boy of science

Chapter 165

Chapter 165
Qi refiners are not Taoist priests, let alone monks. There is no such thing as a monk, and there is no need to pay attention to rules and regulations.

Qi refiners are not lofty "gods", nor are they "immortals" of Taoism.

Although the goal of a Qi Refiner is to become an immortal, that is only a title in terms of realm, and has no special meaning other than that.

Qi refining seeks the origin.

From the five elements, to chaos, to nothingness, these are the origin.

What is the origin of a Qi refiner?
is "human".

Therefore, gas refiners will still live in human society.

Of course, there is actually a second reason for this, and that is "concentration".

"Qi" refers to matter, and "Shen" refers to consciousness, thought, and soul.

If you want to cultivate, you must first understand; if you want to understand, you must naturally stay in human society.

Otherwise, where would there be so many conscious beings?

Bai Ye's wandering is not just wandering, but "spirit refining".

After all, his next step after completing Qi refining is to condense his soul.

But others don't know that he is practicing, they will only think that he is wandering.

After all, most people only know how to look at the appearance, but don't know how to see the essence through the appearance.

Of course, this is also limited by "knowledge" reasons.

After all, even Aleister couldn't understand what Bai Ye was doing, and wondered if he was thinking too complicatedly. Maybe that boy was just wandering outside every day?
In fact, most people who know Bai Ye feel that he always does not do business.

The more typical ones are Shirai Kuroko and Huang Quanchuan Aiho.

Misaka Mikoto originally thought the same way, and even complained that Bai Ye didn't want to make progress.

But recently she learned the knowledge of qi refining, so her thinking changed: Bai Ye didn't want to make progress, but his ideal was different from the pursuit of ordinary people.

Ordinary people's pursuits are mostly fame and fortune, or "climbing to the top of power".

Of course, there is also the lofty ideal of creating peace for the country, the people, and the world.

Unfortunately, there are very few such people.

Occasionally a few pop up and have to be laughed at by others.

Needless to say.

Misaka Mikoto is indeed quite talented, and maybe her foundation is good enough, so it didn't take long for her to get started with Qi refining.

She went to bed early, but before Shirai Heizi turned off the lights and had a rest, she suddenly opened her eyes and got up, with a slightly weird expression on her face.

"This is the beginning of Qi refining?"

Thinking about it carefully, Bai Ye seems to have indeed said that it only takes three to five days to get started with Qi refining.

Overall, this is something to be happy about.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Shirai Kuroko, who finished her daily chores and was about to turn off the lights and rest, looked at Misaka Mikoto suspiciously.

Recently, my elder sister always behaves strangely, especially when sleeping at night.

"Oh, it's okay, I just thought of something, it's already this time, you should go to bed quickly."

Misaka Mikoto didn't give an explanation, and just lay on the bed and pressed the phone, with a happy smile on her face.

Shirai Heizi was in a complicated mood, but she didn't pursue it.

"Then Heizi will turn off the light, my lord."



Byakuya had finished teaching Saten Reniko, and was walking home after leaving the girl's dormitory, when she suddenly received an email from Misaka Mikoto.

It's nothing more than to report the news that he has already started refining qi, and there is no superfluous content.

He didn't reply, and put the phone back in his pocket.

Then I turned into the nearby convenience store and bought some snacks and drinks, both for myself and for Fremea.

Not far after leaving the convenience store, he stopped suddenly and turned to look at the dark alley next to him.

"...These bad things are really doing things every day."

There are many bad things, so there are many cases that happen every day.

Some are just extortion and fighting.

Others are...

"As a delinquent, am I a bit too slack?"

After all, I haven't done much work since I came to this world.

Although he will not disrupt the order of human society casually, he occasionally makes some fun for himself to enjoy.

"However, I am not a so-called bad boy."

Only certain students at Shachuan Middle School said he was.

After muttering a few words softly, he turned around and merged into the darkness.

This is the shortcut back to the dormitory.


About [-]% of the students in this city are disabled.

Even if the remaining ones have the ability, they may not be able to help the fight, so the probability of bad kicks is very low.

But the low is the low, and when it is time to kick the iron plate, it will still be kicked.

Of course, this girl does not belong to the "iron board".

A girl in a slightly longer school uniform, with an expressionless face and scary eyes.

The bad guys surrounded her and pushed her into the alley, not knowing if they wanted to rob her of money or sex.

The girl is very calm.

Probably gave up resistance?

No, she was looking for an opportunity.

But in the end, it was impossible to find it, because a teenager broke in.

"There are so many opportunities for heroes to save the beauty. There are so many in this city that people feel bored."


Several bad guys were taken aback.

But before they could see clearly in the low-light environment, they suddenly felt hit hard and lost consciousness.

The girl found someone grabbing her hand.

"Let's go."


The girl didn't speak, but kept on guard, but she still followed and left the dark alleyway.

Returning to the normal street, I finally saw the boy's appearance clearly.

The boy also turned to look at her.

He was wearing a longer school uniform of the School of Mechanical Engineering, and his short black hair looked a little messy.

"Can you let go?"


Bai Ye let go of the girl's hand, didn't say much to her, and left directly.

Just do something nice by the way, don't care.

The girl looked at his back.

"I haven't thanked you yet."


"...My name is Bushu Dixin, how about you?"

"white night."

While speaking, the boy had gone away.

Bu Shu Toxin withdrew his gaze, looked for the direction and headed towards his destination.

Now that he already knew the name, it was quite easy to find it, and it would not be too late to thank him at that time.

Bai Ye on the other side muttered softly.

"Bushu Dixin..."

It's the genius girl who appeared in the younger sister chapter in the original work.

The affairs of the younger sisters have already ended. I thought I would never have a chance to meet them, but I ended up meeting them here.

"I don't know if she will be arrested for research."

After the events of the younger sister chapter in the animation, Item sold the Bushu Toshin who was caught by them to other dark organizations.

But now that the younger sister chapter is over, Bu Shu Dixin no longer needs to take risks to save the younger sisters, and naturally there is no Anbu to catch her.

So it's probably all right?

(End of this chapter)

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