After seeing off the three of Ding Jiangchuan, Chen's mother began to ask about serving food.

As an elder, the village head saw that the time was almost up, so it was time for Mother Chen to serve the food.

Chen Jianshe immediately got up to help.

The plates were all set, there were eleven dishes on a table, and the whole kitchen was full.

Chen Jianshe, Zhao Tiezhu, Xu Chongfeng, and Xu Chongshan had to work several times before they brought out all the food.

Chen's mother and those who help with the cooking occupy another table by themselves.

Everyone looked at the sumptuous meal, and just about to move their chopsticks, an old lady rushed in from the door.

"Leng Yuan, there are several cars outside, all looking for you, come and have a look."

After she finished speaking, her eyes stared straight at the mat in the yard.

Good guy.

The marriage of Leng Yuan's family is too rich!
Not only pork and fish but also chicken and rabbit, which is too rich.

She swallowed dissatisfied, and tried desperately to look away, but she couldn't look away no matter what.

When Gu Jiaojiao saw her, she grabbed a handful of peanut candies, stepped forward, and put them in the old lady's hands.

"Please come and let us know."

The old lady is the leader of the gossip group in the village.

She is 76 this year, and she is still on the front line of gossip. There is nothing in the village that she doesn't know about.

Before, she and Liu Xiqing were sitting together, waiting to see the excitement on Leng Yuan's side.

I'm still curious, what kind of jokes can I make today!
Gu Jiaojiao's handful of peanut candies made the old lady feel a little guilty.

After pushing and rejecting twice, Gu Jiaojiao had already stuffed the thing into her hand.

Four or five pieces of toffee, some melon seeds and peanuts, the old lady smiled and narrowed her eyes. This girl has a heart, and all she gets is toffee.

Just now, Gu Jiaojiao deliberately picked a few pieces of toffee, but she noticed it.

She was not familiar with Gu Jiaojiao, and this was the first time she was so close, so she couldn't help but take a closer look at Gu Jiaojiao.

The little girl is good-looking, her skin is fair and supple, when she leans over her, her eyes are dark and moist, and her frown and smile are touching.

Gu Jiaojiao is considered to be married today, and she has a beautiful bun on her head. She has never seen such a bun before, and she can't understand it, but she knows it is very beautiful.

She was wearing a red dress, and from her experience, Gu Jiaojiao was the prettiest person in red.

The main thing is that she is white enough.

These days, everyone not only went to work in the fields, but also didn't have enough to eat. Very few people had fair skin, but Gu Jiaojiao's skin was not only white, but also glowed white under the sun.

The old lady looked dazed.

This girl doll is so beautiful.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Leng Yuan again, doubting in his heart that this man could not stand such a seductive goblin.

But seeing Leng Yuan's strong body and Gu Jiaojiao's delicate figure, she felt that the person who couldn't bear it must be Gu Jiaojiao.

When the old lady is thinking wildly,
There were voices at the door.

Then I saw a black car parked not far from the door.

As the car stopped, most of the people in the village followed, children being the most.

Curious about the four-wheeled thing, they ran around the car.

There is usually no excitement in the village. Many people have never seen a car. In their county town, there may be only one or two cars.

These days, most people can't even afford a bicycle, and they don't even have to think about a car.

The villagers followed, all with curious faces.

Who is in this car?

Why are you looking for Leng Yuan?
Just as everyone was curious, they smelled the aroma of food. Some people stretched their necks to look in the yard, and saw several tables full of meat dishes.

So much meat?

It's also so hearty.

For a while, many people were aroused by the smell of gluttons in their stomachs.

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