Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 809: They are all uneasy and well-intentioned

Chapter 809: They are all uneasy and well-intentioned

"Xu Fu."

"Have you ever thought about something?"

Liu Baojiang was silent for a while, then pointed to the wide sea facing the pier in front of him.


"Liu Baojiang."

"If you have something to say, just say it, if you have something to say, let it go. What's the point? Tell me quickly, what is going on."

Xu Fu cursed.

"There are many fish in the sea!"

"Some are bigger, some are smaller, some are valuable, some are not worth much."

Xu Fu understood that Liu Baojiang was talking about the fish caught by the people on Shi Jiehuahai fishing boat.

"Does this need to be said? We have been dealing with Shi Jiehua for many years. Didn't the two of us take away the fish from any trip to sea? What if we really caught a lot of fish this trip? If so, we can make a lot of money.”

"This is a good opportunity, and we must not let it pass."

For top masters, it is simple to catch a thousand or hundreds of kilograms, or even two or three thousand kilograms in one day. It cannot be any simpler. Zhao Dahai has done this kind of thing several times.

Xu Fu was a little stunned and wanted to refute, but after calculation, he couldn't help but nod.

"If this is really the case, that would be incredible! When these four fishing boats came back, wouldn't the live cabins in the cold storage be filled with all kinds of fish?"

"What can be done about this? Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin used to go fishing with Li Hongyun's fishing boat. We are familiar with Shi Jiehua, but we are not familiar with Li Hongyun, so it is impossible to have good dealings with Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and the others. ”

"We don't have much friendship with Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin. On the contrary, Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, and Ouyang Hua do have people they know well."

"The size of sea bass weighing more than ten or twenty pounds is already very good. If people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin are more diligent and keep fishing, how much money can they catch in a day?"

“Where did they come from so many large groupers, or other valuable fish?”

Liu Baojiang carefully stated his thoughts one sentence after another.


Liu Baojiang held the cigarette in his hand and looked at Xu Fu.

One thousand kilograms is not necessarily the case, but it is not surprising at all to catch a fish weighing five hundred kilograms.


"Do you have any ideas?"

Liu Baojiang sighed. There is such an acre of land, and there are many fishing boats. Each fishing boat has different people with different interests. He and Xu Fu have been dealing with Shi Jiehua for the past ten or eight years, and Shi Jiehua and Li Hongyun are not the same. and. This even means that his relationship with Xu Fu and Li Hongyun is not good, and he cannot receive fish from those who go fishing on Li Hongyun's fishing boat.

"It's not easy to say that everyone caught a grouper worth 200,000 yuan or other valuable fish."

"But if it's just some black bream, or sea bass, it's not too difficult to find it."

"Xu Fu."

Why are there sea fishing boats engaged in deep sea fishing? Aren’t there more fish in the deep sea?
Zhao Dahai found a few islands and reefs, spotted the flowing water, and found schools of fish. People like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin were able to pull in sea bass like crazy.

Liu Baojiang looked at Xu Fu. This matter seems very complicated, or you may think that only a few people on Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat can catch fish worth 200,000 yuan. If you think about it carefully, you will find that this matter is very difficult to say, but it is easy to say. It's very easy again.

Sea bass in the deep sea are relatively large, weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms are more common.

Xu Fu had a little headache.

Both he and Xu Fu have been dealing with Shi Jiehua for many years. If the fish caught by Ouyang Hua and others are sold to Shi Jiehua, he and Xu Fu will have a great chance. However, the problem is the price. The price can be negotiated. The big deal Just a little more money.

People like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua all go fishing to make money. When they encounter a school of fish like this, they will definitely fish hard and not want to rest for a moment.

"In this way, won't you get the 200,000 yuan for a fishing position? If you are lucky and work harder, it will not be too difficult to make money."

Almost every fishing boat here at the pier, and even every person who goes fishing, has someone who is familiar with the acquisition. He and Liu Baojiang are indeed familiar with Shi Jiehua, but they are not particularly familiar with people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin.

