You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 132 Xiao Li is Excited! 111, all in!

Chapter 132 Xiao Li is Excited! +1+1+1, all in!

Doesn't Yan Xiang understand the meaning of Su's vernacular?

Of course he knew exactly what it meant.

He couldn't say this clearly and directly, he needed to change the subject.

It's live in court now.

The spread of the Internet is rapid, and unjust, false and wrongly decided cases have caused a huge turning point in the life and destiny of a prospective college student.

This topic can be regarded as full.

Those media sniffed the smell and came here...
At that time, some explosive titles will frantically flood into hot searches, and they can't handle it well.

And what people say is still the truth, you can't refute it even if you want to refute it.

This is the most crucial question.

There are certain problems in the process of DNA identification. He understands it, but he can only pretend not to understand it.

And the other party's question has already been answered by himself, no matter what, this question is considered to be fooled at present, and it must be fooled.

Su Bai noticed the change in Yan Shang's facial expression, of course he knew what the other party was thinking.

The problem of DNA identification report is an unavoidable problem.

Do you want to bypass?

How could it be that simple?
If you want to bypass it, you can bypass it, so what do you take me for?

It's too simple to think!

Not to mention him, even ordinary trial lawyers would continue to question this point in light of this powerful trial situation.

In the case of Lin Haoxue.

There are many operations that violate the procedures, among which the identification of the DNA report is the biggest violation.

And it is also the most important point of plea in this trial, the verdict of innocence and the accusation of negligence on the law enforcement side.

Su Bai once again attacked Yan Xiangyang's defense.

Su Bai slowly unfolded the DNA identification report, and said, "We don't think there is any problem with this DNA report."

"Instead, they are questioning the legality of the source of this DNA identification report."

"According to the accused's statement, the DNA of Lin Haoxue remained in the nails of the deceased, and it was during Lin Haoxue's assault that the woman struggled and attacked Lin Haoxue.

Then I would like to ask the accused, Lin Haoxue was infringing at that time, there should be DNA evidence left over from the infringing, right?
This is a more favorable evidence! "

"However... the defendant did not raise this point at the time, but only relied on the DNA left in the nails as the main evidence."

"We don't know whether the law enforcement side has forgotten this most important evidence, or there was no such evidence at the time. Regarding this point, we will not make a statement."

"But this is a very important point of doubt."

"in addition.…."

"It has been stated before that the accused party did not investigate and verify the source of Lin Haoxue's explanation of the bloodstains, which is also doubtful."

"I believe the accused should be very clear about the normal process of these two points, because this is a basic procedural issue."

"Since there are so many doubts, we have the right to raise reasonable grounds to question whether this DNA report is a procedural falsification and whether it is a malicious accusation against Lin Haoxue."

This time the attack is simple and clear, and the attack power is very strong.

The meaning contained in it is obvious, that is, if you can't produce evidence, then I think you made a false accusation on purpose.

Su Bai's purpose is also very simple...
This DNA identification report cannot be bypassed. The more the other party refuses to let him mention it, the bigger the problem will be.

He didn't know whether Yan Shang could come up with a reasonable basis.

But in this plea, he was victorious.

Because if the other party shows it, they can use it as clues and suspicious points that cannot be logically understood, and file a supervisory review.

And questioned that there was a major violation of the original procedure.

Censorship can implicate a large number of people.

If the other party can't get it out

Suspected of suspected falsification of evidence and major mistakes in the process, leading to unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, the supervisory review was initiated.

To investigate the responsibility of all parties at that time.

By the time.….
It also involves a group of people.

to be honest.

This case is an unjust, false and wrongly decided case. No matter how the other party pleads, after winning the case, they will file a supervisory review and implicate a group of people, but the charges and conditions are different.

Unless the second trial loses the case.

But just relying on the fact that the other party has a problem with the process, it is impossible to lose the lawsuit!
After Su Bai finished his statement.

Yan Shang's expression changed instantly, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

But fortunately, at this time, on the seat of the trial bench, the presiding judge Wang Jianjun rang the gavel, which made Yan Xiangyang's expression relax.

dong dong!

"Suspend the defense of both parties."

Wang Jianjun looked at Lin Haoxue who was seated by the parties.

At this moment, Lin Manhao's expression was full of tension.
For him, this trial was a critical moment to change his fate.

At the age of 18, he was falsely accused and sent to prison. Six years later, he had renewed hope.

This trial was the changing point of his life later.

Regarding this trial, he hoped extremely that he could win the case and return his innocence...

Facing Wang Jianjun's sudden gaze on himself, Lin Haoxue's expression was extremely tense...
after all.….
Although he is said to be in his 20s now, when he was first imprisoned and inspected, he had just grown up not long ago!

Wang Jianjun saw Lin Haoxue's nervousness, and said a word of reassurance: "The person concerned doesn't need to be nervous. I just ask you a few questions."

"You just need to answer truthfully and not falsely."

