Chapter 808 On the pier! Before arriving!
Ding Jie and Ding Weijun immediately told Ding Chongshan that they had discussed this matter with Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi, and that they would go there again in two or three months as they gradually become familiar with and accustomed to the things at hand. Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi decided to get married in their homes.

Ding Chongshan nodded. If both Zhang Qi and Chen Miaomiao are willing to join, it would be a good thing. They are both very smart people and have a clear mind in doing business. He and Zhang Li are really very satisfied.

Ding Chongshan thought about having a good discussion with Zhang Li when he went back in the evening to prepare something.


"How busy are you doing with the land in the center of Xiaoxiang Town?"

Ding Jie changed the water in the teapot to boil and made tea again.


"If you want to know about this, just ask Xiaoxiang. How do I know so clearly? I don't care about this."

Ding Chongshan smiled and waved his hand.

Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Gang and Liu Lei had taken over the land in the center of the town. Not many people knew about it originally, but excavators have been leveling the land these days. The news was spread all at once. Now almost everyone in the town, including the surrounding villages, knew. This is all about thinking about what this building will be used for after it is completed.


"Water thrown away by a married daughter."

"What's this about?"

Ding Chongshan nodded. This matter seemed simple. For example, Ding Xiaoxiang and Liu Gang could just build the building they worked with and rent a shop to continue doing business. But in fact, it was not that simple.

"What can we do?"

Ding Chongshan picked up the hot tea he had just brewed and took a sip.


"We want to take advantage of her, but there is no way."

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had nothing to say, that was the reason. This land was paid for with Zhao Dahai's money, not his own family's money. Ding Xiaoxiang was the daughter and she didn't get any money when the family property was divided. How could people like herself take advantage when something good happened.


These several things are crowded together, making it difficult to make an accurate judgment.

"You definitely have to choose a place."


The land in the center of the town was acquired through the cooperation of father and son Zhao Dahai, Liu Gang and Liu Lei. It was built with Zhao Dahai's money and not a penny from his own family. Besides, Ding Xiaoxiang could not inherit the family property at home, regardless of herself and Zhang Li. No matter how much money is made, it is divided between the two brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun. What Ding Xiaoxiang is doing now is definitely not something that her family can take advantage of.

"What plans does our family have that we don't have?"


"If we choose the building built by Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang, the stall in the fish market can be sold in advance at the right time."

It's hard to say whether the building built by Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Gang, and Liu Lei can capture the business of the fish market.

"If the building is built, it will definitely be able to make money. Maybe there will be a floor dedicated to selling seafood. The business in the fish market will be greatly affected."

"Is this matter that troublesome?"

Ding Jie, Ding Weijun, Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi all had some ideas in mind, and then they wanted to find out what the progress of this matter was.

"There must be no clue about this matter now!"

Now one wonders how the business of the building built by Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Gang, and Liu Lei is doing, and whether it can attract enough people. Once enough people are attracted, the fish market business will be affected, and your own business will be fatally affected, and you will definitely have to move. If you have such a judgment and think that this is possible, , the stall can be sold at the right time, and then it can be sold at a higher price.

"Xiaoxiang won't compete with you for the property that your mother and I gave birth to. All the things she is doing now are all funded by Zhao Dahai's money."

The two brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun immediately looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Ding Chongshan suddenly showed a troubled look.

Ding Weijun couldn't help but speak.

Ding Jie thought of this very important thing.

"Should we stay where we are now, or wait until Ding Xiaoxiang's building is built and come to do business in the building?"

Ding Chongshan's brows suddenly wrinkled, and the teacup in his hand was placed directly on the table.

"never mind!"

My own judgment is that I can definitely win it, but if the business is not realized in a day, no one can do anything, and I can be 100% sure.

If you can rob it, you must open a shop in the building built by Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang and the others. Only in this way can you make money and make more money. But if you can't rob it, If you take the store, it will be of no use. Not only will you not make money, but you will also lose money.

"Ding Xiaoxiang is really turning her arms outward. She no longer recognizes our two eldest brothers."

The fish market business is very good and you can make a lot of money.

Ding Weijun was a little helpless and couldn't help laughing as he spoke. Ding Xiaoxiang is the youngest in the family. She has grown up holding it in the palm of her hand. She has what she wants. In addition, she has been doing business with her mother and father since she was a child. She is also a smart person and has her own ideas.

Ding Weijun gritted his teeth. Originally, myself and my eldest brother Ding Jie thought that this matter was really not complicated at all. We could just rent a shop wherever the business was good.


"Let it go for now, and wait until one day Zhao Dahai and I will discuss this matter, listen to his opinions, and then make a decision!"

"It's impossible for our family to have stores in these two places."

Ding Jie smiled bitterly, how could he not ask Ding Xiaoxiang about this matter, but every time Ding Xiaoxiang talked about him and did not answer him directly.

Ding Jie suddenly figured out the key here. If your family is in the fish market, if the business is not good, it will not have much impact. The key is that your family's business is doing well in the fish market and making a lot of money. The building built by Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Gang, and Liu Lei has a great impact on their family's business.

Ding Chongshan has actually been thinking about this matter during this time and has ideas, but he can't make up his mind. Now he simply decided to wait for Zhao Dahai to come back and talk about this matter when they meet for dinner one day.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun knew about this, and they really couldn't make up their minds now. It wasn't too late to ask Zhao Dahai for his opinion before they could make up their minds again.


"Zhao Dahai will be back tomorrow afternoon. Do we want to go there and take a look?"

Ding Jie reminded Ding Chongshan.

Ding Weijun almost forgot that his mother called just now and told him to connect with his eldest brother. In addition, Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi will go to Shijiao Village Pier with Ding Xiaoxiang tomorrow to wait for Zhao Dahai.

