President please be pure

President please be pure


8 Chapters Completed Status

[Completed] The presidential palace is about to undergo gorgeous renovations for unknown purposes. Tao Youyou, a senior housekeeper, followed the president and asked seriously: "President, do you want your bed to be round or square?


[Completed] The presidential palace is about to undergo gorgeous renovations for unknown purposes. Tao Youyou, a senior housekeeper, followed the president and asked seriously: "President, do you want your bed to be round or square?" The president asked back: "Do you like round beds?" Is it square?" "Round." "That's round." Tao Youyou was taken aback, and then asked: "Then do you want your mattress to be softer or harder?" The president continued to ask: "Do you want your mattress to be softer or harder?" Do you like hard or soft?" "Soft." "Then soft." Tao Youyou was speechless: "This is your bed, not mine, why do you keep asking me!" The president smiled: "Because This will be our bed, don't you know that the presidential palace is redecorated for our wedding?"!Tao Youyou almost lost her anger - this domineering man, when did she agree to marry him!Besides, he never proposed marriage! !She won't marry, even if killed!Even if the two little girls in her family are crying for a daddy, she will never marry... Originally titled "The Presidential Daddy of Twin Babies [End]"

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