Hearing this, Lin Haoxue calmed down a lot, and nodded seriously: "Okay, presiding judge."

Wang Jianjun nodded and began to ask.

"Did you inform the source of the bloodstains on your body during the review stage, and how did you get the bloodstains on your body at that time? Are you still clear?"

In the face of Wang Jianjun's inquiry.

Lin Haoxue nodded hastily. Although it has been six years, he still remembers it clearly!
It will never be forgotten!

Lin Haoxue said emotionally:
"presiding judge"

"I can assure you that I informed you during the review phase."

"The bloodstains on my body at that time came from playing with my female classmates when I went out to play, and left it when I was playing."

"Is there any evidence?"

Wang Jianjun asked, at this time Su Bai took the words from the side: "There is a presiding judge."

"We have communicated with the female classmate, and the witness is unwilling to appear in court, but there is a recording."

This was the preparation that Su Bai had made in advance after consulting the files.

Su Bai handed over the recording to the staff on the side.

The staff handed over the evidence to Wang Jianjun.

After Wang Jianjun roughly confirmed the content of the recording, he nodded slightly.

the content of this recording.

Relatively speaking, it was vague. The female classmate stated that she did scratch Lin Haoxue on the day she went out to play, and she was willing to bear legal responsibility for her words and deeds.

However, due to a long time, I am not sure where the scratch was, but I vaguely remember the position of the arm.

In the judgment of the first instance.

Lin Haoxue was scratched on the arm by the victim during the crime.

The two correspond and can be right.

Now that there is strong evidence for it.
Then there is no suspense in this trial...
It's just a matter of judgment.

But for him, it's no big deal.
After Wang Jianjun made up his mind, he rang the gavel.

dong dong!

"Do the accused and the prosecution have anything to say?"

Kong Jiantu: The other party's evidence is directly thrown in the face, what else should I say...?

To make a statement at this time is simply looking for something to do when you are idle... making yourself unhappy.


Kong Jiantu also took a long breath in his heart, and said silently: Fortunately, fortunately...
After finishing the silent reading, he looked at the presiding judge's seat and said slowly:
"Judge, we have nothing to say."


Regarding Wang Jianjun's question, Yan Shang had a hard time saying it.

Can't speak at all...

What else is there to say?
Going forward with the statement may involve more and more involvement. At present, the other party has produced substantive evidence.

As long as he makes a statement, Su Bai will focus on this point to pursue, and then the trouble will be even greater...
The more you talk, the more flaws you will have, and the more trouble you will have.

This point, Yan Xiang, is very clear in his heart.

After a few seconds of silence, Yan Shang said slowly: "Judge, we have nothing to say."

dong dong!

"The prosecution and the accused have nothing to state and supplement, so the court will be temporarily adjourned!"

"After an hour's adjournment."

"Continue the trial after the trial!"

With the fall of the gavel, the members of the collegial panel left.

Going to recess.

In the courtroom, Li Xuezhen blinked her clear eyes, and looked at Su Bai excitedly with her small face: "Lawyer Su"

"Are we going to win this trial?"

Su Bai nodded with a smile: "At present, if the other party can't produce any favorable evidence, it should be like this."

"Then there is no problem"

Li Xuezhen said silently in her heart.

Who else can beat Lawyer Su in a lawsuit...?

Winning the lawsuit is definitely not a big problem!
In this trial, although she is a trainee lawyer and cannot fight this kind of lawsuit, she will watch it!
I have the advantage, or the other party has the advantage, she can see it!
The purpose of asking Su Bai is of course to confirm his own judgment!

Winning the case.. happy.

Achievement point +1
As for the specific number of additions, Xiao Li is not very clear...
Anyway, it's +1+1+1...that's right!
Compared with the litigant's seat, Yan Xiang of the accused's seat was extremely anxious at this moment.
This trial...
If you lose...
Then the things he faced would be troublesome, and his career might be ruined because of this trial.

And there are a series of troublesome things to follow.

At this time, Yan Xiang felt extremely regretful in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would not have taken this case!
If you don't answer, nothing will happen...

Now that's the next step, which leads to a lot of troublesome things.

Yan Shang suppressed his fluctuating mood and calmed himself down so that he could deal with the lawsuit after the court session.
at the same time.

Outside the court hearing and during the live broadcast of the court hearing, many fans discussed the defense between Su Bai and Yan Xiang just now.

"Is there a boss who can explain it? Just now, the defense of Lawyer Su and the other lawyer, why did they plead like this? Can you explain it clearly?"

"Cough cough... I'll ask the boss downstairs to answer this matter."

"Haha, it's better to ask Mr. Luo to answer the questions. After all, Mr. Luo is also a professional legal critic. His answer ideas are definitely much better than ours."

"That's right...Mr. Luo, tell us about it and analyze it...I only feel that Lawyer Su's oppression is strong, but I don't understand the legal basis for their pleading...there is such a point of accusation Where...we don't know..."

