boy of science

Chapter 168 "If it really doesn't work, I will enter the family after the matrimonial marr

Chapter 168 "If it really doesn't work, I'll marry into a uxorilocal family..."

Jiaojia Jiaqi made an appointment with a friend to go out to play together, so he had a few chats with the boys and girls before leaving.

Bai Ye looked at the little girl's back and frowned, thinking: "I have to find a way to protect my daughter."

"...How did she become your daughter?"

"After all, you call me 'Daddy', but yes, if you really want to say, she should be a little pet I feed...or is it wrong, pets should be kept at home, and if they are outside, she should be a stray cat fed by me?"


Misaka Mikoto rolled her eyes, too lazy to complain.

Shirai Heizi squinted at Bai Ye.

Chuchun Shili didn't speak.

Saten Leizi opened her mouth to change the topic: "If you need protection, is Katoko in any danger?"

"Huh? Well, that's right, just now a pervert who looks like a lolicon sneaked behind her."

Bai Ye briefly explained the situation.

Then Misaka Mikoto's strange eyes were attracted: "Could the 'pervert' you're talking about be yourself?"

"Of course not, I'm just another pervert following Jia Ke Jiang."

"...You are really honest."

"Really? It's okay, it's just that there are some thoughts that don't need to be hidden, such as wanting to have sex with the four of you..."



The boy I met on the street followed several girls towards their destination.

"Buy school uniforms?"

"Yes, the school uniform of Sagawa Junior High School is used as a gift for Edamae-san."

Many schools in this country do not distribute school uniforms, but let students go to clothing stores to order them themselves.

There are usually designated clothing stores.

Made-to-order school uniforms are not cheap, but the materials used are good and the workmanship is good.


Hearing this, Bai Ye was thoughtful: "Why don't I give her a gift too."

"Oh, so that counts as your share?"

The four of them jointly funded the purchase of school uniforms as a gift, if Bai Ye wanted to, of course he could count him in.

But Bai Ye refused.

"No, I'll buy a gift myself and give it to her together when the time comes."


Misaka Mikoto nodded, not bothering about such trivial matters.

Chuchun Zhuli, who was following beside him, suddenly asked, "Is this really all right, Bai Ye won't be ashamed?"

She did remember that the monthly "salary" of Bai Ye, who had no ability to accept, was not much, basically just enough for daily expenses. If she really wanted to spend money on gifts, she might have to find an excuse to eat and drink.

Saten Saten also remembered that Bai Ye used the photo as an excuse to forcibly eat.

By the way, she still has that photo.

Both of them still don't know the relationship between Hatsune Miku and Bai Ye, and they are unavoidably worried when they hear him say that.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Bai Ye first said that there is no need to worry, and then he laughed: "If it really doesn't work, I will have a soft meal at home after marriage, so that I will have no worries about food and clothing."

In this country, marrying into a family is not something that will receive a lot of prejudice, so the girls didn't complain about it.

What really needs to be complained about is his desire to provoke Guangzi after marriage.

"Do you still think you haven't provoked enough girls?"

"A lot? Not much."

"It's not surprising that there are not many."



Bai Ye knew many girls, but not many were really close.

Apart from the five maids and Fremea, the closest ones are Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko.

Then came Chuchun Shili, Shirai Kuroko, Chunshang Jinyi, Fanfeng Junzi and other girls.

People like Gufa Meiwei can only be regarded as acquaintances, not to mention how familiar they are, let alone how close they are.

Huang Quanchuan Aisui, Yueyong Xiaomeng, and Tie Zhuangxiu are not "girls" anymore.

Of course Yunying's unmarried women are not "young wives".

Older young women?


Bai Ye separated from Misaka Mikoto and the others on the way, saying that he wanted to prepare gifts alone.

Misaka Mikoto and the others didn't care too much, but just reminded: Don't use those strange things as gifts.

But they reminded Gui that it was hard to say whether Bai Ye would obey.

The teenager just went to a store in Seventh Mist to order clothes.

After asking for a deposit, the teenager left Seventh Mist and went to the bookstore for free prostitution according to the predetermined plan.

Occasionally, I need to read a book to change my mind.

There are many books to read.

But except for the frequently updated graphic novels, Bai Ye has basically read all the other books, so I feel bored after staying for a short time.

End the prostitution operation early and leave the bookstore.

"It's really difficult to find new books. Other bookstores are probably the same. Tokiwadai school library has also read it. Maybe you can go to the libraries of other famous schools."

Bai Ye, who was counting while walking, quickly thought of the magic library: Index.

Sure enough, should I take a sneak peek at those [-] pornographic books?
"Student Bai Ye, what a coincidence."


A slightly familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Bai Ye stopped and turned around to look, and found that it was Guangzi after marriage and the three girls of Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin.

The first to talk to him was of course Mitsuko after marriage.

"What is Bai Ye thinking? It seems to be very difficult, do you need my help?"

"……if you are willing to."

Facing the opportunity of being able to prostitute for free, Bai Ye certainly would not let it go: "I want to read books, but there are almost no books on the market that I haven't read yet, so Guangzijiang, can you help me get some books that are not on the market?"

"Books, there should be no problem with this, let me ask my father."

After the marriage, Guangzi took out her mobile phone and went to the side to make a call after she finished speaking.

After she left, Juanbao in Wannei walked up to Bai Ye and bowed.

"Thank you for what happened that day, Bai Ye."

At that time, because I was in a hurry to go back to the garden of the school house, I didn't express my thanks properly, so when we met again, I directly mentioned Bai Ye's help to her and expressed my thanks.

Bai Ye didn't care about this.

Whether others thank him or hate him, in fact, it will not have much impact.

"If you are polite, there is no need to say more."

He waved his hand towards the security guard in the bay, and then turned his attention to Mitsuko after marriage.

Wannei Baobao didn't say much, but was thinking.

It is meaningless and meaningless to say too much thank you.

Sure enough, practical action should be taken.

But what to do?


After the marriage, Guangzi quickly put away her mobile phone and returned to them.

"Father has promised to help collect rare books, but you can only borrow them, not give them to you. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, it's already a great help to let me borrow the book."

"This is nothing compared to your help to me."


The boys and girls discussed about borrowing books, and then ended the topic.

After marriage, Guangzi turned to ask curiously: "Where will classmate Bai Ye go next?"

"Today's appointment is to read a book, but there is no book to read, and I don't know what to do for the time being. Speaking of which, where are you going?"

"We don't have any specific arrangements. If Bai Ye doesn't mind, why don't you go shopping with us?"

"Oh that's fine."

Bai Ye agreed without even thinking about it.

How could you refuse such a thing as going on a date with three beautiful girls? !
(End of this chapter)

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