Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 98 The Noodle Shop March 3 Yan Yusheng

Chapter 98

The ridges of the farmland have gradually turned green. The spring breeze blows, and every day there are different changes in the fields.

But Yan Changqing has no time to appreciate the fields now, he is researching his own noodle maker and oil press.

Yan Tiesheng looked at him in confusion, and asked with some uncertainty, "I'll just pull this switch, right?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "It's very simple. My second uncle knows everything. You let him teach you slowly. When someone comes, you ask him to pour the wheat here. That's it, Dad, pour it slowly."

The sound of the rumbling machine startled people, but the newly built house was quite spacious, and a few more windows were added. Opening the windows when the machine was turned on made the sound less muffled.

Seeing the fine flour come out, Yan Tiesheng showed a smile on his face: "This is good, this is good, the machine you bought is whiter than the flour you go to the town to make!"

The remaining oil presses are directly controlled by the second uncle. Now there are few rapeseeds and sesame seeds in the village. The noodle grinder will not really come in handy until the new rapeseeds come down.

Now I just gathered some old rapeseed to try the machine first, so that the family can get familiar with the operation.

The business in the village will not be busy every day, and Dayan Village is a little bit out of the way. From the economic point of view, it is not a good choice to open an oil press shop or a noodle house here.

But Yan Changqing is happy.

He and his uncle went to Jiangcheng for a few more trips, and they were no longer as tired as before when they were in a hurry to make people more tired than Lamo donkeys. The next few times they ran once and rested for a few days before going.

Chen Youliang didn't have Yan Changqing's skills to protect his body, but he lost a lot of weight in the previous period, so he couldn't continue to risk his life for money.

Now the time has entered April in the Gregorian calendar, March in the lunar calendar, and Ching Ming Festival has passed.

The bicycle team in the village is growing stronger and stronger. The village is still the same old village, but the people are different.

Next to the generator, two tile-roofed houses have been built, one is a noodle house and the other is an oil press shop.

Seeing that there is nothing wrong with the machine, Yan Changqing said: "It can be opened, and when it is almost running, we can buy chicks and start raising chickens. Dad, are you okay?"

Yan Dahai was quite happy to raise chickens. He and Yan Erhe actually went to the county oil field a few times to set up stalls to sell goods just as Yan Changqing thought.

It must be able to make money, but Yan Dahai can't find a sense of accomplishment at all-is it interesting to use the goods purchased by his son to make some money by himself?

But he is still very happy with raising chickens. Anyway, let him be the main person in charge. Yan Changqing only intends to use his skills to help out at the side. Those who prevent diseases, and those who treat people.


There is no problem with the machine, and Yan Changqing has nothing to do with the rest.

This season is the best for hiking.

March [-]rd, Mao Yajian.

Farmers say thatch buds are tender shoots of a kind of thatch. In this season, you can take out the 'thatch bud tip'. After peeling it off, there is white cotton-like flesh that can be pulled out. It can be eaten, and it will melt quickly in the mouth, like cotton candy.

Certainly not that sweet.

Sweet is thatch root.

The thatch roots are white, and the joints are like bamboo joints.

Digging thatch roots and drying them in the countryside is used as medicinal materials, but children will also dig them and chew them directly. It is sweet, and it is delicious for children who lack snacks.

Although the willow leaves are a bit old now, the willow branches can still be used as small trumpets.

Rub the willow branch slowly until the bark is separated from the stick, then pull out the stick, leaving only a cylindrical bark.

Randomly cut off a section that is not damaged, and pinch off the green color on the bark at any end, leaving only the white inner bark, which can be blown in the mouth.

This is a technical job, and Yan Changqing is very good at it, but most of his followers are not good at it. When the bark and stick were separated and the stick was pulled out, the bark was accidentally pulled apart, and it was impossible to do it. whistle.

Yan Changqing was very satisfied when a group of brats blew the willow whistle. He took out the camera and let a group of brats sit in a row, squat in a row, stand in a row, and take a picture of them.

In fact, there are already quite a few photos. Anyway, now that I have money, and the oil field contract has been signed, it will be another [-] in a few days.

Including what he earned before, Yan Changqing is a small rich man with a net worth of hundreds of thousands.

Chen Youliang is now struggling with what kind of big truck to buy.

Yan Changqing didn't think there was any rush, anyway, the money to rent a car is not expensive at all, and it is cheaper than buying a car by yourself.

But when the factory gets busy in the future, I will definitely not rent it out to them.

It's not too late to buy then.


Behind Yan Changqing, there were a few less faces among the brats who were digging the roots of thatch and pulling out the tips of thatch buds.

The thing is like this, after all the people in the village went out to look outside, they came back with emotion: "It's not good if you don't have culture, you can't even say it, and every time someone cuts the price down to the bone, just the kids in this family I don’t know how to study well…”

Yan Changqing was very enthusiastic to give them advice: "Take them to the county to have a look! See if those physical laborers are tired, and ask them how much money they can earn a day."

The villagers still pay more attention to his suggestion now, and set off with the children without saying a word.