Luo Daxiang looked at the content in the comment area, smiled, and then said:

"Since you want me to talk about it, then I will talk about my understanding."

"The litigant side of this trial, that is, lawyer Su's side, is applying to revoke the judgment of the first instance in order to defend his defender Lin Haoxue's innocence."

"A defense of innocence from a life sentence requires significant evidence to prove it."

"According to the evidence of the first-instance judgment, DNA identification was used as the main source of evidence for the first-instance judgment to sentence Lin Haoxue to life imprisonment."

"The litigant questioned that there was a problem with the DNA identification and that there was a problem with the procedural process of the law enforcement party, which is equivalent to overturning the evidence of the first instance and overturning the accusation of the first instance."

"The second-instance judgment will also revoke the first-instance judgment due to law enforcement procedures, process violations, and insufficient evidence, and Lin Haoxue will be acquitted."

"This is the key point of the defense of both parties."

After Luo Daxiang explained the key points in the trial, there was a voice in the comment area.

"Understood, I understand, no wonder Lawyer Su has been talking about asking the defendant to show the source of the DNA process. I didn't quite understand this at first, but now I understand..."

"Understood. Doesn't this mean that the defendant's DNA evidence is falsified? Perjury? It's just that it can't be too strong and prominent in the trial, but it probably means that!"

"However... If the other party did this, then there must be no evidence left. If there is no evidence left, how can I prove it?"

"There is no evidence left, so why can't it prove it? Didn't you see that the evidence was shown to explain the source of the bloodstain?

It has already been explained that the source of the bloodstains was not caught by the victim's wife, so it was wrong to accuse Lin Haoxue of a crime and use DNA to prove that Lin Haoxue was guilty.

Because apart from the DNA in the nails, there is no DNA evidence left when the woman was violated.

In addition, there is already evidence showing the source of the bloodstains on Lin Haoxue's body.

This has confirmed from the side that the original DNA evidence proved to be a fake.

However, it could not be determined in court that the DNA evidence proved to be falsified. "


"That's right, as long as the supervisory review is filed after the trial is over!!"

"Looking forward to the follow-up!!"

"Hiss...a big case of injustice!"

"Fuck! The 18-year-old's life is ruined like this, isn't it?"

"It shouldn't just be ruined. I also heard that the death penalty was applied for in the first trial. This means that it is not an 18-year-old whose life is ruined like this. It is an 18-year-old who almost died!"

"Fuck! If the Supreme Court had approved this, then it would be fine..."

"Okay, okay, stop discussing, when the trial is over, it will be on the top of the list!"

"Okay! It must be on the top of the hot search! Otherwise, everyone here will have no reason to explain what to do when encountering such a thing in the future?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You must step up, or else all of us here will be defendants!"


Looking at the comments of his fans in the comment area, Luo Daxiang smiled and said nothing more.

After seeing the adjournment announcement, Hu Yulong put his hands on his head and scratched his head vigorously.

How could this court trial be broken up like this!

what happened? !
Didn't you guarantee him that there would be no problems in this trial?Why is it still like this? !

Even a layman like him can see that this trial may be lost.

Hu Yulong now only hopes that even if it is a sentence, then there will be no big disturbances in the follow-up...


Then he will not be alone...

Now is the time to contact some people first and ask about the situation.
.... ...

Court, collegial panel seminar room.

Wang Jianjun was sitting on the sofa, Zhou Yun and Zhu Chaoyang were also sitting on the sofa, and the three of them looked at each other.

Wang Jianjun said, "The two of you should have no opinion on how this court trial should be judged?"

Zhou Yun replied: "There are certain procedural errors in this case itself. There is no problem in how to judge. All factual basis and evidence show that Lin Haoxue has no criminal facts."

"Even if there are doubts, if there is no strong evidence, then there is no suspicion, so as to avoid unjust, false and wrongful convictions."

"I have nothing to say about the verdict."

Zhu Chaoyang: "I don't have any opinion on Lin Haoxue's innocence verdict. However, I think we need to think more about the lawsuit against the defendant. After all, if the sentence is too severe, it will have a bad impact. .”

"Although the defendant has a factual error, we also need to pay attention to whether..."

"In case something breaks out, any unnecessary influence... is also a troublesome thing."

Zhou Yun retorted: "I think the sentence should be as it should be, or should be a heavier sentence. Otherwise, if this kind of case happens frequently, it will be a very big blow to our credibility."

"It will also have a very large and bad impact."

Facing Zhou Yun's rebuttal, Zhu Chaoyang thought for a few seconds, then remained silent and did not speak again.

He and Zhou Yun have different considerations, but what Zhou Yun said also has some truth.


The decision is in the hands of Wang Jianjun...

Wang Jianjun took a sip of water: "Okay...I have already prepared for this judgment..."

"Let's see after the court session..."

"After all, the current situation has not yet been argued..."



Zhou Yun and Zhu Chaoyang spoke separately.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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