boy of science

Chapter 167 "What kind of mess did you teach the little girl again?"

Chapter 167 "What messed things did you teach the little girl again?"

Academy City may have to be called "Sin City" because there are so many cases happening every day.

Fighting, extortion, robbing money and sex, killing people to silence...

There are even many people who want to destroy Academy City.

"As long as Level 6 can be cultivated, even if Academy City is destroyed."

"Academy City is hopeless, it's better to destroy it this morning."

"To destroy the forces of science!"


This is not as simple as thinking in your heart or talking about it, but actually taking corresponding actions.

Misaka Mikoto alone has prevented several plots to destroy Academy City.

This is just a small scene, because there are people behind who want to destroy the world.

Some people want to destroy the world, and naturally some people want to save the world, and some say it doesn't matter.

Let's not talk about the "world".

Here in Academy City, some people abide by the law and some break the law; some disrupt the order, and naturally there are others who maintain it.

Discipline committee members and security guards are the organizations used by Academy City to maintain order.

Of course it's only on the bright side.

Moreover, the number of people in these two organizations is not very large, and there are many restrictions on law enforcement, coupled with the intentional or unintentional connivance of the high-level, so the security of Academy City has not been improved.

Fortunately, it did not continue to deteriorate.

But if you don't pay attention, you will still encounter unwanted harassment, especially in areas with few pedestrians, or in complex lanes extending in all directions.

Ordinary students will try to avoid going to places with few people, and will try to avoid entering alleys.

Unless you have confidence in your abilities.

But even Level 5 will capsize in the gutter, not to mention ability users of other levels.

Academy City has too many means to deal with ability users.

Terestina was able to develop a "power reduction" device, and other researchers had no reason to do so.

In order to collect test data, some people directly hand over the products they developed to bad boys for testing.

Unscrupulous teenagers generally do not choose targets.

Anyway, if you lose, you will be beaten, and if you win, your opponent will be beaten.

And you can grab some pocket money.

If the target is a girl, then you can also rob her for a look.

Not even teenage girls.

The world is big and full of wonders, but there are always some people with different sexual quirks.

But Bai Ye is actually too lazy to care about things like "sexual addiction", no matter how strange it is, it doesn't matter.

Because he's weird too.

As the saying goes: When a crow stands on a pile of coal, no one should think anyone is black.

As long as you love me, you can do whatever you like, and you can mess around.

The problem is that someone wants to shoot Saten Ruiko.

Saten Ruiko, who made an appointment with Misaka Mikoto and the others to save time, directly chose to take a shortcut: cross the alley and walk to another street.

As a result, they were targeted by bad actors.

Fortunately, she is no longer the incapable person who had no power to restrain a chicken. She can at least protect herself in the face of three or five bad things.

So those few bad guys who didn't have long eyes were blown away by the strong wind.

Then he was hit by Misaka Mikoto's electric shock.

Shirai Kuroko also used space movement to bring Chuchun Shili to the scene.

"One batch was destroyed and another batch came up again. These bad things are really endless."

Shirai Heizi couldn't help complaining.

Uiharu Shiri called the security guard to report the situation.

Misaka Mikoto frowned slightly.

Academy City is dangerous, the whole world is dangerous, and my sisters may encounter danger like this at some point.

And they lack the strength to protect themselves.

Electricity with only Level 2 defects cannot be used in battle.

The younger sisters are so innocent, maybe they will be deceived.

For example, Bai Ye tricked his younger sisters into calling him "brother and lord".

Of course, Misaka Mikoto has no objection to this, she is mainly worried that her sisters will be deceived by others.

We have to find a way to enhance the self-protection ability of the younger sisters.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"


Misaka Mikoto never thought of telling Shirai Kuroko about her sisters, because she didn't want her friends to be exposed to the suffocating darkness.

"On the contrary, it's Saten-san, are you okay?"

"no problem."

Saten Ruiko smiled and waved her hand to express that there is no need to worry.

Putting away the mobile phone, Chuchun Shili complained a few words: "Student Saten, it's better to take the main road as much as possible in the future, this kind of place is very dangerous."

"I know, this time it's just because I was in a hurry to find you."

"No matter how anxious you are, you must pay attention to safety."


Leaving the unconscious bad on the spot, the girls walked out of the alley.


Bai Ye also encountered a problem here: it seemed that someone wanted to make a move on Jiaojia Jiaqie.

The bewildered and ignorant little girl happily walked ahead, and the cowardly and wretched man secretly followed behind.

Then Bai Ye suddenly appeared to block his way: "What are you doing with this little girl?"

Jiaojiajiajiao is his little pet, and no one else is allowed to covet it.

To enjoy it is also his exclusive.

The startled wretched man didn't say any nonsense, he turned and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

The young man who looked at his back let out a curse.

Jiao Jia Jiajia didn't notice what was happening behind her at all, she just walked forward, humming a little tune.

Suddenly seeing a few girls coming out of the alley in front of them, their eyes lit up, and they quickly ran over.

"Sister Miqin."

"Huh? Oh, it's you, little girl."

"Hee hee~"

Jiao Jia Jiajia smiled and looked very cute.

Before she could continue to say something, Bai Ye had already come from a distance.

"Hey, everyone is here, Hei Zijiang and Shili, don't you need to go on patrol today?"

"Classmate Bai Ye."

Uiharu Shiri immediately greeted her.

Jiao Jia Jiaqi also turned to look at Bai Ye, and said with a smile in the sweet and crisp voice unique to little girls: "Daddy."



The four girls were either confused or surprised, they turned their heads to look at Jiaojia Jiaqi, and then looked at Bai Ye in unison.

Misaka Mikoto already showed an unhappy expression: "What kind of mess did you teach the little girl again?"

"I didn't teach it, it's obviously Jia Tomato who wants me to be her father."

Bai Ye squatted down as he said that, and stretched out his hand to rub the little girl's head: "But, Jia Tomato Sauce, if you want me to be your father, you must first let your mother..."


Misaka Mikoto kicked her before she finished speaking.

"Don't say those weird things to kids."

Shirai Heizi took Jiaojia Jiajia to the side and asked why she called Bai Ye "Dad".

After knowing what happened, he said there was no problem.

Bai Ye was supposed to be joking, and the "Dad" by Jiaojia Jiaqi was also a joke.

It's just too boring.

But Bai Ye and Jiaojia Jiajia probably thought it was quite interesting?

(End of this chapter)

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