Chapter 340 is a good thing

Lin Jiandong's eyes were amazingly bright.

I can't wait for these people to have a deep hatred with Leng Yuan.

The surrounding villagers curled their lips, thinking that Lin Jiandong's character is really bad.

He deserved to be beaten by Leng Yuan for abusing his children, but he still has not repented until now.

Look at what his son said just now.

It's really shameless to say that Tianniu and Xiaoyang are serving them.

Back then, when Tianniu Xiaoyang's parents were there, Lin Jiandong called him brother when he saw her. He was so sweet. When his parents left, he turned his face ruthlessly and bullied the children.

The villagers quietly moved a few steps to the side, a little farther away from Lin Jiandong.

It is better to have less contact with this kind of person.

The black cars were exactly the same, there were three of them, and three cars could not be found in the entire county.

The villagers outside followed all the way.

Those who were eating in the yard stopped eating, and followed Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao out.

Chen Jianshe followed, and was a little surprised to see the outside.

Could it be someone his brother Leng knew?

He always knew that his Brother Leng was capable, and he also knew important people.

As for who it is, he doesn't know.

It was still a long time, and his brother Leng didn't deliberately hide it from him, so he knew something.

But he never told anyone.

Just when Chen Jianshe was about to ask.

The village head standing beside him, after seeing the people standing in front of the car door, almost dropped the cigarette stick in his hand to the ground.

The captain was not much better, his face was shocked.

"The county magistrate."

county magistrate?What county magistrate?
Is it the county magistrate they thought?

What did the county magistrate ask Leng Yuan for?

Everyone looked at Leng Yuan and then at the county magistrate, not understanding the connection between these two utterly irreconcilable people.

Leng's family was the most worried.

Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng led Leng Qiushou, Leng Mancang, and Leng Qingtian to stand at the back.

They dare not show their faces at all.

No wonder the sister-in-law asked them to ease their relationship with Leng Yuan. This Leng Yuan actually knew the county magistrate, but they didn't know it at all.

No wonder Leng Qiushou lost his job in the commune.

Several people shrank their necks at the same time, regretting that they hadn't treated Leng Yuan better earlier.

Leng Qiushou gritted his teeth.

He regrets it even more.

If he had known that Leng Yuan had a connection with the county magistrate, he would have fawned on him earlier, and he might have been promoted to a higher position.

It's all right now, if you offend Leng Yuan, let alone lose your job, you may even offend the county magistrate.

Those who offended Leng Yuan were anxious, and at the same time hoped that the county magistrate would come to trouble Leng Yuan.

He was also surprised that he had a good relationship with Leng Yuan, but after the surprise, he was lucky.

Fortunately, they have a good relationship with Leng Yuan.

Most people are still watching the fun.

They knew that whether Leng Yuan had anything to do with the county magistrate or not, it had nothing to do with them.

The team leader and the village chief had already walked up to the county magistrate, looking a little cautious.

The county magistrate glanced at Leng Yuan, then at the captain and the village chief, with a gentle attitude.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here for something else."

Village head Xu and Chen Beiguo became even more nervous when they heard this.

They can only see the county magistrate when they go to the county for meetings, and they have also seen the county magistrate speak, especially majestic, and they are not used to being so friendly now.

After holding back for a while, Chen Beiguo spoke in a low voice.

"County magistrate, why are you looking for Leng Yuan? Did he commit a crime?"

Chen Beiguo looked worried.

It's not really like what others said, the county magistrate is here to make trouble!

The county magistrate didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you thinking, even if he really has something to do, it's not me who came to him."

"Don't worry! It's a good thing, your Qingshan brigade is going to be lucky."

After the county magistrate finished speaking, the car door was opened again.

When everyone looked over, they saw a middle-aged man stepping down from the back seat.

At about forty years old, unlike the county magistrate's Chinese tunic suit, this man is wearing a military uniform, with two bars and four stars on his shoulders, mature and cold eyes, and the majesty of a superior.

(End of this chapter)

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