They actually asked them to catch a pair of "mandarin ducks."

Mandarin ducks...

Can there be any mandarin ducks on this desert island?

"Tsk!!!" I couldn't help but watch the two of them get stuck in the live broadcast room.

"This is really a disservice to the director."

"I actually let them catch mandarin ducks on a desert island."

"He probably has to find them a lake."

"It seems that Best Actor Zheng and Best Actress Wu will not be able to complete their tasks."

It's already getting so late.

Zheng Shaosu also knew this and looked at Queen Wu. "Other men are very useful, but they seem useless to me."

What he wanted to do was to show off his charm as a man.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yinghou stared at him. "You broke your arm, and you were seasick when you came here. What else do you want?"

"Then I'm not allowed to show off?"

"You thought I didn't know you during those decades?"

Zheng Shaosu: "...Anyway, I feel a little frustrated today."

Wu Qianqing understands his mood. He has been working extremely hard these days. At the same time, I felt a little distressed.

"Okay, don't think about it. At worst, we'll just stay here for another day tomorrow." Wu Qianqing looked into the distance. In fact, Zheng Shaosu didn't know. As long as you can stay with him, anywhere is the best.

That was when she was at her calmest.

I have been with him these days. She was also afraid that she would not be used to it if she looked back.

Afraid that he would suddenly be gone.

"Isn't it good?" Zheng Shaosu looked back at the bed. Although the program team provided a tent. But the environment is still the same simple.

"What's wrong? Life is a rare experience."

This made Zheng Shaosu's eyes light up. Yes, it’s a rare experience. And still with her.

On the director's side, he asked the crew to put fish meat where Li Xingwan caught the king crab.

There is no way, no way, it's too tempting, too tempting.

Those twenty king crabs are so tempting.

His mouth watered. But because, when exchanging jewelry the day before yesterday, he said something. Those things are owned by individuals. They can give it back if they want.

Don't contact the program team if anything happens.

Therefore, when he came to the desert island today, he knew that they might not be able to catch anything, so he said one more thing. "Everything caught belongs to the individual."

But I didn’t expect…

Hit the mouth! Hit the mouth!

This mouth really deserves a beating!

Why do you say that nicely? !

"I wonder if the director and others will catch it."

The live broadcast room is not closed yet. Everyone is still here.

Just don't let them see the guests sleeping.

But they were also interested in watching the director fish for king crab. How exciting! !

"Xingwan and the others can catch it, so can the director."

"And I have a hunch that when Xingwan catches the twenty-first fish, if she continues to put fish down, there will be more!"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

So everyone's eyes were fixed on the live broadcast room.


Twenty minutes passed.

Thirty minutes passed.

An hour passed...

"What's going on? Why isn't there any movement?"

"Does the king crab also sleep at night?"

"How is that possible? Are you going to try being a king crab?"

When you smell the fish you are eating, you should not immediately stretch out your paws.

Even the director was anxious and couldn't sit still. "What's going on? There's no movement at all. Did you put any fish at the entrance of the cave?"

"Let the director go." Others were also depressed.

The position they placed was exactly where Li Xingwan placed it.

"Director, why don't you wait a little longer? Maybe Miss Li caught too many people today. So they are afraid?"

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