The purchase price for such a big sea bass would be dozens of yuan. It was a good deal, but thirty yuan would definitely be unaffordable.

Five kilograms of fish cost 15,000 yuan at once, and if they could be fed, the price would double. If you do this kind of thing a few times, it won't be too difficult to get 200,000 fish.

"A top fishing master like Zhao Dahai will definitely be able to find schools of fish."

If Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin wanted to buy the fish they caught, Shi Jiehua had no choice but to talk to Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua.

For example, you can often catch a lot of sea bass in the reef foam area.

“In a month, even if you only fish for sea bass or black bream, you can probably catch 100,000 to 80,000 yuan or more.”

"Like this?"

In recent years, it has not been easy to find huge schools of fish in places such as the inner sea or the outer sea, but you can actually find quite a few in the outer sea.

"A deep-sea fishing boat must be fishing for large groupers or tuna."

The more Xu Fu thought about it, the more he felt that what Liu Baojiang said was very reasonable. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua must have returned from this trip full of fish.

"If you have a little better luck, someone will definitely catch a big fish!"

"But having said that, I'm not too worried about Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats not catching fish. I'm a little worried about whether people like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua will sell the fish to Shi Jiehua if they catch them."

Liu Baojiang frowned.


"Liu Baojiang."

"Things are not as complicated as you think. I think Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua must sell their fish to Shi Jiehua?"

Xu Fu rolled his eyes several times and suddenly understood the matter.


"Why do you say that?"

Liu Baojiang was a little strange. He had a headache about this matter, but Xu Fu thought it was not a problem. "Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua did go fishing with Li Hongyun's fishing boat before."

"But aren't you following Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat out to sea for fishing now?"

"The fish caught by people who have booked fishing spots will generally be sold to the boss of the fishing boat."

"I don't mean it's necessary to do this, but that's how it's usually done."

"Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua sold the fish they caught to Shi Jiehua, and the others couldn't say anything."

"Will Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua sell to Shi Jiehua?"

"If you can't catch fish, there's nothing to say. If you can catch fish, people like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua will definitely want to go fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat next time."

"How could it not be sold to Shi Jiehua?"

"Unless the price offered by Shi Jiehua is very low, but Shi Jiehua is very kind in business and would not do such a thing, the purchase price offered must be very safe."

When Xu Fu said this, he stopped, thought for a while, and told Liu Baojiang that Shi Jiehua's price was relatively low, or lower than others. If Ouyang Hua and others were unwilling to sell, he and Shi Jiehua could Let me tell you, raise the price, and the extra money you spend can be borne by the two of you.

Liu Baojiang immediately nodded and agreed to Xu Fu's idea without even thinking about it. Shi Jiehua's fishing boat mainly earns from fishing fees. He buys the fish, shrimps and crabs caught by people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin and sells them to himself or other people who buy fish, shrimps and crabs, which is just a little bit of money. Someone offered a higher price to the fish caught by people like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua. Shi Jiehua would not force people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin to sell it. If Shi Jiehua couldn't offer a higher price, he would definitely make no money. Just give up.

If he and Xu Fu wanted to collect these fish, they would have to offer Shi Jiehua a higher price.

Collect fish directly from people like Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin?
Shi Jiehua had a reason to buy the fish caught by Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin. He and Xu Fu had no such reason. If they wanted to get these fish, they had to go through Shi Jiehua.

There are various rules and regulations that everyone must abide by in a place like the dock. If you and Liu Baojiang directly rush to collect fish from people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin, you are breaking the rules. It is impossible to do business here for a long time. things.

"Actually, it's useless. I'm worried that people like Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua are unwilling to sell fish to Shi Jiehua."

"But don't forget another thing, that is, the fishing boat that went out to sea this time was a collaboration between Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua."

Xu Fu reminded Liu Baojiang.