Then the bear kids saw some scenes they had never seen before.

For example, those who carry bags and move bricks, ask them about their wages, how much money can they earn after such a hard day?
Those who carry the bags are the hardest, but they also earn the least wages; the high wages for moving bricks is the future, and now when labor is everywhere, wages are not that high at all.

The most important thing is that even for these two jobs, you must be introduced by an acquaintance, otherwise this job will not be done for you.

The situation is like this, the bear children don't want to go to school after watching it, and the parents come to ask how to do it, Yan Changqing is silent.

He just looked at the broom in the corner, the wooden stick leaning against the wall and so on.

So the parents who returned home caught their children and beat them to death.

Yan Changqing still didn't express any opinions on this phenomenon of beating children at every turn, and brushed off his clothes when it happened, hiding his credit and fame.

He just silently raised the camera and carefully adjusted the focus to ensure that the characters in each photo, even the teardrops, could be seen clearly.

We are so serious about our work, we must do our best in everything we do.

If it is not the best now, then continue to work hard on liver skills.


Yan Changqing, who was remembering, suddenly heard a distant shout.

Just tried the oil press, isn't it ok?
Hearing the yelling so urgently, as if it was my mother, Yan Changqing ran over in a hurry.

In the end, I saw my mother yelling at me: "Chun Ni is going to give birth prematurely, what can you do?"

Yan Changqing was a little dizzy: "Tell me about this too, can I manage this? Go ask the midwife, and then invite Mr. Shen Miaona (doctor) over, if there is anything wrong, I can help ?”

The family members of Yan Tiesheng next to him couldn't hold back their laughter. This mother really trusts her son now, and other people come to ask when they have a baby...

Li Xiuni laughed herself: "I didn't make it clear when I was in a hurry. Someone went to invite the midwife. You have a lot of ideas all day long. I wanted to ask you to come up with an idea! You see, no one else thought of asking Mr., just you I said it. Dahai, you..."

Yan Erhe was very self-conscious. Seeing that his sister-in-law was calling Dahai but she glanced at him, she turned around and left: "I'll go by bike and bring Mr. here."

It's time to buy a walking tractor, but the farmland is not available yet, Yan Changqing is not in a hurry, and plans to bring it up with his family after a while, so that his mother will agree!
Otherwise, they can drag people and run to the countryside as soon as possible.

Li Xiuni just came to ask for an idea, and now she feels that she can be of help: "Then I'll go over and have a look, and if I can help..."

Yan Changqing is not in the mood to continue to take the bear boy to smoke the stalks, so let's stay here for a while at the oil press shop!
The two cats came out from nowhere, and they were both holding a dead mouse or a dead field mouse. When they came to Yan Changqing, they put the dead mouse in front of his feet, then turned around, with their tails cocked. He continued to wander arrogantly.

Well, this is a good sign. It is a good thing for cats to catch mice and make the house peaceful!

The midwife is here, the doctor is here.

The midwife was gone, and so was the doctor.

Li Xiuni came happily to report the news to her family: "The baby is born, thanks to the presence of the doctor and midwife, otherwise it would be really dangerous, let me tell you, the process..."

"By the way, it's a boy. Chunni won't be wronged at home from now on. Hey, why are you still here? Go home quickly, your mother gave birth to a little brother for you."

Yan Changqing looked at the little figure running home in a daze among the group of brats behind him, and suddenly became happy.

He yelled at Ya Dan like crazy: "Girl Dan, you tell your father that your younger brother has to be named Yan Yusheng, he is the survivor of the catastrophe, and he will be blessed and fateful in the future..."

The girl turned around stupidly, waited for a while after he finished speaking, saw that he had stopped talking, and then agreed bluntly: "Yes!"

Li Xiuni slapped her son conveniently: "You dead boy, what nonsense are you talking about, what are you talking about after a catastrophe, it sounds unlucky!"

Yan Changqing laughed happily: "You don't know, hehe, I'm happy, the rest of my life after the catastrophe, the rest of my life is well!"

Yadan won't have a stepmother anymore, she has a younger brother and a mother.

Li Xiuni came over with a slap again: "What a fart, if his father really listened to you and named his baby Yan Yusheng, wouldn't it be only one word away from your father?"

ah?Forget about this!

Yan Changqing hurriedly thought of a reason: "That... this kid... You forgot the last time I let the villagers hide from the fine team? He stayed because of me, or else he was given to the bastard last time. Her mother took her away to induce labor, can he still be there?"

"Now he was born prematurely and forced to give birth. If he had induced the labor at that time, he might have lost both lives. After all, I did a great deed by calling him Yu Sheng. It was to collect blessings for my grandfather, that's right. , is to collect blessings for my grandfather..."

Then he looked up at the sky and muttered: "God is above, this blessing must be added to my grandfather, and bless him to live long enough to help me bring up many grandchildren..."

Li Xiuni couldn't do anything about him, seeing that he was very serious, and what he said seemed to make sense, and then looked at her father-in-law's smiling expressionless expression, and then slapped him lightly: "You've been acting like a god all day long..."

(End of this chapter)

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