangchuan turned pale as soon as he went out.

"What does he mean? Does he think that my job is also dependent on your elder brother?"

Leng Shuyue was also full of anger. Hearing what Ding Jiangchuan said, he couldn't help retorting: "My elder brother found your job!"

Ding Jiangchuan: ...

Yes, he used to be a security guard in a textile factory, with ten yuan a month.

Later, after marrying Leng Shuyue, Leng Junsheng gave him a recommendation letter, but he didn't know who wrote it. The letter was sealed, so he couldn't read it, so he handed it directly to the superior.

After reading it above, he felt that he met the requirements and gave him a cadre job.

These are all obtained by his own ability. He doesn't feel that his job depends on Leng Junsheng.

He graduated from high school and is educated. It is not normal for him to be a small leader.

Relying on his own ability, he has come to where he is today step by step.

How dare a junior look down on him!
Ding Jiangchuan was furious.

"What your elder brother is looking for is not my ability."

Leng Shuyue didn't refute.

She felt that what Ding Jiangchuan said made sense.

Just like her job, her elder brother just gave her a position, and it wasn't because of her hard work and hard work that she got everything she has today.

"Then what should I do? I don't know when Xia Qiuming will come back."

This news was told to them by the leaders above. Knowing the relationship between Xia Qiuming and them, the leaders didn't care about Ding Jiangchuan's small mistakes at work.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Jiangchuan felt that Leng Yuan should be subdued.

He couldn't help but think of the application form handed over a few days ago, and whispered.

"There is a way."

"Leng Yuan School happened to be applying for a batch of education funds, and the report was sent to me. If he wants to succeed in his application, he can only come to me."

When asking someone to do something, it is natural to remember kindness.

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