"But Mommy, I want to play with my pretty sister." Little Putao begged with her mouth pouted.

"Be obedient, Mommy will take you out with her pretty sister as soon as she is free, now get in the car and go home, Mommy still has work to do." Tao Youyou pinched her little face He opened the car door and carried her in.Tao Yuxuan quickly climbed into the car by himself.

After giving instructions to the driver, Tao Youyou kissed the two children on the cheeks, then closed the door and signaled the driver to drive.

Watching the car leave slowly, Tao Youyou felt an indescribable melancholy in her heart.

The children are still so young, but now she is often unable to be with them because of this tragic job. This is a deep apology for the children as a mother.

Think back to when she was in Chengguo, even though she was also a housekeeper, because Xiao Che and his wife understood the hardships of being a single mother and allowed her to go home from get off work every day to stay with the children.

Originally, a special occupation such as a housekeeper would definitely not be able to leave the mansion where he worked. He was given special care in Chengguo before, but in Cangguo, especially because she was holding Yuwen Weichen's secret, so he was naturally I wish she could be active under his nose 24 hours a day.

She felt that she must have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck to meet such a wronged person as Yuwen Weichen.


After Yuwen Weichen came out of the banquet hall, he stood on the steps of the main building and looked at the front door.

Seeing Tao Youyou's lonely figure turn and walk back after the children left.

Tao Youyou kept her head down all the way, feeling a little depressed.

She walked all the way to the front of the main building and went up the steps, but she didn't notice that Yuwen Weichen was standing not far in front of her.

"Hey..." Seeing that Tao Youyou was about to ignore him and just brushed past him, Yuwen Weichen couldn't help but call out to her.

"Ah?" Tao Youyou came to her senses, turned her head reflexively, saw Yuwen Weichen standing beside her, and immediately said, "President, did you call me?"

"Is there anyone else here besides you?" Yuwen Weichen wished he could knock the papaya on the head of this stupid woman.

"What are your orders?" Knowing that he was indeed talking to herself, Tao Youyou asked immediately.

"That... let the kitchen prepare a simple dinner and send it to my study." Touching his nose, Yuwen Weichen ordered casually.

"Uh... Didn't you just eat it just now?" Tao Youyou didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"Prepare two copies, and you deliver them yourself. Hurry up, you don't have to go to the banquet hall, there are people watching over there. Send them to me as soon as you are ready." Yuwen Weichen didn't explain so much, he just issued the order directly After giving his own instructions, he turned around and walked towards the building.

Looking at his leaving back, Tao Youyou couldn't help pursing her lips, expressing that she couldn't bear his appearance very much.

After coming to the kitchen, she gave Yuwen Weichen's order directly, and because Yuwen Weichen said she didn't need to go to the banquet hall to say hello, so she waited in the kitchen for the food to be ready and sent it upstairs.

Because it is only for two people, and the ingredients in the original kitchen are complete, some are even semi-finished products, so this dinner was prepared relatively quickly. After Tao Youyou stole a few fresh strawberries in the fruit basket, he heard the chef Long said it was ready to serve.

Tao Youyou quickly wiped her hands, then took two simple dinners and put them on the tray, walked out of the kitchen, and walked to the President's Office on the second floor.

When I came to the door of the office, the door was ajar, as if Yuwen Weichen had reserved the door specially for her.

Because she was holding a tray in her hand, and this was a study instead of a bedroom, Tao Youyou didn't knock on the door, and just gently pushed open the concealed door and walked inside.

At this time, the setting sun outside the window was enchanting. After she walked into the room, she only saw Yuwen Weichen with his back to the door, his eyes looking out of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The line of sight here is very good. Looking out from the study room, because there are no tall buildings in front of it to block the line of sight, you can see the beautiful scenery of the last ray of the slowly sinking sunset hanging above the sea level.

Against the backlight of the setting sun, Yuwen Weichen's muscular figure looked extraordinarily slender.

At this time, he had already taken off his suit jacket and threw it on the office chair beside him. He also untied the tie on the collar of his snow-white shirt. The collar button was unbuttoned and extended to his chest, revealing part of his strong chest. out of the air.He also unbuttoned the cuff buttons of the shirt, and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, revealing the lines of the strong arms perfectly and subtly.

Just looking at the back, Tao Youyou already felt very fascinating. If he turned around, Tao Youyou really didn't know if he could resist this gorgeous picture of a beautiful man in the sunset.

"President...Mr. President, your dinner has been served..." Tao Youyou, who found herself staring in a daze, finally recovered, cleared her throat, and then said in a moderate voice.

Hearing this, Yuwen Weichen turned his head, glanced at Tao Youyou who was standing at the door with a tray in his hand, then raised his foot and walked towards her, saying as he walked, "Put it on the coffee table."

Tao Youyou followed her words and walked towards the sofa beside her, and then put the tray on the coffee table.

Yuwen Weichen walked to the sofa and sat down, glanced at the food on the plate, and found that Tao Youyou seemed to be waiting for his next order, so he picked up the knife and fork in front of him, and said to her: "Go Bring the wine and glasses from the cabinet next to the desk."

"Yes." Tao Youyou heard the words, and immediately walked to the desk.

"Take two cups." Yuwen Weichen added.

Tao Youyou felt strange in her heart, why did Mao not only prepare two dinners, but also two wine glasses?

I really didn't see him inviting other guests to dine with him.

Also, didn't he just finish eating from the banquet?

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