Lin Yunxuan looked down at the knife in his hand. That knife has been with Bai Jinkun for many years, and she has seen it many times. He always carries it with him.

I heard about the history of growing up in some wealthy families, where they would be sent to various cruel trainings from an early age.

She leaned back against a tree trunk, lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering what kind of person you are." Lin Yunxuan said. "I seem to have never understood it."

"What kind of person am I important?" Bai Jinkun put away the knife. Hold Lin Yunxuan's hand with one hand. Now here in the woods again, it's almost evening. So, it's a little cold.

The warmth in his palm made her shrink a little.

But he didn't break away.

She needs to get used to her relationship with Bai Jinkun. Start with another relationship.


"You just need to know that I will be yours?"

Lin Yunxuan: "..."

Her ears burned.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind. Lin Yunxuan just stood up. Sure enough, I saw a little rabbit falling into the trap.

She was shocked. "how come?"

"Why not?" Bai Jinkun smiled. Calm down. "The grass on the ground here is what rabbits love to eat most. The grass around it has basically been eaten, and only here is left."

In addition, rabbits have no sense of danger. Therefore, it is inevitable that he will actually run in.

He easily lifted the rabbit and tied one of its legs. Keep it from breaking free. I just didn't take it over, but let it continue to be there.

Lin Yunxuan was puzzled. After a while, a voice came from behind again. One or two...

It turns out that Bai Jinkun used the rabbit to attract more companions.

Make them feel there is no danger.

Everyone from the program crew was hiding in the grass. The audience in the camera is watching this scene.

This is so damn fantasy. "Can you still play like this?"

"Like Li Xingwan catching king crabs?"

"One after another?"

They all thought that Bai Yingdi and Lin Yunxuan would run to catch them, wailing for a while, but in the end...

Bai Jinkun tied all the rabbits' legs together. Only one remains and continues to attract the others. The rest were all given to the program team.

It’s also very strange that there are still such things.

Until the tenth time, the rabbit that was used to attract its companions suddenly broke free of the rope. Run somewhere else.

"Hey!" Lin Yunxuan saw it and immediately ran over to catch it.

One person and one rabbit were very happy in the woods. Bai Jinkun didn't care about her anymore. I plan to let her play for a while first.

But suddenly, he noticed something was wrong.

"Lin Yunxuan!" His voice passed and asked Lin Yunxuan to come back immediately.

But in order to prove that she could catch rabbits, Lin Yunxuan had already run away. His voice was not heard.

"Yunxuan!" Bai Jinkun walked over.

The people from the program team also went over immediately. I was in a cold sweat all over my body. There shouldn't be anything there, right?

Although people from their program team have been observing here for a few days, they are only on the periphery. Didn't go deeper.

"Miss Lin!"

Lin Yunxuan followed the rabbit and saw it stopped under a big tree. The grass around it was very high, so he walked over timidly.

She immediately jumped forward to hold the rabbit in her arms.

But when she threw herself down, she suddenly hugged something cold.

She was immediately startled. His face also turned pale.

It seems to be associated with something.

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