"Ah!" she exclaimed, and immediately stepped back. Suddenly someone grabbed him by the collar and was dragged directly behind him.

The thing was frightened and immediately arched its body and opened its mouth to bite them. Lin Yunxuan happened to be caught in the eye by Lin Yunxuan who raised his head.


Bai Jinkun protected her.

Fortunately, when the python leaned down, the program crew released a smoke gun in time to scare it away.

"Ah!! I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death!!!" The live broadcast room had pop-ups.

"I'm going! Mang! There is actually Mang here!"

"And he was hugged by Lin Yunxuan!!"

Everyone gets goosebumps just thinking about it.

Especially when I saw the scene just now, I was almost frightened out of my mind.

"Why is it a desert island? There is nothing on a desert island? Or is it just such a large forest?!"

"Yunxuan!" Bai Jinkun hugged her.

"Ms. Lin." The people from the program team also came over immediately.

"Miss Lin."

But Lin Yunxuan was greatly frightened. At this moment, I was trembling all over and couldn't speak at all. Breaking into a cold sweat.

Bai Jinkun leaned over and took him outside.

Not far away, Li Xingwan and the others also heard screaming and were about to rush in to see what happened. I saw Bai Jinkun coming out with Lin Yunxuan in his arms.

"What happened?"

Bai Jinkun put Lin Yunxuan on the ground. "She was frightened."

"Lin...Ms. Lin just picked up a mango." The worker next to her said.

The director almost died of fright.

"Didn't I ask you to observe the surrounding area? Why is there still that one?"

What if something happens?

The staff also looked very bad. "We only observed those surrounding areas. After confirming that there was no problem, we set up a cordon in that area. As long as the atmosphere does not exceed that level, it will be fine. But Miss Lin ran in."

They didn't have time to remind them. "Yunxuan! Yunxuan. How are you?" Li Xingwan held Lin Yunxuan's hand. "How are you doing?"

"Xing...Xingwan..." Lin Yunxuan also held her hand. But it was shaking all the time, and I couldn't say anything else at all.

Especially the clothes on her body were also stained with that slippery thing, and... and her hands...

The audience can see that Lin Yunxuan has a deep psychological shadow.

"She was probably scared to death."

"If I got hold of that thing, I'd have to faint."

"Ah!!! Shadow Shadow, I can't stand it anymore!"

Li Xingwan also thought of this. But when they came out this time, they didn't prepare any other clothes at all.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a snake." Li Xingwan said.

Just a snake...

Lin Yunxuan was shaking even worse.

In the evening, I even developed a high fever. The body temperature is close to 39 degrees. It scared everyone and everyone on the program team.

But there was no way to go back now.

"Take medicine first, and give Miss Lin some antipyretics first." The program team immediately found some antipyretics. Fortunately, they were prepared for this in advance. Just afraid that something might happen.

As well as some wound medicine.

Li Xingwan drank it to Lin Yunxuan. "This is not a solution. She was frightened. It is estimated that if she doesn't come out, she will have a fever all night tonight. She may not be able to go away tomorrow."

The situation is dangerous.

"I feel sorry for my baby Yunxuan."

"She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has never been like this."

"I've never seen her finger cut."

"I'll transfer a private jet!" Bai Jinkun said immediately, wanting to take Lin Yunxuan back.

But Li Xingwan was still worried.

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