"Mom, I want to eat meat."

Seeing so many delicious foods, Lin Tiedan tugged on Chen Shulan's sleeve and started yelling.

Chen Shulan was also very greedy.

She rolled her eyes, thinking that if her son could eat it, she might be able to taste it too.

Immediately pushed Lin Tiedan and Lin Daya forward.

After glancing at the expressionless Leng Yuan, he spoke to Gu Jiaojiao.

"Gu Zhiqing, the two children are just hungry, why don't you let him have a bite."

With so much meat, it doesn't matter if her son eats a bite.

In the distance, Chen Yan kept looking at this side.

If Chen Shulan's son can eat meat, so can her children.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at Chen Shulan, smiled and said, "For fifty cents, I'll sell you one piece."

Chen Shulan frowned: "A child eats a piece of your meat and still needs money. Are you crazy about poverty?"

"You are generous, why don't you distribute the stew to the villagers."

"I only charged you fifty cents because I thought your family was a child. I sold it to you at the expense of firewood and seasonings. Don't be ignorant!"

Gu Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, how dare this person appear in front of her.

Lin Jiandong followed to watch the excitement. He was staring at the car, and felt a tightness in his back.

Looking back in a daze, she saw her own wife begging for meat from Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao.

As for Leng Yuan, a pair of pitch-black eyes were staring at him deeply...

Lin Jiandong's skin tightened.

The wounds from the beating on his body were clearly healed, but at this moment, there was an unspeakable pain all over his body.

He hurried to Chen Shulan's side, dragged his mother-in-law and son away.

Take a step slower, he guessed that he was going to be beaten.

Everyone looked at the couple and shook their heads speechlessly.

After the reputation of this honest person disappeared, Lin Jiandong and Chen Shulan became more and more shameless.

Thinking about taking advantage all day long, it's okay to take advantage of others, and dare to take advantage of Leng Yuan, this is desperate.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shengli immediately warned Chen Yan.

"If you dare to ask for meat, I will beat you to death."

Leng Yuan beat people very hard. Last time he was beaten once, he lay at home for a month.

He didn't dare to provoke this killing god.

Chen Yan is a shrew outside, but she is actually very afraid of men.

When her men hit, they really hit, without mercy.

The thought of wanting meat just now has faded away.

Wang Daniu also clamored to eat meat, and when he saw that his father wanted to beat someone, he immediately became honest.

His mother didn't beat him, but his father really beat him.

On the other side, Chen Shulan was pulled out, Lin Tiedan and Lin Daya quit.

"Father, we want to eat meat. Why can a little beggar eat it, but I can't."

In the yard, Tian Niu and Xiao Yang were arranged at the children's table, responsible for entertaining the children who came to eat today.

Now every family can give birth, and each family has many children.

Tianniu and Xiaoyang knew that today was an important day, so they cleaned up the room in the morning and put on new clothes.

Wait for the people at the banquet to come, and help serve tea and water.

A child came, and she followed what she said before, and brought the child to the children's table.

There are peanut melon seeds toffee on the table.

Children were immediately attracted, and everyone did not expect to be able to do so.

In the past, children followed adults.

Except for the very small ones, as long as they can eat by themselves, they all sat on the children's table.

Not to mention, everyone has a good look, and they have a special topic, and their voices are more lively than their adults.

The adults were relieved after seeing it.

Lin Tiedan saw Tian Niu and Xiao Yang wearing new clothes and sitting at the dinner table at a glance.

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