Liu Baojiang's face suddenly became very ugly.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua had no special reason for booking fishing spots, especially if they and Xu Fu raised the price, it would be even more impossible not to sell to Shi Jiehua, but this time the fishing boat was owned by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua. Cooperation and Zhao Dahai obviously occupies the majority.

The two of them had friendship with Shi Jiehua, but not with Zhao Dahai.

The fish caught by Zhao Dahai's speedboat when he went out to sea all had their own buyers. For the fish caught by the fishing boat on this trip, the buyers Zhao Dahai is familiar with will 100% have a hand in it.

"I heard that Liu Gang from the Hongyun Restaurant above the town is one of the main buyers of Zhao Dahai Fishing?"

Liu Baojiang remembered something he had heard.


"The valuable fish caught by Zhao Dahai's speedboat out in the sea, especially the groupers, were all sold to Liu Gang. There was also another buyer, but we don't know too well."

"Recently, haven't they been saying that Zhao Dahai and Liu Gang took over the piece of land in the center of the town?"

"The relationship is very good!"

"Liu Gang will definitely not let go of the fish caught by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with. Maybe Liu Gang will be waiting here at noon!"

Xu Fu sighed. Shi Jiehua was very familiar with himself and Liu Baojiang. If Shi Jiehua really accepted these fish, shrimps and crabs, both of them would have a great chance of buying them. The price could be higher or lower. This can be discussed. things. The problem is that Zhao Dahai is the one who occupies the majority of this fishing boat. If the two of them want to collect these fish from the fishing boat, they have to deal with Zhao Dahai. Even if Zhao Dahai says that the fish will be sold to If it were Liu Gang or anyone else, Shi Jiehua would most likely not raise any objections.


"What can be done about this?"

"We can only wait for Shi Jiehua's fishing boat to return to the dock. We can get on the boat and see Shi Jiehua and ask how many fish there are. Then ask Shi Jiehua if we can harvest these fish."

Liu Baojiang thought about it over and over, but he had no solution at all. He could only act according to the situation.

The sun slowly rises.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. The dock is bare and unprotected. Coupled with the sunlight reflected from the sea, it is much hotter than other places.

Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang did not leave. They stayed at the edge of the dock and would glance at the sea from time to time to see if the four fishing boats had been moved back to the dock.

Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang didn't pay much attention at first, but at around ten or eleven in the morning, they found that more and more people were coming to the pier. Some of them could tell at a glance that they were just watching the fun, but some of them just didn't. own peers.

"Liu Baojiang."

"Everyone is staring at the fish from Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat!"

Xu Fu's face became increasingly ugly.


"These people just want to steal our business!"

"What do you want to do? Are they not abiding by the rules? If these people steal our business, don't blame us for being rude!"

Liu Baojiang glared at his colleagues around him.


"That's right!"

Xu Fu gritted his teeth. According to industry regulations, the fish on Shi Jiehua's fishing boat belong to himself and Liu Baojiang. It doesn't mean that others can't accept it, or that Shi Jiehua can't sell it to others, but he has to wait until he can't reach an agreement with Liu Baojiang and Shi Jiehua. The price is too low, and other people can do it if they don't want to. Go talk to Shi Jiehua.

Chen Hua walked onto the pier and chatted with a few people he knew well for a while. When he saw Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang, he walked over directly if he wanted to.

"Boss Xu. Boss Liu."

"Why are you still here on such a hot day? Have you already collected all the fish, shrimps and crabs here? What are you doing out in the wind and sun? Why don't you go home and sit and drink tea?"

Chen Hua greeted Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang and started passing out cigarettes.


"Don't you know why the two of us are here?"

Xu Fu took the cigarette, but his expression was a bit unpleasant. Chen Hua, like himself and Liu Baojiang, were all buying fish, shrimps and crabs here. If the two of them had finished collecting fish, shrimps and crabs at this time, they would have to go home to drink tea. If he takes a break, Chen Hua has to do the same thing.

Chen Hua appeared here at this time, and he was just as uneasy and well-intentioned as the other colleagues.

(End of this chapter)

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