Chapter 341
Chen Beiguo looked at the man in front of him and didn't recognize him at all.

The village chief didn't speak, and kept staring at the man in front of him, feeling vaguely familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, he opened his mouth suddenly.

"Xia Qiuming?"

When the county magistrate heard this, he immediately reminded him: "This is Chief Xia Qiuming. He just came back from a mission. This time he came back to visit relatives."

Visiting relatives.


Xia Qiuming's parents had passed away a long time ago, and his only sister was gone, so Leng Yuan was the only nephew left.

It is also reasonable to look at Leng Yuan.

It's just that Leng Yuan has this kind of relative, so I'm afraid it will be different in the future.

Village head Xu looked at the two bars and four stars on Xia Qiuming's shoulders, and was startled. Leng Yuan will really be different in the future.

Xia Qiuming turned his head and smiled.

"I haven't seen you for seven years, but Village Chief Xu is still the same."

Village Chief Xu rarely sighed: "I'm old."

"On the contrary, you are more mature and stable than before."

After finishing speaking, he felt that this was a bit inappropriate. The Xia Qiuming of today is not the Xia Qiuming of seven years ago. It was a bit offensive for him to say that.

Xia Qiuming didn't care about these things.

He himself did not expect that it would take seven years to leave that year.

"Does Leng Yuan live here? I want to meet him first!"

He came back this time to see Leng Yuan, and thinking of the news he had investigated, his heart was heavy.

Unexpectedly, in the years since he left, both his sister and brother-in-law passed away, and those from the Leng family occupied the property and drove his nephew out.

He wanted to see how powerful the Leng family was.

The captain was a little confused, scratched his head, and spoke softly.

"Uncle Xu, who is this!"

Chen Beiguo is only in his 30s, and the village chief's son is in his [-]s. Whenever he asks questions, Chen Beiguo calls him uncle.

But when it came to business, he became village head Xu.

Village head Xu also knew about his urination, so he didn't bother to argue with him.

"Officer Xia Qiuming is Leng Yuan's biological uncle. I guess he came here specially to see Leng Yuan this time."

Chen Beiguo was shocked.

He knew that Leng Yuan had an uncle.

But, didn't it mean that Xia Qiuming died on the battlefield?

Why did you suddenly come back alive?
Before Chen Beiguo could speak, Xia Qiuming had already found Leng Yuan in the crowd.

The man was tall and big, with a rare and handsome face.

His eyebrows and eyes are like his mother's, good-looking, this tall and slender man just like his father, strong and strong.

When he was young, he often said that Leng Yuan would be the president, and he would grow up by taking advantage of the advantages of the husband and wife.

When Xia Qiuming looked at Leng Yuan, Leng Yuan also looked over.

The four eyes met, one majestic and the other quiet.

After seven years, relatives meet each other, and the mood is a bit complicated.

Xia Qiuming's eyes moved, he strode up to Leng Yuan, reached out and patted his shoulder with a look of relief.

"Good guy, I haven't seen you for a few years, you are taller than your uncle now."

In one sentence, the gap that had not been seen for seven years was instantly broken.

Leng Yuan rolled his black eyes, stared at the person in front of him seriously for a while, and then called out: "Uncle."

"Uncle", Xia Qiuming stiffened for a moment, then slowly let go, and he responded calmly.


After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Gu Jiaojiao who was at the side. This girl was good-looking, just perfect for his nephew.

Speaking of it, their family is a little bit of face-seeking. Back then, his sister married Leng Yuan because his father was good-looking. When she came to Leng Yuan, she also married a good-looking one, who is worthy of being a descendant of their Xia family.

Without saying a word, he took out a red envelope from his pocket.

"It's called Jiaojiao! Your wedding uncle didn't make it back in time, but he caught up with your wedding banquet. I'm going to have a few more drinks today."

Gu Jiaojiao took a look at Leng Yuan, and obediently called out: "Uncle just drink, it's enough."

The police officer who followed wanted to remind him, but seeing his leader so happy, he kept his mouth shut.

He had never seen his leader so happy before.

(End of this chapter)

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