President please be pure

Gossip is a woman's nature

In the afternoon, because the twins had been living in the presidential palace since yesterday, their aunt, that is, Tao Youyou's aunt, didn't know what happened, so she went to the presidential palace to see the children in person.

After seeing Tao Xiujuan, Tao Youyou hesitated for a moment, and told her about the bombing that happened yesterday.

When Tao Xiujuan heard this, she immediately said, "I'll take the children away. Since you are here, if they are coming after you, it will be even more dangerous for the children to be here."

"But Yuwen Weichen said that he will protect us..." When Tao Youyou said this, he didn't realize how much he believed and relied on Yuwen Weichen.

"I didn't expect the president to be so interested in you. I still can't believe his previous confession is true. You... fell in love at first sight when you were in Chengguo?" Tao Xiujuan suddenly became gossip, she She looked at Tao Youyou with bright eyes.

Well, sure enough, it's a woman's nature to gossip, no matter what! ! !

"Heh...hehe..." The corners of Tao Youyou's mouth twitched, not daring to tell the truth.

Love at first sight, shit, is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Yuwen Weichen is a white-eyed wolf who will repay his kindness and revenge! ! !

"You kid, you know how to giggle, why didn't you tell your aunt earlier, alas, it's rare that the president can accept your two children, I think your father under the nine springs should also feel relieved. Yoyo, aunt is sincere I'm so happy for you, you have finally found your own happiness, but, if you want to be with the president, there may still be a very difficult road ahead, aunt hopes you can persevere, and don't give up easily." Tao When Xiujuan said this, her eyes were a little red, like a mother who was about to marry off her daughter, she was moved and pleased.

"Aunt..." Tao Youyou was a little at a loss by Tao Xiujuan's words.She didn't dare to explain to her that she was kidnapped here by Yuwen Weichen in disguise, but she didn't want her to be misunderstood.

At this moment, Tao Xiujuan has so much expectations for her and Yuwen Weichen, if she knows that all this is just a scam, will she be able to bear it?


While the two were talking, Yuwen Weichen suddenly came down from upstairs, saw the two people sitting on the sofa in the hall, thought about it, and went over to say hello.

"Isn't this Mrs. Wu's wife?" He smiled and spoke in a polite and polite tone.

"Mr. President, hello." Tao Xiujuan immediately burst into a loving smile when she saw Yuwen Weichen.

"You are Tao Butler's aunt, so you don't need to ask the president to meet me like this. Since you are here, you can stay for dinner." Yuwen Weichen rarely lost the airs of the president in front of Tao Youyou, and said with an approachable face.

Tao Youyou curled her lips in secret, and said silently in her heart: You can pretend to be a grandson.

"President, you are too polite. I am here to see the children. I heard from Youyou that something has happened recently. Thank you for taking care of Youyou and her children. I feel relieved that they are by your side." Tao Xiujuan was also very happy to see Yuwen Weichen being so polite to her and respecting herself so much, and she was very satisfied with Yuwen Weichen, the prospective niece and son-in-law.

"What do you say, just call me Weichen. Taking care of Youyou and the children is what I should do." Yuwen Weichen smiled, and when he said this, he looked at Tao Youyou with a look of satisfaction Looks like it's pointed.

When Tao Youyou heard his words, the corners of her mouth twitched secretly, she really wanted to expose his lie, but she didn't dare, so she could only stand aside and pretend she didn't hear it.

"With your words, I feel relieved. Yoyo's father has passed away for five years. Speaking of which, her father was still your father's loyal supporter, so this is also your fate. I think, if Yoyo's father Knowing that the two of you are finally together, you will be very gratified." Tao Xiujuan brought tears of bitterness when she talked about her elder brother, she always felt that Tao Youyou's father died too unjustly.Although the perpetrator was finally caught and sentenced to death, the biggest mastermind behind the scene was still serving as the vice president of Cang Kingdom, which made her hate it.

"Perhaps, all of this is already predestined. Back then, Yoyo's father was assassinated in order to support my father. Now it's my turn to take care of his daughter and grandson. It can be regarded as repaying the debt. Are you right? Come on, Yoyo." Yuwen Weichen said, deliberately looking at Tao Youyou who seemed to be completely out of the situation beside him and asked.

"Ah? Oh, yes!" Tao Youyou has been silently despising Yuwen Weichen in her heart, and now she heard him interacting with her, she immediately reacted, and only nodded to show that he was right.

Yuwen Weichen found it funny when she saw her expression of suffering, and then chatted for a while, and the twins ran in from outside.

Seeing Tao Xiujuan, Xiao Putao was very happy inside, she rushed over with a stride, gave Tao Xiujuan a bear hug, and kissed her face desperately with her small mouth: "Grandma, Xiao Putao misses you so much. "

"Hey, baby, my aunt misses you too." Tao Xiujuan smiled lovingly after being made soft by Little Putao's clinginess.

"Grandma, are you here to see us? Or are you here to pick us up?" Little Putao wobbled in Tao Xiujuan's arms for a while, then raised her head and asked.

"I was going to pick you up, but I saw that you seemed to be enjoying your stay here, so I didn't plan to pick you up. What's the matter? Do you really want to go home?" Tao Xiujuan said, Deliberately teasing Xiao Putao.

"I like living here, and I like to play with my beautiful sister and Mommy." Little Putao said very unconscionably, in her mind, nothing is more important than her play.

"I want to go home." Tao Yuxuan, who had been standing by the side without speaking, suddenly spoke. His voice was muffled, and the expression on his face was very calm.

"Uh... Yuxuan, why don't you want to live here?" Tao Youyou thought that Tao Yuxuan liked it as much as Xiaoputao, but he didn't expect him to want to leave.

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