boy of science

Chapter 166 "I don't want it, I want to sleep with Oni-chan, meow."

Chapter 166 "I don't want it, I want to sleep with Oni-chan~."

The "story" in this world is quite strange, there are animation versions, comic versions, and of course novel versions.

It is also the original character of the animation version, Harukami Jinyi and Teristina both appeared, but Kurozuma Minryu did not appear.

In the animation plot, he met Gufa Meiwei.

But when Bai Ye asked, Gufa Meiwei replied, "I have never heard of this name."

Combined with other things, Bai Ye has reason to doubt: Could it be that he is not crossing the world line of the original work?
Regardless of whether it is a novel, manga or animation, as long as it is an official production, it is considered an "original work".

And this world has many details that do not match the original.

What happened to Bushu Toshin after the younger sister chapter belongs to the original animation version, and it is a bit uncertain whether it will appear or not.

Bai Ye wanted to deduce the future, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

"It doesn't matter anyway."

That's what I said, but in the later plot, there are artificial blonde sisters.

I remember they were called Jenny and Phoebe.

The former is the elder sister and the latter is the younger sister.

"There are already a pair of blonde sisters at home. It would be even better if Haimei is willing to bring her sisters over."


The blonde sisters in the family are of course Frenda and Fremea.

They have lived here in Bai Ye for a long time, but Bai Ye didn't let them move out, and they didn't mention it.

Fremea likes living here very much, because there are both sisters and brothers here.

The only downside is the need to learn.

Bai Ye who returned to the dormitory brought her a lot of snacks, including her favorite chocolate.

"Have a cup before bed, long live hot chocolate."

This is her philosophy.

Frenda had told her many times, but she never broke the habit.

"Sooner or later all your teeth will break."

In the end, Frenda could only use such words to scare her own sister.

In fact, this is not to scare, but it can happen.

In the past, Fremea was somewhat worried, but now she said that she is not afraid at all.

"Oni-chan will protect my cat~, probably with healing spells."

Sitting on Shirao's lap, Fremea who asked Shirao to dry her hair took another sip of hot chocolate as she spoke.

She just washed her hair and it's wet now, so Bai Ye needs to help her dry it, otherwise she won't be able to sleep well.

In fact, there is no need to trouble Bai Ye at all.

It was nothing more than a small spell, and Frenda had already learned it.

And there is such a thing as a "hair dryer".

But Fremea refused.

"It's better for O'Neill to help me."

Bai Ye has no objection, because she can't refuse the blond Lolita's embrace.

Frenda had already accepted the fact that her younger sister was close to her master, so she didn't do anything strange anyway.


Hearing Bai Ye's question, Frenda thought about it carefully, then shook her head to express that she hadn't heard of it.

"There are quite a few dark organizations, and some organizations may disappear at any time, or new organizations may be created, so we don't know very well."

After the explanation, he looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Do you need to investigate the result, Master?"

"It's fine if you haven't heard of it, don't worry about it."


Frenda obediently agreed and did not ask further questions.

Recently, she has become more and more like a qualified little maid.

Bai Ye was thinking about whether Maiye Shenli and the others should come and live for a while so that they could be trained.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that it is no longer necessary.

Because the entire Item has become very obedient.

As for Mugino Shirley's attitude, it was purely due to his personality.

Fremea handed over the finished cup to her sister to wash, while chatting with Bai Ye herself.

"Is Oni-chan still not going to sleep with my sister and me tonight?"

"This bed is too small, just the two of you."

"But I think it's a bad idea."

Fremea raised her voice as she spoke, as if she wanted her sister to hear her on purpose.

"How can there be a reason why the maid sleeps on the bed but the master doesn't have to sleep? I probably haven't heard of it, meow~."

Flanda, who quickly cleaned the cup, returned to the bedroom and looked at her sister blankly: "In this case, you can make the floor by yourself tonight."

"I don't want it, I want to sleep with Oni-chan, meow~."

Fremea pouted, and found that her hair had been dried, so she turned around and threw herself into Bai Ye's arms, acting like a baby.


"You two go to bed, I still have things to do."

Bai Ye patted her little butt as she spoke: "Hey, go brush your teeth."



a new day.

Misaka Mikoto seems to be in a good mood today, because the smile on her face has never disappeared.

Maika Tsuchimikado was curious when she saw her like this while eating breakfast.

"Misaka, did something good happen to you?"

"Yep, it is."

Getting started with Qi refining is indeed something to be happy about.

It's a pity that I can't tell Tsuchimikado Mai Satsuki about this, so I nodded in acknowledgment and changed the subject directly.

"Speaking of which, you made this, right? The cooking skills are getting better and better."


The topic shifted so obviously, Maiko Tsuchimikado could tell it, but she was very cooperative and didn't ask too much.

This is the basic quality of being a "maid".


Not only Maika Tsuchimikado found that she was in a good mood, but also Kuroko Shirai, Saten Ruiko and the others, because it was too obvious.

So Saten Ruiko also asked the same question as Tsuchimikado Maika.

"Did Misaka-senpai encounter any happy things?"


Misaka Mikoto looked at Saten Ruiko.

This girl is also very close to Bai Ye, I don't know if she has learned the knowledge of refining Qi from Bai Ye.

So think about it or not.

And there are Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shuri next to her.

It's a bit awkward to think about keeping a secret from my friends.

"That's it."

Say something perfunctory, and then change the subject again: "By the way, have you heard? That Zhixian classmate is going to study in Zhachuan Middle School."

"Well, I've heard about it from classmate Chun Shang."

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Riko both nodded.

It was the first time Shirai Kuroko had heard of this matter.

But before she could express her opinion, Misaka Mikoto continued: "Or else, let's help her celebrate."

"I think it could be."

Saten Ruiko immediately agreed.

Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shuri also have no objections.

Although things are a little different from the original work because of Bai Ye's intervention, they are also happy to take care of Shikaeda Makibanri.

So without saying much, the four girls got together to discuss how to celebrate Tsunari Edasaki.

(End of this chapter)

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