Ding Chongshan understood Zhang Li's thoughts as soon as he thought about it.

Ding Chongshan told Ding Jie and Ding Weijun that at noon tomorrow, he, Ding Xiaoxiang, Zhang Qi and Chen Miaomiao would go to the dock in Shijiao Village to wait for Zhao Dahai's fishing boat to come back. If he didn't go, he would handle it if there was anything in the company. If you have nothing to do, go to the fish market and help Zhang Li.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun smiled. It was true that their parents did not go to the Shijiao Village Pier. But more importantly, Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li were Zhao Dahai's future father-in-law and mother-in-law in terms of their status. If there are any special circumstances, it is impossible to wait helplessly at the pier.

the next morning. Shek Kok Village Pier.

The sun has not yet risen, and the entire pier and the surrounding sea are covered with white mist.


"What the hell is this weather like? Why did it suddenly become foggy?"


"Not long after we put it into the sea, heavy fog suddenly started to form around three o'clock in the morning."

"This is a fishing net that was pulled up at a risk. Fortunately, there were a lot of fish. Otherwise, it would have been a big loss!"



"If it hadn't been for this heavy fog, there would have been no need to pull the fishing net two hours in advance. If we had two more hours, we might have been able to catch an additional 180 kilograms of fish."


The Shijiao Village Pier was very lively. Fishing boats, large and small, came back one after another from fishing, and soon after, people buying fish, shrimps and crabs all rushed to the pier and started bargaining.

nine in the morning.

There were fewer and fewer people on the dock in Shijiao Village, and they slowly became quieter.

Liu Baojiang took out a cigarette and handed one to Xu Fu, who was beside him.

"How many fish, shrimps and crabs were collected?"

Liu Baojiang took a lighter, lit a cigarette and took two puffs.

"It weighs four to five hundred pounds!"


"I've received too few fish, shrimps and crabs these days. If this continues, I'll be in trouble!"

Xu Fu sighed. Both he and Liu Baojiang made money by buying fish, shrimps and crabs at the Shijiao Village Pier. If you go to sea, you can make a lot of money by catching four to five hundred catties of fish, shrimp, and crabs, but you really can't make much money by buying four to five hundred catties of fish, shrimp, and crabs.

"What can be done about this? Few fishing boats that go out to sea for a few days can catch many fish, shrimps and crabs!"

"It's just that we only buy fish, shrimps and crabs, so we can't find a boat to go fishing by ourselves, right?"

Liu Baojiang had a headache, but there was nothing he could do.

Xu Fu looked at the vast sea facing the pier. I remembered that today was the day when Zhao Dahai and the purchased fishing boat returned to the dock.

Xu Fu took a long puff of cigarette and exhaled thick smoke.

"What do you think? How many fish can Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat catch?"

Xu Fu was very curious about this matter.

Liu Baojiang hesitated for a moment.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua collaborated on a fishing boat. The booking fee for fishing spots was 200,000 yuan per person. This was an earth-shattering thing. Even though there were so many fishing boats around, there were never any people. Dare to offer such a price.

But this is what Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua did. The key is that there are many people paying for it.

It doesn't matter that there are just those who want to catch big fish, but Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and other people who make money fishing are willing to pay for it.

Are people like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua fools? Did the money in their pockets come from the strong wind?


"I really don't know how to talk about this."

"Zhao Dahai is indeed a master of fishing. He has caught a lot of fish. We are not sure how many fish were caught by the speedboat, but we followed Shi Jiehua's fishing boat in the deep sea on the first two trips, and we made a lot of money. ”

“One person can catch fish worth more than a million dollars in just one and a half months out at sea.”

"Not many people can do this kind of thing."

"We have been doing business at this dock for so many years. How and when did we hear about this?"

"Judging from this, we will definitely be able to catch a lot of fish on this trip to the sea."

Liu Baojiang thought for a while, and from an analysis point of view, Zhao Dabin and Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin will definitely gain very good results when they go fishing on this trip.

"But when Zhao Dahai goes out to sea this time, there are almost a hundred people on the four fishing boats."

"Don't say that everyone has caught 200,000 fish. Even if only half, or even only one-third of the people can catch so many fish, it is already very scary."

"I really can't believe this, or I think Zhao Dahai really can't let these people catch so many fish."

Liu Baojiang has many years of experience in acquiring Xie. After a rough calculation, he knows that this is a very scary number.



"Zhao Dahai is indeed capable of this, but if we do the math, it means that if everyone on the fishing boat can catch as many fish as he can, it is really impossible."

Xu Fu nodded.

Now no one doubts Zhao Dahai's fishing ability.

There are really too many fish caught this past year. Not to mention anything else, just the first few times I ran into the deep sea and returned to the pier, the fish that were brought up to the pier one after another, box after box, were very amazing. This is what everyone has seen with their own eyes and cannot be faked.


"Xu Fu."

"Could it be that you think Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's four fishing boats, with many people on them, can catch so many fish?"

Liu Baojiang looked at Xu Fu, and the meaning behind his words was exactly the same as his own. He felt that once Zhao Dahai led these people to catch so many fish, it would be very amazing. He didn't believe it, but if you listen carefully, you will find Xu Fu's tone. , contrary to himself, he felt that Zhao Dahai would be able to lead these people to catch a lot of fish.

"Why do you feel like this?"

Liu Baojiang looked down at the cigarette he had finished smoking in his hand, lit another one and started smoking vigorously. I don't know what Xu Fu thought, thinking that Zhao Dahai would definitely be able to catch these people when he took these people out to sea. There are so many fish. As I just said, it is not surprising that one or two people can catch two hundred thousand fish. But once there are more than ten or twenty people on four fishing boats and catch so many fish, it will be a big surprise. A great one.

(End of this chapter)

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